Pusher 1996
Un thriller sobre traficants de droga, ambientat als baixos fons de Copenhaguen i protagonitzat per un camell a qui plouen els problemes.
Un thriller sobre traficants de droga, ambientat als baixos fons de Copenhaguen i protagonitzat per un camell a qui plouen els problemes.
Una noia va ser trobada, atropellada i morta, en un arbre. El cas, tancat en fals com a accident de trànsit, es torna a obrir quan un vell amic i col·lega de Carl Mørck se suïcida durant la seva festa de comiat. A partir d’aquest moment, Mørck i els seus companys participaran d’una inquietant investigació.
Un antic missatge és trobat en una ampolla a Escòcia després d'un llarg viatge a través de l'oceà. La nota és difícil de desxifrar, però quan l'investigador danès del departament Q ho aconsegueix, tractarà juntament amb el seu particular equip de resoldre un altre diabòlic cas abandonat tot i que les petjades d'aquest pràcticament han desaparegut.
El detectiu Carl Mørck i el seu soci Assad, del Departament Q de la Policia de Copenhaguen, especialitzada en casos especials, investiguen el brutal assassinat de dues joves bessones en una casa d'estiu. La pel·lícula relata l'obertura del cas, que va ser tancat amb la confessió d'un personatge marginal del poble, malgrat que la policia sospitava d'un grup d'estudiants de classe alta.
Darrere d'una paret falsa hi ha tres cadàvers momificats al voltant d'una taula, al costat d'un seient lliure. Carl i Assad segueixen les pistes fins a una institució on tenien lloc experiments mèdics. Allà, intenten descobrir qui havia d'ocupar el quart seient.
Després de cometre un error que va costar la vida d'un dels seus col·legues i va deixar tetraplègic el millor amic, l'inspector Carl Mørck (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) travessa una de les pitjors èpoques de la seva vida. El seu sentiment de culpabilitat augmenta quan el cap i la premsa dubten de la seva actuació. Relegat a un nou departament dedicat a casos no resolts, Carl, juntament amb el seu nou company d'origen sirià Hafez al-Assad (Fares Fares), veu l'oportunitat de demostrar la seva vàlua en descobrir les nombroses irregularitats comeses en el cas de Marete Lyngaard ( Sonja Richter). Quan el 2002, aquesta jove promesa de la política danesa va desaparèixer mentre feia un viatge en ferri, la policia va decidir tancar el cas per falta de proves. Aquest és el naixement del Departament Q i el seu primer cas per resoldre...
Cinc dies abans de Nadal, Isaïes, un nen groenlandès de sis anys, és trobat mort a la neu per Smila, la seva protectora. Davant la indiferència i l'hostilitat de la policia, Smila emprèn pel seu compte la investigació sobre la mort misteriosa del noi.
Una peli de gàngsters nòrdica però decididament "coeniana", que abans de res és un western "noir", però també una comèdia delirantment absurda i descaradament negra, en irrefrenable estat de gràcia. Ciutadà exemplar, el Nils passa l'hivern noruec conduint el seu camió llevaneus. Quan el seu fill es trobat mort d'una sobredosi, es veurà immers en una trama de drogues. Atrapat entre la màfia sueca i la sèrbia, el nostre heroi comptarà amb el seu enorme vehicle com a única arma.
Roger és el “headhunter” (caçatalents) amb més èxit de Noruega. Porta un tren de vida de luxes que no es podria permetre sense els ingressos obtinguts de robar obres d’art. Coneix Clas Greve, el candidat perfecte per fer de conseller delegat a l’empresa per a qui treballa i que, a més a més, és propietari d’una pintura de gran valor. Roger hi veu l’oportunitat d’aconseguir la independència financera. La cacera ha començat...
Després de passar 13 mesos a la presó, Tonny (Mads Mikkelsen) busca el seu pare, Smeden (Leif Silvestrer), un terrible gàngster dels baixos fons de Copenhaguen, que dirigeix un garatge de cotxes robats destinats a l'exportació. Comença a treballar per a ell com a lladre de cotxes, intentant demostrar-li la seva vàlua, però no ho aconsegueix. Al final, contreu amb el seu pare un deute que és incapaç de saldar. Segona entrega de la saga "Pusher".
After having success in Asia, businessman Aksel Borgen is asked back to his hometown in Norway to save an important local firm despite it being 20 years since he was sentenced and later acquitted for murdering his high school sweetheart.
When a body is found on the bridge between Denmark and Sweden, right on the border, Danish inspector Martin Rohde and Swedish Saga Norén have to share jurisdiction and work together to find the killer.
Investigator Jan and profiler Louise constantly move around in the thrilling periphery of a murderer's view as they link a series of killings.
The death of a matriarch brings forgotten secrets out into the open and causes a prolonged battle for the family inheritance.
