El noi i l’ocell

El noi i l’ocell 2023


Enmig de la Segona Guerra Mundial, un noi adolescent, en Mahito, està afligit per la mort tràgica de sa mare. Després d'això ha de deixar Tòquio i traslladar-se a una casa en el camp, on l'espera la seva mare adoptiva, la Natsuko, que s'assembla d'allò més a la seva mare. El noi mira d'adaptar-se a aquesta nova vida, però l'aparició d'un bernat pescaire el turmenta i li capgira el món.


The blind side: Un somni possible

The blind side: Un somni possible 2009


Basada en fets reals, narra la història de Michael Oher, un jove afroamericà sense llar que troba ajuda i recer en una família blanca, disposada a prestar-li el suport necessari perquè pugui desenvolupar tot el seu potencial, tant per triomfar com a jugador de futbol americà com a la vida. Per part seva Oher també influirà en la vida dels membres de la família Touhy, que travessaran també per experiències de descobriment personal. El canvi d'ambient significa també nous desafiaments que el jove haurà de vèncer, esforçant-se per donar el màxim de si mateix com a esportista i com a persona.


Murmuris del cor

Murmuris del cor 1995


La Shizuku és una adolescent aficionada a la lectura, que ha planejat passar les seves vacances d’estiu llegint a la biblioteca i traduint cançons estrangeres. Però, els seus plans fan un gir inesperat quan descobreix que les fitxes dels llibres que agafa de la biblioteca tenen un mateix nom: Seiji Amasawa. Un dia, al tren, la noia coneix un gat misteriós que la porta a la botiga on Seiji treballa com aprenent de lutier i el seu somni és portar el seu art a Itàlia i anima la Shizuku perquè escrigui llibres


Nanny McPhee

Nanny McPhee 2005


Els germans Brown, els set xiquets més manifassers del món, acaben de perdre la mare, i per al pare cuidar-los i treballar a la funerària és massa faena. A més, la tia Adelaide, amenaça de deixar d'ajudar-los econòmicament si no es casa en el termini d'un mes.



L’onada 2008


Durant un projecte setmanal, el professor Rainer Wenger ensenya als estudiants de la seva classe el tema de la forma de govern. Els estudiants es mostren escèptics davant de la idea que pogués tornar una dictadura com la del tercer reich a l'Alemanya dels nostres dies i que ja no hi ha perill que el nacionalsocialisme torni a fer-se amb el poder. El professor decideix començar un experiment amb els seus alumnes per demostrar com és de fàcil manipular les masses.


Poli de guarderia

Poli de guarderia 1990


Arnold Schwarzenegger protagonitza un policia encobert, que es fa passar per un mestre de guarderia per atrapar un perillós criminal. Després d'haver guanyat l'afecte dels nens i l'afecte d'una mestra preciosa, es prepara per al moment decisiu amb la presa desitjada en aquesta comèdia d'acció tan divertida del director Ivan Reitman.


Rebel·lió a les aules

Rebel·lió a les aules 1967


Mark Thackeray, un enginyer negre sense feina, accepta una feina com a professor d'un grup d'estudiants força conflictius en una escola de la perifèria de Londres. Els seus alumnes són insolents i grollers però, en el fons, no tenen mals sentiments. Al principi intenta guanyar-se la confiança utilitzant els mètodes tradicionals, però fracassa tan estrepitosament que no tindrà més remei que recórrer a altres fórmules.


Iris i Stanley

Iris i Stanley 1990


Stanley, un home analfabet que treballa de cuiner en una fàbrica, intenta cridar l'atenció d'Iris, una treballadora que acaba d'enviudar i que intenta tirar endavant els seus dos fills. En certa ocasió, en sortir de treballar, un desconegut intenta robar la bossa a Iris i Stanley l'ajuda a perseguir el lladre. A partir de llavors s'estableix una relació entre ells i quan Iris descobreix que ell no sap llegir decideix ensenyar-lo.


Amor i lletres

Amor i lletres 2012


Desencantat amb el seu treball i amb un futur incert, Jesse Fisher torna a la seva antiga universitat per al sopar de jubilació del seu professor favorit. Una trobada fortuïta amb Zibby, una precoç estudiant de 19 anys, desperta en Jesse sentiments que creia oblidats. Tots dos senten una poderosa atracció que acaba en una relació amorosa, però hauran de fer front a nombrosos obstacles, especialment el de la diferència d'edat entre ells.


Escollir un amor

Escollir un amor 1991


Hilary (Julia Roberts) és una atractiva jove que ja gairebé ha renunciat a l'amor, i la resta de la seva vida tampoc no va gaire bé. Un dia decideix contestar un anunci en un diari, en què se sol·licita una noia atenta i servicial. Va a una luxosa mansió, on coneix Victor (Campbell Scott), un jove de bona família que pateix una leucèmia que tothom creu incurable, inclòs el seu dominant pare (David Selby).



Tweenies 1999


Tweenies Bella, Milo, Fizz and Jake get into many adventures such as visiting a farm, watching puppet shows, learning new songs and listening to stories.


Super Wings

Super Wings 2014


An action-packed preschool series about an adorable jet plane named Jett who travels the world delivering packages to children. On every delivery, Jett encounters a new problem that the he and his friends the Super Wings must work together to solve!


