
Sleepers 1996


Durant els anys 60, l'església dels Sants Àngels i la seva escola eren el centre de la "Cuina de l'Infern", un barri marginal de Nova York. Allí podien refugiar-se els nens marginats. John, Lorenzo, Michael i Tommy són quatre amics que intenten sobreviure en un barri d'immigrants i que tenen com a única guia moral el pare Robert Carillo, un home criat als carrers que intenta que no es desviïn del bon camí. No obstant, després d'una malifeta col·lectiva en què gairebé mor un home, els quatre nois són enviats a la Llar Wilkinson.



Sciuscià 1946


Dos joves enllustradors volen fer realitat el seu somni de tenir un cavall blanc, costi el que costi.


The Sea Beyond

The Sea Beyond 2020


Naples. Still an organized crime stronghold. For the inmates at the Juvenile Detention Centre, time and space are interrupted. Taken away from their families and friends, they now have the opportunity to understand who they have been, who they are, who they want to be.



Rainbow 2010


About ten years after the Second World War, a group of juvenile offenders are sent to the Shounan Special Reform School, a kind of juvenile detention center, to deal with the atrocities and injustices they experienced in the war.


Grey Home

Grey Home 1986


A moving story about the residents of correctional facility, rejected by parents and environment. Going through a strict regimen of life in the home, they are constantly trying to reverse the fate in their favor. Although they were given a chance to change, their actions always return to the beginning. Constantly on the border between personal whims and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become humans, they remain as wolves who find hard to change their mood. What finally remains is a perpetual dilemma whether their fate is innate, or is it forced by the communities in which they grew up...


Girls Incarcerated

Girls Incarcerated 2018


An eight-part documentary series that goes behind the scenes at Madison Juvenile Correctional Facility in Indiana, where teenage girls struggle to overcome their troubled pasts and find hope for the future.