Abans de tu

Abans de tu 2016


La Louisa Clark, la Lou, és una noia inestable i creativa que viu en un petit poble de la campanya anglesa. Ha perdut el rumb, i salta d'una feina a l'altra per ajudar la seva família a arribar a final de mes. Malgrat això, una nova feina posa a prova la seva alegria habitual. Al castell que hi ha al poble, s'ha d'ocupar de cuidar i acompanyar el Will Traynor, un banquer jove i ric que es va quedar paralític després de patir un accident.


Arma fatal

Arma fatal 2007


Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg) és, sens dubte, el millor policia de Londres. Les seves detencions superen un 400% el segon millor agent del Cos. És tan bo que, comparat amb ell, qualsevol poli és dolent. Per això els seus superiors decideixen traslladar-lo a un lloc on el seu talent no posi ningú en evidència, a Sandford, un aparentment adormit i pacífic poblet.


Els miracles del cel

Els miracles del cel 2016


La jove Annabel Beam és una nena de deu anys que pateix un estrany i incurable trastorn digestiu. La seva mare Christy fa tot el que està a la mà per intentar ajudar la petita, però sense resultats. Després d'un terrible accident que gairebé ocasiona la seva mort, Annabel supera la seva malaltia gràcies a un miracle que deixa sense parla la família, els metges i tota la comunitat.


La mesita del comedor

La mesita del comedor 2023


Una parella acaba de ser pares i no passa pel millor moment de la relació, però el que no s'imaginen és que la compra d'una tauleta per al menjador esdevindrà la pitjor decisió de les seves vides.


Millennium Actress

Millennium Actress 2002


El director de cinema Tachibana decideix fer un documental sobre la vida de Chiyoko Fujiwara, una coneguda i reverenciada actriu japonesa que es va retirar misteriosament de la professió ja fa diverses dècades. Tachibana troba una envellida Chiyoko a la seva residència, i allà li comença a explicar la seva història.


Una nit fora de control

Una nit fora de control 2017


Cinc amigues lloguen una casa davant de la platja de Miami per celebrar un comiat de soltera, però la festa arriba massa lluny i l'stripper contractat acaba mort.


El rastre del delicte

El rastre del delicte 2014


Malcolm, un inspector de policia de Sydney, Austràlia, rep un tret durant una operació antidroga. Per sort, l'armilla antibales li salva la vida. Després de l'operació, ell i els seus companys celebren l'èxit de l'operació en un bar on beuen més del compte. Quan torna a casa aquella nit, atropella accidentalment un jove ciclista, i, tot i que s'atura per tal d'ajudar-lo i mirar de reanimar-lo, quan arriba l'ambulància decideix mentir sobre l'incident. Els remordiments per aquest acte acabaran afectant la seva vida i la de tots els que l'envolten. Mentrestant, un company policia no s'acaba de creure la versió d'en Malcolm i comença a investigar per saber què va passar realment aquella nit.


Very bad things

Very bad things 1998


En Kyle marxa amb els seus amics a Las Vegas a celebrar el comiat de solter tal com dicten les normes. De sobte, es troben amb un mort al lavabo. Aquest cadàver serà el desencadenant dels esdeveniments.


Dolores Claiborne: L’ombra d’un crim

Dolores Claiborne: L’ombra d’un crim 1995


Dolores Claiborne, majordoma de Vera Donovan, una vella rica de Maine, és la principal sospitosa del seu assassinat. Selena, periodista de Nova York i filla de Dolores, es desplaça fins a Maine. El detectiu John Mackey està convençut de la culpabilitat de Dolores, a qui uns anys abans no havia pogut acusar de la mort del seu marit.


