Paraula clau Pre Teen
La Fonte des neiges 2009
Akeelah and the Bee 2006
El nòvio de la meva mare 2007
Rosie (Michelle Pfeiffer), una dona de 40 anys, productora d'"Endavant, noia", un programa sobre adolescents riques de color, passa les tardes pensant en diàlegs i jugant a les Barbies amb la seva filla, Izzie (Saoirse Ronan ). Però tot això és a punt de canviar. El programa va malament i el treball de Rosie és a la corda fluixa. Mentrestant, Izzie té problemes. S'ha començat a cansar de les Barbies, la seva primera menstruació és a tocar i ja comença a adonar-se de com fa molt de mal el primer amor: s'ha enamorat d'un noi de la seva classe que ni tan sols se n'ha adonat que ella existeix…
Madu 2024
F+ 2024
Irgendwo in Berlin 1946
Fidil Ghorm 2025
Red Rock Run 1970
Tiptoe 2020
Champ de bosses 2020
I'm an actrice 2004
Beetlejuice 1989
The adventures of preteen goth Lydia Deetz and her undead friend Beetlejuice as they explore The Neitherworld, a wacky afterlife realm inhabited by monsters, ghosts, ghouls and zombies.
The Last Kids on Earth 2019
Young teenager Jack Sullivan and a group of friends live in a decked-out tree house, playing video games, eating candy, and fighting zombies in the aftermath of a monster apocalypse.
Uninhabited Planet Survive! 2003
It is the 22nd century where anti-gravity and warp travel are commonplace. However, the green Earth only exists in history book, people live in space colonies instead. Luna is a transfer student whose parents passed away when she was young, leaving her alone with her robotic cat Chako. Her dream is to become space exploration expert like her parents. A mistake during a school trip strands her and six of her classmates on a seemingly uninhabited planet. Here she must lead the introvert Shaara, the mechanic expert Shingo, the quiet Kaoru, the spoiled Howard, the obedient Bell, and the prideful Menori in s battle for their survival.