
Avatar 2009


Any 2154. Jake Sully, un exmarine en cadira de rodes, és enviat al planeta Pandora, on s'ha creat el programa Avatar, gràcies al qual els éssers humans poden controlar de manera remota un cos biològic amb aparença i genètica de l'espècie nativa. Aviat es trobarà amb la cruïlla entre seguir les ordres dels seus superiors o defensar el món que l'ha acollit i sent com a seu.


L'home d'acer

L'home d'acer 2013


Quan el planeta Krypton està a punt de destruir-se, Jor-El i Lara envien el seu fill a la Terra amb el codi genètic de la seva espècie. El nen es cria amb una família de Kansas i, de mica en mica, va descobrint els poders que té. Quan ja és gran, Lois Lane, una periodista, el descobreix i l'ajuda a lluitar contra Zod, un general de kryptonià que l'ha anat a buscar a la Terra per transformar el planeta en una rèplica de Krypton sacrificant els seus habitants.


Espies disfressats

Espies disfressats 2019


L’espia Lance Sterling i el científic Walter Beckett són pols del tot oposats. En Lance és tranquil i afable. En Walter, no. Un dia, la història gira de manera inesperada i, per aquest motiu, es veuran obligats a fer-se confiança d’una manera completament nova. I si aquesta parella tan estranya no és capaç de treballar en equip?


One Strange Rock

One Strange Rock 2018


A mind-bending, thrilling journey exploring the fragility and wonder of planet Earth, one of the most peculiar, unique places in the entire universe, brought to life by the only people to have left it behind – the world’s most well known and leading astronauts.



Gaialand 2022


In the Paris of the 80's, a group of young idealists, sensing an ecological catastrophe to come, want to show that another world is possible. Guided by a mysterious Amerindian shaman, they practice veganism, set up organic stores and live in teepees in the middle of buildings. Quickly accused by their families and the press of being manipulated, they start a long ecological march through Europe. A chase begins between the members of this community and those who accuse them of being under their control. After 10 years of wandering, the "Tribe" finally settles in Finland, in the extreme conditions of the Great North, to live its Utopia of a tribal life in harmony with nature: how far are they willing to save "Gaïaland"? Thanks to unique archives and rare testimonies of former followers, the "Gaïaland" series dives into the fascinating true story of this community and its demons.


Ghost Tales

Ghost Tales 2022


A genre-jumping anthology series wherein individuals communicate with the dead.


Idol, Protect the World

Idol, Protect the World 2015


Different from the others, Sosa, Eco & Bion were born with supernatural powers. Using individual powers, they were told to protect the world. Now, not using their "powers", but through "songs" they will save the world.



Heated 2023


Climate change is real. It’s happening now. Big policy, implemented properly and urgently, is needed to change our world … but some people are quietly doing amazing things to make our island a better place. Heated tells their stories. Heated is a new 6-part series on RTÉ One and RTÉ Player dealing with climate change.