Els odiosos vuit

Els odiosos vuit 2015


Sis, vuit o dotze anys després de la Guerra de Secessió, un diligència avança a tota velocitat pel hivernal paisatge de Wyoming. Els passatgers, el caça-recompenses John Ruth i la seva fugitiva Daisy Domergue, intenten arribar ràpidament al poble de Xarxa Rock, on Ruth, conegut en aquests lares com "el Botxí", lliurarà a Domergue a la justícia . Per camí, es troben dos desconeguts: el major Marquis Warren, una antiga soldat negre de la Unió convertit en caça-recompenses de mala reputació, i Chris Mannix, un renegat del sud que afirma ser el nou xèrif del poble. Com un torb està a punt d'aconseguir-los, Ruth, Domergue, Warren i Mannix es refugien en la Merceria de Minnie, una parada per diligències d'un port de muntanya. Quan arriben al local de Minnie, en lloc de rebre'ls seva propietària, es topen amb quatre cares desconegudes


El llibre de la selva

El llibre de la selva 1967


Després de la mort dels seus pares, Mowgli, un nen de tot just dos anys, queda abandonat a la selva i és recollit per un ramat de llops. En el si del ramat, Mowgli és criat com un llop més fins que creix i comença a desenvolupar-se per si mateix a la selva.



Tres-cents 2007


Adaptació del còmic de Frank Miller sobre la famosa batalla de les Termopiles, ocorreguda l'any 480 A.C. durant les Guerres Mèdiques, en les que Xerxes, emperador de Pèrsia, tractava de conquerir Grècia. Atenes va aconseguir convèncer a Leònides I, rei d'Esparta, perquè participés en la guerra contra els perses. Així, el rei Leònides i 300 espartans es van enfrontar a un immensament superior exèrcit persa...


Els altres dos

Els altres dos 2010


Allen Gamble i Terry Hoitz són un parell de policies de Nova York que viuen a l'ombra dels herois del cos, els superagents Christopher Danson i P.K. Highsmith. Però quan les coses es torcen a la gran poma, aquesta peculiar parella haurà d'aixecar els darrers del despatx de la comissaria i entrar en acció.


La princesa promesa

La princesa promesa 1987


Un noi amb grip rep la visita del seu avi, que s’entossudeix a llegir-li un conte. El clàssic "Una vegada hi havia..." és la porta d’un viatge a un món medieval ple d’aventures, duels amb espases i amors impossibles.


La boira

La boira 1980


A la costa de Califòrnia s'alça el pintoresc centre turístic d'Antonio Bay. Mentre els residents es preparen per a les celebracions del centenari de la ciutat, la tripulació d'un vell vaixell apareix brutalment assassinada. Al mateix temps, al mar, una misteriosa boira que amaga un mortífer secret comença a desplaçar-se inexorablement cada nit cap a la costa. Segons una llegenda local, aquests esdeveniments estranys estan aparentment relacionats amb un terrible esdeveniment succeït fa cent anys. A mesura que s'aproxima el dia del centenari l'horror s'acosta al clímax.


I tant que sí! Potser

I tant que sí! Potser 2008


Will Hayes (Ryan Reynolds) és un pare de trenta i escaig anys en ple divorci. La seva filla (Abigail Breslin) de deu anys li pregunta per la vida abans de casar-se, vol assabentar-se de com es van conèixer els seus pares, de com es van enamorar. Per contestar Maya, Will rememora el passat d'un jove idealista que aprèn els tripijocs de la política en una gran ciutat, i li explica que va conèixer tres dones. Desesperat, intenta construir una versió “tolerada” per a la seva filla i canvia els noms de les protagonistes. La Maya haurà d'endevinar amb quina de les tres va acabar casant-se. Qui és la seva mare? Emily (Elizabeth Banks), la núvia d'universitat de Will? O potser és la seva amiga de sempre, el seu confident, l'apolítica April (Illa Fisher)? Encara que també podria ser una ambiciosa i inconformista periodista anomenada Summer (Rachel Weisz). La Maya comença a unir les peces del trencaclosques romàntic del seu pare i entén que l'amor no és fàcil ni simple.



Daredevil 2003


Adaptació del llegendari heroi de còmic de Marvel -conegut com l'Home sense Por-. L'advocat Matt Murdock és cec a causa d'un residu radioactiu, però els quatre sentits més estan especialment aguditzats. De dia, Murdock representa els oprimits. A la nit, és Daredevil, un vigilant emmascarat que aguaita els foscos carrers de la ciutat, un implacable venjador de justícia.


Enemic meu

Enemic meu 1985


Enemics per instint, amics per necessitat, un humà i un alienígena amb aspecte de rèptil lliuren en un planeta hostil una dura batalla, part de la salvatge guerra que enfronta la terra amb el planeta Dracon, habitat per éssers monstruosos. Aquesta guerra assoleix una dimensió que pot posar en perill la supervivència dels dos planetes i pot conduir a l'extermini total, però només forçats a confiar l'un a l'altre aconseguiran sobreviure.


Annie Hall

Annie Hall 1977


L'Alvy Singer és un còmic que coneix una noia jove i prometedora, l'Annie Hall, i hi comença un idil·li ple de les típiques angúnies i malentesos. Ella és tota ingènua i vol fer carrera com a cantant a Manhattan. És nerviosa i insegura i es deixa dur pel Singer. Però a mesura que passa el temps, l'Annie madura i comença a buscar el seu propi destí. Per això es trasllada a Los Angeles per obrir-se nous camins. Per al Singer, Los Angeles és un territori foraster ple de personatges ridículs. Però l'Annie adora l'ambient d'aquesta ciutat i deixa el Singer sol a Nova York.