Casa’t amb mi

Casa’t amb mi 2006


Tot comença quan Anderson provoca, literalment, la mort de la seva núvia, degut a la impressió que li provoca que li demani matrimoni en un restaurant de moda. Després d'un any sumit en la autocompassió, el seu millor amic l'incita a obrir-se de nou a les possibilitats de la vida. Seguint el seu consell, Anderson proposa matrimoni a la primera dona que apareix davant els seus ulls: La Katie, una cambrera que està treballant en el cafè en el que es troben. La Katie accepta la proposta d'Anderson. A partir d'aquí comença una aventura desgavellada que demostra com pot arribar a ser de difícil l’amor, sobretot quan et cases amb un estrany.


El meu camí interior

El meu camí interior 2023


Un escriptor d’èxit aficionat a les experiències extremes i als viatges en solitari té un accident que el deixa en coma. Quan se’n recupera, amb prou feines pot caminar. Però en contra dels consells de tothom, decideix emprendre un viatge a peu des de la Provença fins el Mont Saint Michel per petits senders oblidats que travesses algunes de les regions més aspres, inhòspites i belles de França.


Look Up There's Starlight

Look Up There's Starlight 2020


A tragic accident turns the life of a young woman upside down. Revolving in the world of high fashion, the story follows an innocent Cinderella who is reborn as a domineering CEO. Xue Qiluo once thought that she had the perfect love, yet she lost everything in a fire on the day of her boyfriend Lu Zhiyao's (Niu Zifan) engagement to his fiancee. Three years later, Xue Qiluo returns as Qin Shu (Liu Jia), the president of a company entering into the Chinese market for haute couture. With the Lu Group being a strong opponent, Qin Shu finds her way back into Lu Zhiyao's life.


Black Cinderella

Black Cinderella 2021


Abema original new story. Kamiya Manaha is a high school girl with little confidence in herself. Her dream since she was a child was to enter the Miss Seiran Contest, a beauty pageant that decides who is the most beautiful girl in school. Manaha calls herself a super ordinary girl but one day she gets a chance to enter the pageant. She then meets Tachibana Keigo, a narcissistic, perfect, national treasure-level handsome guy, and Shimamura Sora, a mysterious transfer student. On the day of the contest, Manaha is just a step away from her dream stage…


Crash Landing on You

Crash Landing on You 2019


A paragliding mishap drops a South Korean heiress in North Korea -- and into the life of an army officer, who decides he will help her hide.



Collision 2009


The story of a major road accident and a group of people who have never met, but who all share one single defining moment that will change their lives.


K.O.3an Guo 2017

K.O.3an Guo 2017 2017


While testing out the interdimensional traveling gear, the representatives from KO One accidentally repeated the same mistake their predecessor made: They crushed Liu Bei with a boulder. In order to maintain silver dimension's timeline, Zhi Ge assumed the identity of his doppelganger Liu Bei and completed the sworn brotherhood ceremony with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. As he awaits for Liu Bei's recovery, Zhi Ge must learn the ins/outs of Silver dimension while avoid being exposed as a fake.



Clash 2018


Six young adults, aged from 19 to 25, have to visit a rehab centre after a hospital stay.


World's Most Amazing Videos

World's Most Amazing Videos 1999


World's Most Amazing Videos is a reality television series that showcases accidents, disasters, police chases and other extraordinary events that are caught on video camera. These videos normally shown anybody involved in these aforementioned incidents survive nonetheless. Although it is similar in content to the other series Real TV and Maximum Exposure, it takes a more serious tone. Originally, the show appeared on NBC as a timeslot filler program. A new series of episodes of the show were created in 2006 first-run for Spike TV, after a six-year hiatus from the NBC stint. Until the year 2008, all episodes of the show were narrated by Stacy Keach. From that point on, the season was narrated by Erik Thompson. The show is broadcast in the UK on Bravo and Channel One, in which David Wartnaby served as the narrator of the first season followed by Lee Boardman in the second season of broadcast in the particular country, and is expected to return in 2012. In Australia, it is shown on the pay-TV channel FOX8. The series was given its own local name titled Global Shockers for the Philippines market and it was hosted by Johnny Delgado.



