De presidi a primera plana

De presidi a primera plana 1977


Roy Tucker està a la presó per haver matat el sàdic marit d'Ellie Riggens, la dona que estima. Algú, a canvi d'un favor sense determinar, li ofereix la llibertat perquè s'hi pugui casar a Amèrica Central. Tucker accepta la proposta, però quan arriba el moment de complir la seva promesa, s'adona que no és gens fàcil.


Sniper Standoff

Sniper Standoff 2013


When a secret police operation fails, sniper Lee Ho-yeung develops a personal grudge towards his co-worker Ko Chun-kin. Ho-yeung eventually decides to leave the police force and becomes the president of a firearms association, colluding with organized crime on the sky. Through abusing the trust of an unknowing detective and the trust of his girlfriend who still works with the police unit, Ho-yeung has secretly been working against Chun-kin, who has been kept in the dark the whole time. But when Chun-kin starts to suspect the clues within multiple murder cases, a tense standoff between the brothers unfolds.