Learn Out Loud

Learn Out Loud 2015


Kelas Internasional (English: International Class) is an Indonesian sitcom based on the 1970s British sitcom Mind Your Language. It revolves around someone who teaches a Bahasa Indonesia class composing of students from many different countries. It is aired every day at 5:00 P.M. It has been aired in three seasons, the first from 18 June 2015 to 16 March 2016, the second from 28 March 2016 to 19 August 2016, and the third since 22 August 2016 to 17 February 2017.


Go Jetters

Go Jetters 2015


Go Jetters follows the adventures of four plucky international heroes, Xuli, Kyan, Lars and Foz, as they travel the globe with their friend and mentor Ubercorn, a disco-dancing unicorn. Together they save the world's most famous landmarks from the mischievous meddlings of their nemesis, Grandmaster Glitch.


Assassination Classroom

Assassination Classroom 2015


The students of Class 3-E have a mission: kill their teacher before graduation. He has already destroyed the moon, and has promised to destroy the Earth if he can not be killed within a year. But how can this class of misfits kill a tentacled monster, capable of reaching Mach 20 speed, who may be the best teacher any of them have ever had?



Löwenzahn 1981


Each 30 minute episode is dedicated to a separate issue or theme and consists mainly of related short featurettes, which explain, explore and educate how things of everyday life and even complex systems work. It spans a wide variety of topics from technology and industry to something as mundane as how the postal service works.


Bad Education

Bad Education 2012


Young teacher Alfie Wickers is "the worst teacher ever to grace the British education system" – at Abbey Grove School, in Watford, Hertfordshire.



Anderland 1980


Anderland was a 45-part German children's mystery television series which aired for the first time on 4 March 1980 on ZDF. It starred Carlo Ianni, Dirk Zalm, Mira Gittner and Loni von Friedl.


It's Not Rocket Science!

It's Not Rocket Science! 1993


C'est pas sorcier is a French educational television program that originally aired from November 5, 1994 to present.


Grey Home

Grey Home 1986


A moving story about the residents of correctional facility, rejected by parents and environment. Going through a strict regimen of life in the home, they are constantly trying to reverse the fate in their favor. Although they were given a chance to change, their actions always return to the beginning. Constantly on the border between personal whims and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become humans, they remain as wolves who find hard to change their mood. What finally remains is a perpetual dilemma whether their fate is innate, or is it forced by the communities in which they grew up...


Without Secrets

Without Secrets 1984


Without Secrets, is an educational television show broadcast on Israeli Educational Television during the years 1983–1986 and on reruns during the mid-1990s. The show was intended for lower grades of Elementary, seeking to help with their reading. The show was incorporated as an integral part of the school curriculum and was even accompanied by 10 study booklets and 5 enrichment booklets, published by the 'Center for Educational Technology'. The first-of-its-kind educational television broadcasts intended to teach children to read and would visualize to the viewer the process of reading through songs and sketches led by some well-remembered characters such as Gashash Balash and Itonish. The show's hosts Hanny Nahmias, Oshik Levi, Natan Natanzon, and Hanan Goldblat, and several other actors who'd participated on the show such as Shula Hen, Ofra Haza, Galia Isay, and Mati Sari. Plasticine Animation clips, introducing the characters "Alphy" and "Betty", were also featured.



Miaomiao 2016


Learning Mandarin Chinese is fun and easy for kids when they're in company with Miaomiao and friends.


Crash Course in Romance

Crash Course in Romance 2023


The series follows the bittersweet relationship between a banchan shop owner whose daughter enters the war of Korea's college entrance exams, and a top hagwon instructor.


Little Einsteins

Little Einsteins 2005


A group of musically gifted and ethnically diverse children travel around the world in an artificially intelligent rocket named Rocket.


Changing Majors

Changing Majors 2022


Lee Chang Sub (of BTOB) reviews various university departments, experiencing a day in the life of a student in that major. He is Jeongwaja, the man who changes his major everyday. A 2022 campus cultural revitalization project aimed at sharing information, capturing memories and promoting various departments.


Sowers of Hope

Sowers of Hope 2024


In 2002, newly graduated An Yan was assigned to teach at Heping Middle School in Changzhi County. Initially struggling with the rural school's environment, she eventually embraced the value of rural education and became a respected teacher. Throughout her journey, she worked to implement key programs and improve the educational environment for local children.


My High School Business

My High School Business 2017


Rosuke Narumi works at a trading company and he is pretty good at his job. He dates Satoko Matsubara. The trading company has a business relationship with a private high school experiencing some difficulties. One day, Rosuke Narumi is appointed as the principle of the private high school. Rosuke Narumi soon discovers how different the work environment is from his previous job. So the school can run in the black, Rosuke Narumi implements cost cutting measures. School staff members including Chihiro Mashiba oppose his plan.


The History of Sweden

The History of Sweden 2023


The great story of our country. About the people and forces that shaped it - from the Ice Age to the present day. Simon J Berger is the narrator of the series. The program series consists of ten parts and is based on reconstructions of historical events and people. Over 300 experts have contributed to the content and 100 of them appear in the series. The series' signature melody is composed by Ludwig Göransson and Per-Gunnar Juliusson.