Limit 2013


Mizuki Konno is a high school student. She belongs to the the most powerful group in the class, which is led by Sakura Himezawa, so she can have a peaceful school life. One day, on the way to a school exchange event, a school bus driver becomes unconscious due to overwork. The bus goes off a cliff.


Come What May

Come What May 2023


Alize, who lost her mother the day she was born, is a beautiful but very selfish young girl who was spoiled and raised by her father. Alize, who goes crazy when she learns that her father is getting remarried, decides to fake a marriage with a man he would never allow her to marry in order to take revenge. However, things will not go as planned


Please Feel At Ease Mr. Ling

Please Feel At Ease Mr. Ling 2021


A story of how the 'rabbit' brings home a 'big bad wolf' follows a young woman named Gu An Xin who chances upon the hotshot executive Ling Yue after he encountered an accident. Gu An Xin picked up a man. At first, she thought he was stupid, but after a few days of interaction, he proves himself to be a genius. As it turns out, Ling Yue got into an accident after being caught in the ugly fight for succession of a powerful conglomerate.


Irreplaceable Love

Irreplaceable Love 2020


After Li Chu Yao loses her younger brother Chu Chen to an accident, Li Luo Shu, the orphan who lives across the street, takes Chu Chen's place in the Li household to appease his mentally unstable mother. Years pass, and Luo Shu develops romantic feelings for his ‘older sister’, though decides to keep them hidden after Chu Yao falls in love with and gets engaged to Han Zi Mo. Unfortunately, Han Zi Mo goes on the run after loan sharks come knocking at his door, and Chu Yao is left with a mountain of debt. Luo Shu is gravely injured while trying to protect her, and Chu Yao eventually realizes who she truly loves. They promise to spend the rest of their lives together, yet are soon forced apart by reality.


49 Days

49 Days 2011


After an accident shatters her storybook life, a comatose woman gets a second chance at life when a reaper from above intervenes, at a cost.


The Returned

The Returned 2012


In the shadow of an enormous hydraulic dam, the lives of the residents of a small French town are changed to their core when hundreds of previously dead relatives all return home on the same day.


Kutyil Ltd.

Kutyil Ltd. 2008


Kutyil Ltd. is a continuation of the series Neighbours. But heroes are no longer Laszlo and Ildikó, but Lajos (Andy Kraus) and Tunde (Viki Ráková) Gyönörű. In addition, viewers will get to know not only them but also their daughter, Emese (Michaela Szoczová). Lajos works as a handyman and his repairs are always funny. There is also a magyarized slovak which often makes funny phrases.


Welcome to the El-Palacio

Welcome to the El-Palacio 2011


The story revolves around a man who loses his memory in a traffic accident and wakes up surrounded by the women of the El Palacio – a female professional wrestling group. Unable to regain his memory, he ends up living with the El Palacio and becoming their referee.



Sisyphus 2020


Ex-cop Zhang Haifeng discovers new clues about his daughter's death while investigating a serial murder case. After a fatal encounter, he wakes up in the past, just before his own death. Using this second chance, he races to unravel a decades-old conspiracy and alter his daughter's fate.


Band of Sisters

Band of Sisters 2017


Kang Ha-Ri, with her bright personality, works part-time at a stationary store and a nail shop. Min Deul-Re was a popular actress, but she isn't so popular these days. Kim Eun-Hyang worked as a secretary prior to the birth of her daughter, but she now focuses on raising her daughter. These three women lose their most loved ones around the same time. Even though they are not related, they rely on each other to get through the tough times.


To Our Dreamland of Ice

To Our Dreamland of Ice 2022


Three generations of the Yan family and their deep connection to ice and snow sports.


Critical Incident

Critical Incident 2024


A police officer pursuing a teenage suspect onto a busy train platform, knocks a bystander onto the train tracks, critically injuring them. As an intense investigation commences, the lives of the pursued and the pursuer are thrown into turmoil.