La guerra dels mons

La guerra dels mons 1953


Prop d'un petit poble dels Estats Units cau el que sembla un meteorit. Tothom corre a investigar l'esdeveniment, fins que descobreixen que l'objecte no era el que semblava. Del meteorit emergeix una mena d'ull que comença a disparar un raig que acaba amb tot aquell que s'encreuï en el seu camí. És una nau marciana, que junt amb moltes altres, ha arribat a la Terra per conquerir-la. La invasió aquesta prenent lloc al llarg de tot el planeta i ni la bomba atòmica pot detenir-los. La humanitat està perduda...


Copernicus' Secret - Triumph of Science

Copernicus' Secret - Triumph of Science 2023


The sun revolves around the earth - for more than 1500 years, this world view of the Greek astronomer Ptolemy was seen as an incontrovertible truth. It fit perfectly into the Christian worldview, in which the earth and God's creation were the center of the world. But in the Ptolemaic calendar, the date and the seasons diverged. The pope demanded a calendar reform. The astronomer and scholar Nicolaus Copernicus was also commissioned to do so. But Copernicus had long ago discovered something groundbreaking and revolutionary. Although it would set the calendar right, it threw the pious Christianity into a serious conflict: The earth revolves around the sun! A dangerous thought. Should he publicize his scientific calculations, or should he continue to hold to the Christian worldview?