The Batman

The Batman 2022


Quan un assassí es dirigeix ​​a l'elit de Gotham amb una sèrie de maquinacions sàdiques, un rastre de pistes críptiques envia Batman a una investigació als baixos fons. A mesura que les proves comencen a apropar-se a casa seva i es fa evident la magnitud dels plans de l'autor, Batman ha de forjar noves relacions, desemmascarar el culpable i fer justícia a l'abús de poder i la corrupció que durant molt de temps han assolat Gotham City.


American gangster

American gangster 2007


Nova York, 1968. Frank Lucas és el taciturn xofer d'un important mafiós negre de Harlem. Quan el seu cap mor inesperadament, Frank aprofita l'oportunitat de construir el seu propi imperi. Gràcies al seu talent, es converteix no només en el principal narcotraficant de la ciutat, inundant els carrers amb productes de millor qualitat i preu, sinó també un home públic molt respectat. Richie Roberts, un policia incorruptible marginat per la seva honradesa que coneix bé els carrers, s'adona que una persona aliena als clans s'enfila per l'escala del poder. Tant Roberts com Lucas comparteixen un estricte codi ètic que els aparta dels altres i els converteix en dues figures solitàries a costats oposats de la llei. Quan es trobin, l'enfrontament entre ells serà inevitable.


Vellut blau

Vellut blau 1986


Un matí, Jeffrey Beaumont, després de visitar el seu pare a l'hospital, troba entre uns arbustos una orella humana. La guarda en una bossa de paper i la porta a la comissaria de policia, on l'atén el detectiu Williams, que és veí seu. Comença així una misteriosa intriga que desvetllarà estranys successos esdevinguts en una petita localitat de Carolina del Nord.


Road House

Road House 1989


Dalton té un doctorat en Filosofia, però ha optat per guanyar-se la vida com a vigilant de locals de contactes, una professió força ben remunerada. Contractat per mantenir l'ordre al Double Duce a Jasper, Missouri, resulta ferit en la seva primera nit al local i és atès per "Doc" Clay, una bella doctora de la localitat. De seguida se n'enamora, però hi ha un altre home que s'interposa entre tots dos: Brad Wesley, un extorsionador i capo mafiós.



Trainspotting 1996


Un retrat generacional d’una colla de nois inadaptats d’Edimburg, enganxats a les drogues. És un film transgressor en forma i contingut que va irrompre amb força en la cinematografia britànica.



Collateral 2004


Un sicari despietat utilitza un taxista a punta de pistola en el seu propòsit d'assassinar cinc persones que han de testificar contra un càrtel de narcotraficants. El film transcorre durant una sola nit a la ciutat de Los Angeles.


Moulin Rouge

Moulin Rouge 2001


París, al voltant de 1900. El món ha estat conquerit per la revolució de Bohèmia. Satine, l'estrella més rutilant del Moulin Rouge, enlluerna tota la ciutat amb els seus balls plens de sensualitat i la seva enorme bellesa. Atrapada entre l'amor de Christian, un jove escriptor, i l'obsessió del duc, lluita per fer realitat el seu somni de convertir-se en actriu. Però, en un món on val tot excepte enamorar-se, res no és fàcil.


Atrapat pel passat

Atrapat pel passat 1993


Carlitos Brigante, un antic traficant d'heroïna d'origen porto-riqueny, surt de la presó després de cinc anys de reclusió, disposat a deixar el tràfic de drogues. Amb l'ajuda d'un advocat cocaïnòman aconsegueix fer-se soci d'un club nocturn i intenta reprendre la relació amb la seva ex-xicota, però no és fàcil seguir el bon camí dins del món del crim.


La bèstia

La bèstia 2024


En un futur pròxim, on la intel·ligència artificial reina, les emocions humanes s'han convertit en una amenaça. Per a alliberar-se d'elles, la jove Gabrielle (Léa Seydoux) ha de purificar el seu ADN submergint-se en les seves vides passades. En aquest viatge a través del temps, es retroba amb Louis (George Mackay), el seu gran amor. No obstant això, la por a una inquietant premonició s'apodera d'ella: té la sensació que s'aveïna una catàstrofe.


La gran bellesa

La gran bellesa 2013


A Roma, durant l'estiu, aristòcrates, arribistes, homes polítics, criminals d'alt vol, periodistes, actors, nobles decadents, prelats, artistes i intel·lectuals teixeixen una trama de relacions inconsistents que es desenvolupen en fastuosos palaus i viles. El centre de totes les reunions és Jep Gambardella, un escriptor de 65 anys que va escriure un sol llibre i practica el periodisme.


