Llegendes de passió

Llegendes de passió 1994


William Ludlow és un coronel separat de la seva dona que viu amb els seus tres fills en un gran ranxo de Montana, als turons de les Muntanyes Rocalloses. La Primera Guerra Mundial i una bella dona canviaran el destí de cadascun per sempre. Els seus fills són l'indòmit Tristan, el assenyat Alfred i el menor Samuel, que acaba de portar al ranxo la bella promesa, Susannah.



L’incorruptible 1949


Jenny Marsh és una ex-presidiària que, després de passar cinc anys a la presó i aconseguir la llibertat condicional, estableix una estreta relació amb l'agent que l'ha de vigilar.


Commander in Chief

Commander in Chief 2005


Mackenzie Allen has a lot on her plate -- she has twin teenagers, a 6-year-old at home and an ambitious husband at the office, and she is about to become the first female president of the United States. Before that happens, however; Mackenzie, who serves as vice president, has to decide whether or not to go against the dying wishes of the current president, who has asked her to step down and let someone "more appropriate" fill his shoes in the Oval Office. Not only does the president want her to resign, so does the entire party that elected her in the first place. But when the moment of truth arrives, Mackenzie isn't willing to be a mere footnote in history. Instead of allowing her detractors to keep her down, she decides to trust her instincts and accept the most powerful job in the world.