No Other Land

No Other Land 2024


Basel Adra, un activista palestí de Masafer Yatta, a Cisjordània, lluita contra l’expulsió massiva de la seva comunitat per part de les autoritats israelianes. Documenta l’eradicació a càmera lenta dels pobles de la seva regió natal, on els soldats israelians enderroquen les cases i n’expulsen els habitants. En un moment determinat coneix en Yuval, un periodista israelià que li dona suport. I sorgeix una improbable aliança entre tots dos.


Demà, quan comenci la guerra

Demà, quan comenci la guerra 2010


L'Ellie i els seus amics d'institut decideixen passar una setmana d'acampada en una vall paradisíaca que els aïlla completament de la realitat, però una nit apareixen en el cel avions de guerra que volen a poca altura. Des d'aquest moment hauran d'aprendre a sobreviure i a lluitar contra forces militars hostils. El que comença com una aventura estiuenca per adolescents despreocupats adquireix de pressa un tint apocalíptic en esclatar una imprevisible guerra contra Austràlia.



Golda 2023


Se centra en les responsabilitats i decisions intensament dramàtiques i d'alt risc que va enfrontar Golda Meir, també coneguda com a 'Dama de Ferro d'Israel' durant la Guerra del Yom Kippur.


A French Village

A French Village 2009


The stories of the people of Villeneuve, a fictional subprefecture, in the Jura, in German–occupied France during the Second World War.



Colony 2016


In the near future a family must make difficult decisions as they balance staying together with trying to survive. They live in Los Angeles, which has been occupied by a force of outside intruders. While some people have chosen to collaborate with the authorities and benefit from the new order, others have rebelled — and suffer the consequences.



Occupied 2015


In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the newly elected environmental friendly Norwegian government has stopped the all important oil- and gas-production in the North Sea.


Tomorrow When the War Began

Tomorrow When the War Began 2016


This dramatic adventure series tells the story of a group of teenagers who are separated from their families following an invasion of their country, a conflict they never saw coming.



Traitor 2004


A psychological elimination game show in which nine contestants must work out which of them has turned traitor in order to win £5,000. All claim to be telling the truth, but two are lying.