L’olla de grills

L’olla de grills 1996


"L'olla de grills" és un famós cabaret gai de Florida que aplega una clientela esnob. El seu director, l'Armand Goldman, fa 20 anys que viu en parella amb l'Albert. Un bon dia l'Armand s'assabenta que el seu fill Val, producte d'un error juvenil, està promès amb la Barbara Keeley, filla d'un senador conservador. El noi visita el seu pare per presentar-li la seva promesa i els seus futurs sogres, però tots plegats ignoren en quin món viu l'Armand.


Quina nit!

Quina nit! 1985


En finalitzar la jornada laboral, un solitari empleat d'una companyia d'informàtica (Griffin Dunne) es veu embolicat en una sèrie d'estranyes circumstàncies que el porten a un dels pitjors barris de Nova York. Allà, viurà una interminable i esbojarrada nit...


Anatomy of Hell

Anatomy of Hell 2004


Una dona s’intenta suïcidar en una discoteca gai, però un home li salva la vida. Més tard, la dona li fa una proposició remunerada: que durant quatre nits, l’home —que és homosexual— vagi a casa seva per observar-la en els seus moments més íntims. Un film gairebé de cambra que tracta la misogínia i l’addicció sexual.


25th Hour

25th Hour 2002


Monty (Montgomery) Brogan és un venedor de drogues de Manhattan condemnat a set anys de presó, que viu el seu últim dia de llibertat abans d'entrar en la presó. La condemna imposada per la justícia és de 7 llargs anys, als quals Monty no té l'esperança de sobreviure. En 24 hores repassa la seva vida i s'acomiada de tots els privilegis que va aconseguir com a narcotraficant: entrada VIP en discotecas, fama i prosperitat econòmica.


T.H.E. Cat

T.H.E. Cat 1966


T.H.E. Cat is an American action drama that aired during the 1966-1967 television season on NBC, co-sponsored by R.J. Reynolds and Lever Brothers. The series was created by Harry Julian Fink, the creator of Dirty Harry . Robert Loggia starred as the title character, Thomas Hewitt Edward Cat. T. H. E. Cat is a forerunner of television characters such as The Equalizer, who skirt the edges of the law and bring skills from earlier careers on behalf of those needing more help than the police can offer. The series preceded the 1968-1970 ABC television series It Takes a Thief, which was also about a cat burglar who used his skills for good.


The Danny Thomas Show

The Danny Thomas Show 1953


Danny Thomas, an entertainer, tries to balance his home life with the needs of his career, with hilarious results.


The Lucy–Desi Comedy Hour

The Lucy–Desi Comedy Hour 1957


The Lucy–Desi Comedy Hour is a collection of thirteen one-hour specials airing occasionally from 1957 to 1960, and originally served as part of Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse. Its original network title was The Ford Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Show for the first season, and The Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse Presents The Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Show for the following seasons. It was the successor to the classic comedy, I Love Lucy, and featured the same major cast members. The production schedule avoided the grind of a regular weekly series. Desilu produced the show, which was mostly filmed at their Los Angeles studios with occasional on-location shoots at Lake Arrowhead, Las Vegas and Sun Valley, Idaho. CBS reran the show under the "Lucy-Desi" title during the summers of 1962-1967, after which it went into syndication.



Power 2014


A successful New York entrepreneur lives a double life as the head of a drug empire that serves only the rich and influential, all while wanting to escape the underworld and keep his family safe.


The Naked Director

The Naked Director 2019


Follows the rise of Tooru Muranishi, one of Japan's most notorious directors of adult video. Adapted from a biography of the man, this series depicts the character, his art, vision and his interactions with the approving and disapproving folk around him.


Out All Night

Out All Night 1992


Out All Night is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from September 19, 1992 to July 9, 1993 for one season. The series stars Patti LaBelle, and was created by Andy Borowitz, Susan Borowitz, and Rob Edwards.


The Idol

The Idol 2023


After a nervous breakdown derailed Jocelyn's last tour, she’s determined to claim her rightful status as the greatest and sexiest pop star in America. Her passions are reignited by Tedros, a nightclub impresario with a sordid past. Will her romantic awakening take her to glorious new heights or the deepest and darkest depths of her soul?


