Paraula clau Anniversary
45 Years 2015
Superman 75 2013
Town & Country 2001
L'home infinit 2014
El Dean, de 32 anys, un talentós científic i fanàtic del control, aconsegueix reconstruir a consciència un aniversari de nuvis ja passat en un solitari motel al desert per impressionar la seva núvia, la Llana. Però les coses comencen a sortir malament quan el seu ex-xicot, el Terry, els espatlla el cap de setmana. El Dean, creient que la Llana encara estima el Terry, es veu aclaparat per la gelosia i acaba la relació. Ple de pesar per les seves accions precipitades, el Dean s’exilia al motel durant un any per construir un dispositiu per poder viatjar a través del temps i convèncer la Llana d’usar-lo amb ell per canviar els esdeveniments d’aquest fatídic cap de setmana. No obstant això, la constant lluita del Dean per la perfecció el porta a una espiral cada vegada més tensa de múltiples “Deans” que competeixen entre ells (i amb el Terry) per l’amor de la Llana.
L’última oportunitat 2017
Després de deu anys de convivència, el xicot de la Chloe, l'Eric, no ha madurat com ella voldria. Amb l'esperança que canviï d'una vegada, el deixa. Però sis mesos després, l'Eric li dona a la Chloe una notícia bomba: s'ha promès i es casa la setmana següent. Molt afectada, la Chloe se'n va de vacances per refer-se, però la mala sort vol que triï l'hotel on l'Eric i la seva promesa celebraran el casament. Convençuda que el seu ex-xicot comet un gran error, la Chloe dubta entre oblidar-lo definitivament o boicotejar la boda.
Just the Way You Are 2015
Witchouse 1999
Heureux anniversaire 1962
Sunny Side Up 2015
No. 1 Sentai Gozyuger 2025
In the distant past, a great battle known as the "Universe War" erupted between all Super Sentai robots and a colossal "calamity." This war, later called the "Universal Great War," was brought to an end by a giant deity named Tega Sword. This transcendent being, imbued with the power of all Super Sentai, fell into slumber after sustaining injuries. Hoeru Tono, a young man drifting between part-time jobs, finds himself fired once again. Around the same time, the mysterious organization "Bridan" begins attacking Earth to awaken Tega Sword. Suddenly, Tono is enveloped in a strange space where he encounters Tega Sword. He learns that gathering special "rings" will grant him any wish. Without a specific wish in mind, Tono resolves to aim for the "Number One" and fights as Gozyu Wolf against Bridan. What wish will Tono eventually discover? And who are the other ring warriors?
Ultraman Mebius 2006
Ultraman Mebius is a Japanese television series produced by Tsuburaya Productions and Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting. It is the 17th TV series and 40th anniversary production in the Ultra Series, which first began in 1966. It premiered on the Tokyo Broadcasting System on April 8, 2006. Unlike the two prior entries, Ultraman Nexus and Ultraman Max, Mebius was moved from Saturday mornings to Saturday evenings at 05:30. "Mebius" is the Japanese approximation of Möbius; the Möbius strip is a recurring motif in the series and the show going to air in Korea in April 2012. The series opens with the introduction of the rookie Ultraman Mebius, who is sent to Earth by the Father of Ultra. The series is set 40 years after the shows of Ultraman, and makes many references from Ultra Q through to Ultraman 80.