Utena, la noia revolucionària: Apocalipsi adolescent

Utena, la noia revolucionària: Apocalipsi adolescent 1999


Un reservat jove de port galant és transferit com a nou estudiant a ingressar a la prestigiosa Acadèmia Ohtori. Aviat es revela la seva veritable identitat com Utena Tenjo, la noia que vesteix de príncep en honor a les seves més elevades aspiracions degudes a cert esdeveniment del passat. Però una vegada a l'escola es troba ni més ni menys que amb el seu antic amant, el misteriós president del Consell d'Estudiants Touga Kiryuu, i obté així el mateix Emblema de la Rosa que porta ell, un singular anell que autoritza i eleva a títol de Duelista al seu portador. Tan aviat Utena és desafiada a batre's en duel contra el vicepresident Kyouichi Saionji, actual duelista campió, es veurà estretament involucrada amb Anthy Himemiya, la Núvia de la Rosa, trofeu dels duels que tanca en el seu cos el tan cobejat secret del "Poder per revolucionar el Món ". Adaptació reformulada de la sèrie de televisió Revolutionary Girl Utena.


Revolutionary Girl Utena

Revolutionary Girl Utena 1997


Utena is a tomboyish school girl who attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. Her strong sense of chivalry pulls her into a series of duels with other members of the Student Council for the possession of the Rose Bride.


Beryl & Sapphire

Beryl & Sapphire 2018


"I've been holding a few words back for a long time — I like you!" "Beryl and Sapphire" is a popular manhua created by artist Ocarina. Here includes protagonists with the most random names in history — the mild-mannered Beryl (Green) and the easily-embarrassed Sapphire (Blue). At times the closest of friends, at others the worst of enemies… In this donghua where each episode is set in a different world, how would they encounter each other time and again?? Only angst? Too painful! Nothing but fluff? Too sugary! Come watch B&S, the show where you'll never guess the ending…



Sarazanmai 2019


After accidentally breaking a statue of the guardian god of the Asakusa district, middle school students Kazuki, Toi and Enta are transformed into kappas -creatures from japanese folklore- by Keppi, self-proclaimed prince of the Kappa Kingdom. If they want to regain their human form, they must collect the five Dishes of Hope for him, which fulfill the wishes of whoever possesses them. To do so, they will fight against the kappa-zombies and extract their "shirikodama", the mythical organ containing humans' deepest desires. Two policemen, Reo and Mabu, are the ones behind this evil scheme, turning humans into zombies as agents of the Otter Empire, enemy of the Kappa Kingdom since ancient times. In the guise of "Kappazon, Inc.", they control society by manipulating the desires of the masses for their own goals. To succeed in their mission, the boys must be connected through the "Sarazanmai", revealing their most intimate secrets in the process...