After Frank The Fixer Tagliano testifies against his Mafia boss in New York, he enters the Witness Protection Program and makes an unusual demand: he wants to be set up with a new life in the Norwegian small town of Lillehammer or as he calls it, Lilyhammer.
Frank Nordling is a young and exceptionally promising defense lawyer. When Frank learns the truth behind his parents' death, his whole world unravels. As children, Frank and his sister Sara witnessed their parents die in an explosion caused by a car bomb. As Frank finds out, they were murdered by one of the leaders in Copenhagen's criminal underworld, Thomas Waldman. In order to avenge his parents Frank must infiltrate Waldman's organization and become his personal lawyer and trusted confidant. To avoid putting those close to him in danger, Frank has to keep up appearances and play the game. But can he handle it? Is it worth the price? And who's really tricking whom?
The body of a murder victim turns up in a small Icelandic village just as a major snowstorm cuts the region off from the rest of the world.
Private detective Varg Veum lives, and is consulted in various criminal cases, in Bergen on the west coast of Norway.
An elite, seven-member team is tasked with solving the most complex crimes in Sweden, from murder and drug trafficking to espionage.
When Sofia Karppi, a detective in her 30's who is trying to get over her husband's death, discovers the body of a young woman on a construction site, she triggers a chain of events that threatens to destroy her life again.
The beautiful island of Sunnanö in the Swedish archipelago is home to a popular B&B run by Anna-Lisa and her son Oskar. Anna-Lisa has summoned her daughter Jonna, an actress, and son Lasse, an opportunist, to the island. It is the first time in years that they are together again. When Anna-Lisa is found dead one morning, the siblings learn that she had terminal cancer: Her will stipulates that all three siblings must run the family B&B together for a year, or they won't inherit it at all. It is a mother’s last effort to reunite her children. But it will also confront them with the family’s unsolved past, present forces of attraction, and a very dark secret buried in a most unfortunate place...
During a routine search of an old cabin in the remote and wintery back country, Finnish policewoman, Nina Kautsalo, discovers two dead prostitutes, with a third still fighting for her life. The ensuing investigation takes a surprise twist when an extremely rare and deadly virus is discovered in the surviving woman’s bloodwork. When the Finnish Bureau of Investigation takes over the case, German virologist, Thomas Lorenz is called in to assist in identifying and containing the virus. Set within the endless white expanse of the arctic circle, Nina and Thomas must rely on each other to have any hope of saving the ones they love. But what takes precedence? A deadly virus or an active serial killer?
The Killing is a Danish police procedural set in the Copenhagen main police department and revolves around Detective Inspector Sarah Lund and her team, with each season series following a different murder case day-by-day and a one-hour episode covering twenty-four hours of the investigation. The series is noted for its plot twists, season-long storylines, dark tone and for giving equal emphasis to the story of the murdered victim's family alongside the police investigation. It has also been singled out for the photography of its Danish setting, and for the acting ability of its cast.
The story of DI Kari Sorjonen of the Serious Crime Unit in Lappeenranta, his family, and his investigations into a variety of harrowing homicides around the border area.
Empathetic, meticulous and relentless - the only thing to escape Larvik detective William Wisting in his hunt for Norway's most notorious criminals is a happy family life. And when two mysterious deaths interrupt Wisting's Christmas, it is the beginning of a showdown with the deadliest killer of them all.
After a number of murders of prostitutes at a motorway stop near Berlin, in a rear courtyard in Antwerp, and in a brothel in Copenhagen, Europol decides to form a taskforce to tackle the case. Harald, a Dane, Jackie, a German, and Alice from Belgium embark on the hunt for the killer. As the case unfolds, the killings prove to be just the tip of the iceberg, the iceberg itself being a large, pan-European criminal organization involved in everything from drugs and financial crime to corruption, hired killings and not least people trafficking , illegal labor and prostitution.
In an isolated and inaccessible Antarctic research station in which winter has fallen on the South Pole and the sun will soon disappear for the next six months, a small team, known as the Winterers, remain at the Polaris VI Antarctic Research Station to continue their innovative research. Renowned biologist Arthur Wilde is determined to find a solution to climate change, but his quest turns into a nightmare when several of his esteemed scientists suddenly begin to die.
Stella is a young, cute, libertine, tough, confident, intelligent, cunning Icelandic lawyer with a flexible moral compass who takes on mysterious and often dangerous cases and only loves rules when she's breaking them.
An incendiary hate crime stirs civil unrest, fast-tracking rookie cop Kurt Wallander to detective in this origin story for the popular character.
In the near future a new phenomenon starts happening all over the world with powerful flashes of light occurring in the ocean and people from the past mysteriously reappearing. Called "beforeigners," these people come from three separate time periods: the Stone Age, the Viking era and late 19th century. A couple of years later, Alfhildr – who comes from the Viking Age – has to partner up with a burned-out police officer, Lars Haaland, to investigate the murder of a beforeigner. The pair begins to unravel a larger conspiracy behind the origin of the mysterious mass arrivals.