Hidden Truths 2

Hidden Truths 2 2021


With no money and a sick young son, Angel returns to the underworld of fashion and luxury. Giovanna believes that Angel killed her father and will do anything to put her in jail. As a result, they start a personal war, which involves Cristiano, a private investigator.



Beat 2018


Robert Schlag, nicknamed "Beat", is a Berlin club promoter who lives for the excesses of sex, drugs and the city nightlife. His connections to the underworld lead the police to use Beat to try and infiltrate a notorious organ smuggling ring.


Night Beauties

Night Beauties 2023


The Kingdom Night Club “mamasan” Sa Ching-ha and her girls Shek Wai-king, Man Nga-lun, Kong Kit-yee and Yue Hau-hau get along well. Each of the quintet has her own reasons for playing the role of midnight lady. But they all have certain issues in their romantic relationships. After sacrificing everything for her boyfriend Dave, Nga-lun realizes she has been scammed. Wiseguy Cheuk Chi-fei wants to help her get out of this mess. However, their relationship becomes complicated due to Wai-king’s presence. Kit-yee has to make a choice between playboy Marco Hui and her old schoolmate Wong Tsun-kui. Hau-hau is messed up because of some freeloader. Ching-ha keeps waiting for her husband Lee Ching-lung to be released from prison. However … When nightclub people engage in power struggles, they do not hesitate to use dirty tricks to overpower their opponents. Moreover, everywhere is triad territory, and danger lurks around every corner in this place of indulgence and decadence.


Phoenix Nights

Phoenix Nights 2001


The owner of The Phoenix Club is the wheelchair-bound Brian Potter, who has presided over two clubs in the past: the first (The Aquarius) flooded, the second (The Neptune) burned down. His ambition (with the help of Jerry St Clair) is to see The Phoenix Club become the most popular in Bolton and thus outdo his arch-nemesis, Den Perry, owner of rival club The Banana Grove.


It's Always Jan

It's Always Jan 1955


It's Always Jan is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from September 10, 1955 to April 28, 1956. The series stars Janis Paige as single mother 10-year old daughter and night club singer Jan Stewart.


Hot Sluts

Hot Sluts 2009


Endless cleavage, bitchy girl fights, and an 800-pound disco ball. All in one slutty nightclub.



Dante 1960


Dante is a short-lived NBC adventure/drama television series starring Howard Duff as Willie Dante, a former gambler who operates Dante's Inferno, a San Francisco, California, nightclub. Alan Mowbray co-starred as Stewart Styles, the Maitre d'; Tom D'Andrea as Biff, Dante's "man Friday", and Mort Mills as police Lieutenant Bob Malone. Dante claims to have put his past behind him but has retained old associates Stewart and Biff. While his club is legitimate, neither the police nor the mob believe that he is truly finished with the criminal underworld. Dante's old associates in crime keep appearing at the club in efforts to lure him back to the underworld. Dick Powell had previously played Dante in eight episodes of his Four Star Playhouse, initially written by Blake Edwards, who had previously created the radio drama Richard Diamond, Private Detective for Powell. There, Willie operates an illegal gambling operation in the back room of the "Inferno", which police soon shut down. The only regular from the Four Star Playhouse version to be cast in the series as well was Mowbray, who had first played a millionaire named Jackson who had gambled away his fortune and then worked as one of Dante's waiters. These episodes were subsequently rebroadcast under the collective title The Best in Mystery.



Casablanca 1983


In this prequel to the movie, set from June 1940 to November 1941, American Rick Blaine runs the Cafe Americain in Casablanca and deals with Nazis, French, and locals in this center of World War II intrigue.


The Morey Amsterdam Show

The Morey Amsterdam Show 1948


The Morey Amsterdam Show is an American sitcom which ran from 1948-1949 on CBS Television and 1949-1950 on the DuMont Television Network, for a total of 71 episodes.


The Duke

The Duke 1954


The Duke is an American comedy series that aired on NBC from July to September 1954.



Stardust 2024


Docu-series telling the full and unvarnished story of the Stardust nightclub fire and the 43-year search for justice undertaken by the families of those killed in the fire.


The Club

The Club 1970


The Club was a reality show about the competitive and cutthroat world of ICE, the stand-alone nightclub in Las Vegas. The series aired on Spike TV from 2004 to 2005. The show was an insiders look at the pressures and demands the people behind the party face in making ICE the ultimate nightlife experience. It featured appearances from such DJs as Donald Glaude, Paul Oakenfold, DJ Dan, Tiesto and Armin Van Buuren.