Verge als 40

Verge als 40 2005


L'Andy és un home solter de 40 anys que treballa d'encarregat de magatzem en una botiga d'electrodomèstics de Los Angeles. Col·lecciona figuretes de superherois, li encanten els videojocs i es desplaça sempre en bicicleta. Durant una partida de pòquer els seus companys de feina descobreixen que, tot i que ja té una edat, encara no ha sucat mai el melindro. Un cop passada la sorpresa i la conyeta inicials, els tres col·legues decideixen posar fi a aquesta situació i maregen el pobre Andy amb consells no gaire afortunats. En el fons el que Andy desitja és trobar la felicitat i un amor de debò.


American beauty

American beauty 1999


Lester Burnham, un home de mitjana edat, es troba en plena crisi: està cansat de la feina i avorrit i decebut del seu matrimoni. Però Lester desperta a la vida quan coneix una amiga de la seva filla, una adolescent molt bonica a qui mirarà d’impressionar.


La petita

La petita 1978


Narra la història d'una nena de dotze anys (Brooke Shields) que viu a un bordell de Nova Orleans.


Una conilleta al campus

Una conilleta al campus 2008


La Shelly és una conilleta del Playboy que, després de ser expulsada de la famosa mansió Playboy va a parar a una germandat de noies d'una universitat. La Shelly haurà d'ensenyar moltes coses a les seves companyes d'estudis.


L’home de vímet

L’home de vímet 1973


Una carta que fa sospitar que una jove desapareguda ha estat assassinada porta el sergent Howie de Scotland Yard fins a Summerisle, una illa a la costa d'Anglaterra. Allà l'inspector s'assabenta que hi ha una mena de culte pagà, i coneix Lord Summerisle, el líder religiós de l'illa.



Porky's 1981


A Florida, durant la dècada dels cinquanta, un grup de murris adolescents que van junts a l'escola descobreixen el sexe i l'amor. Per deixar anar les seves necessitats intenten entrar a Porky's, un local de contactes, però, en negar-los l'entrada l'amo de l'establiment, conceben tota mena de gamberrades contra ell. A partir de llavors li faran la vida impossible per aconseguir tenir accés a les noies.


Jane the Virgin

Jane the Virgin 2014


A comedy-drama following a chaste young woman who is accidentally impregnated via artificial insemination as she struggles to inform her devoutly religious family and make the right choices concerning the child. Based on the telenovela "Juana la virgen."



Bottom 1991


Richie Richard (socially awkward, sexually inexperienced) and Eddie Hitler (carefree alcoholic ) are two social outcasts living on the dole. Trapped together in a squalid flat in Hammersmith, London they are perpetually skint, bored and sexually frustrated. They spend their days scheming, bickering, and being nasty and sadistic to each other.


Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid

Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid 2015


Tokonome Mamori is transferred to Mermaid - an artificial quarantine island for people with superpowers. When Mamori is attacked, a newly transferred girl named Mirei saves her. The enemy doesn't stop, however, and the two are soon cornered. Just when they think all hope is lost, Mirei kisses Mamori, and Mamori turns into a sword. Mirei then wields the sword and launches a counterattack against their enemies.


Woori the Virgin

Woori the Virgin 2022


A romantic comedy about a woman Oh Woo Ri, who intended to remain chaste until marriage, accidentally winds up pregnant while undergoing a medical examination.


Elizabeth I

Elizabeth I 2005


Elizabeth I is a two-part 2005 British historical drama television miniseries directed by Tom Hooper, written by Nigel Williams, and starring Helen Mirren as Elizabeth I of England. The miniseries covers approximately the last 24 years of her nearly 45-year reign. Part 1 focuses on the final years of her relationship with the Earl of Leicester, played by Jeremy Irons. Part 2 focuses on her subsequent relationship with the Earl of Essex, played by Hugh Dancy. The series originally was broadcast in the United Kingdom in two two-hour segments on Channel 4. It later aired on HBO in the United States, CBC and TMN in Canada, ATV in Hong Kong, ABC in Australia, and TVNZ Television One in New Zealand. The series went on to win Emmy, Peabody, and Golden Globe Awards. The same year, Helen Mirren starred as Queen Elizabeth II in The Queen, with which she dominated the award season.


Step Up Love Story

Step Up Love Story 2002


Makoto and Yura Onoda are a newly-wed couple with zero sexual experience. Yura is a shy and naive 25-year-old woman whose good looks grab men's attention, something that she dislikes because she gets embarrassed very easily. Her husband Makoto is of the same age, but as opposed to his wife, he loves having dirty thoughts about other women. Physically though, Makoto is truly faithful to Yura. Both of them may be virgins, but now that they are married, they are ready to dive into the world of sex, "practicing" as often as possible. However, the world of sex is complex, so they need all the help they can get to find their way through it. Thankfully, their friends, acquaintances, and porn media lend them a helping hand.


Literary Virgin

Literary Virgin 2018


Kanoko Tsukishiro is a 26-year-old woman who doesn't know what love is. She works in the literature editorial department. Saku Kagaya is a popular novelist who can not love. They fall in love with each other.


Rinko-san Wants to Try

Rinko-san Wants to Try 2021


Rinko Amaki is a successful 27-year-old woman who works at a busy wedding planning agency. She excels at her job to such an extent that she is promoted to lead her unit. She is popular, beautiful, and hard-working, but there is just one thing that frustrates her: Despite being surrounded by loved-up couples and romance all day at work for years, she is still single. And on top of that, she has never made love. She wants to lose her virginity, but has never found the right man. In a twist of fate, her male co-worker Gen Kamisaka, another wildly successful wedding planner is in the exact same predicament. Also aged 27, he has never had any intimate relations with a woman. The duo, having discovered they share the same “problem,” decides to do something about it. But they soon discover that work and physical intimacy are not easy to balance. And while they might have initially envisaged a quick and fuss-free fling, Cupid might have other plans for them...