Seth is a boy who seeks to become a great magician, and a group of witches who seek to travel to the Radiant. Radiant is a mythical land that spawns monsters called "Néméses" which fall to the world from the sky. While traveling, they are also hunted by The Inquisition.


Arrested Development

Arrested Development 2003


The story of a wealthy family that lost everything, and the one son who had no choice but to keep them all together.


Thomas & Friends

Thomas & Friends 1984


Thomas & Friends is a British children's television series, which had its first broadcast on the ITV network on 4 September 1984. It is based on The Railway Series of books by the Reverend Wilbert Awdry and his son, Christopher Awdry. These books deal with the adventures of a group of anthropomorphised locomotives and road vehicles who live on the fictional Island of Sodor. The books were based on stories Wilbert told to entertain his son, Christopher during his recovery from measles. From Series one to four, many of the stories are based on events from Awdry's personal experience.


Cells at Work!

Cells at Work! 2018


This is a story about you. A tale about the inside of your body... According to a new study, the human body consists of approximately 37 trillion cells. These cells are hard at work every day within a world that is your body. From the oxygen-carrying red blood cells to the bacteria-fighting white blood cells, get to know the unsung heroes and the drama that unfolds inside of you! It's the oddly relatable and interesting story that is the life of cells!



Doug 1991


Doug Funnie experiences common predicaments while attending school in his new hometown of Bluffington, Virginia.


Dead Like Me

Dead Like Me 2003


When her life comes to an abrupt end, George discovers that death is nothing like she thought it would be. Recruited to collect the souls of others as they die, she suddenly finds herself an unwilling participant in a line of work she never knew existed: Grim Reaping!



Bananya 2016


Bananya is a series about the secret life of kitties who live in bananas.


Gugure! Kokkuri-san

Gugure! Kokkuri-san 2014


A little girl named Kohina ends up summoning a Kokkuri-san, a lower-ranking ghost in Japanese folklore. The Kokkuri-san she calls ends up being a white-haired handsome, young man. Although he had intended to merely haunt her at first, he becomes worried about her terrible eating habit of cup ramen for every meal, so he decides to haunt her in order to protect her.


The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins 2014


The “Seven Deadly Sins”—a group of evil knights who conspired to overthrow the kingdom of Britannia—were said to have been eradicated by the Holy Knights, although some claim that they still live. Ten years later, the Holy Knights have staged a Coup d'état and assassinated the king, becoming the new, tyrannical rulers of the kingdom. Elizabeth, the king's only daughter, sets out on a journey to find the “Seven Deadly Sins,” and to enlist their help in taking back the kingdom.


You've Been Framed!

You've Been Framed! 1990


You've Been Framed! is a British television comedy show, produced by ITV Studios for ITV where viewers send in humorous home videos. It is currently narrated by the comedian Harry Hill. During the show, the video clips are played and the people who sent them in receive £250. Before the advert break, a "What happens next?" competition, where the viewers have to guess what happens after a clip is frozen, or "Framed Gold Records" competition, where viewers have to guess how many times something can happen before something else happens, or "Are You A Cry Baby? Maybe" competition, where viewers guess if there will be tears before bedtime, is played. The answer is revealed after the break.


Watchmen: Motion Comic

Watchmen: Motion Comic 2008


When one of his former colleagues is murdered, the outlawed but no less determined masked vigilante Rorschach sets out to uncover a plot to kill and discredit all past and present superheroes. As he reconnects with his former crime-fighting legion — a disbanded group of retired superheroes, only one of whom has true powers — Rorschach glimpses a wide-ranging and disturbing conspiracy with links to their shared past and catastrophic consequences for the future.



Heimat 1984


Spanning 1919 to 1982, in the fictional village of Schabbach, lives Maria Simon and her family, whose lives and community are changed by historical events around them.


Earth From Above

Earth From Above 2006


Earth From Above is a documentary series dedicated to the major challenges faced by our planet, bringing the viewer beautiful High Definition images of the Earth. Each episodes talks about one particular environmental challenge.


Absurd Planet

Absurd Planet 2020


A cast of quirky critters and Mother Nature herself narrate this funny science series, which peeks into the lives of Earth's most incredible animals.


The Entire History of the Universe

The Entire History of the Universe 2021


The Entire History of the Universe (or History of the Universe) is a YouTube channel with a simple, if ambitious aim: to tell the story of how our universe began, grew, and will grow for trillions of years to come. Started by David Kelly, the joint creator behind History of the Earth and Voices of the Past (with his brother Pete Kelly, creator of History Time and the other “History Brother”), History of the Universe is based out of Spain. But David is English. Inspired by Cosmos and BBC´s long running Horizon series, our aim is to convey how wild our universe is on the largest and smallest scales, in a way that is understandable to anyone.


Kamen Rider Zero-One: Presidential Special

Kamen Rider Zero-One: Presidential Special 2020


Izu suddenly appears before Aruto in Satellite ZEA. However, there seems to be something off abouther appearance and speech! Izu claims she is suffering from a systems failure and has lost all of her data on Zero-One! In order to update Izu's data on Zero-One, Aruto decides to go back and revisit all of their previous battles.



TBC 2022


Production unknown.