
Migration 2023


La família Mallard s'ha quedat 'estancada'. Mentre el papa Mack se sent realitzat cuidant de la seva família en el seu estany de Nova Anglaterra, mama Pam es mor de ganes de viure la vida i fer descobrir als seus fills –l'adolescent Dax i la petita Gwen– el món en tota la seva amplitud. Després que una família d'ànecs migratoris arribi al seu estany amb meravelloses històries de llocs llunyans, Pam aconsegueix convèncer a Mack que han de viatjar a la tropical Jamaica passant per Nova York. Els Mallard emprenen el viatge cap al sud per a passar l'hivern, però res surt com estava previst. L'experiència els ajudarà a descobrir horitzons desconeguts, a fer nous amics, a viure experiències que mai van imaginar, i de pas, a conèixer-se millor.



Ratatouille 2007


Remy és una simpàtica rata que somia de convertir-se en un gran xef francès malgrat l'oposició de la seva família i del problema evident que suposa ser una rata en una professió que detesta als rosegadores. El destí porta llavors a Remy a les clavegueres de París, però la seva situació no podria ser millor, ja que es troba just sota d'un restaurant que s'ha fet famós gràcies a Auguste Gusteau, una estrella de la cuisine. A pesar del perill que representa ser un visitant poc comú (i per descomptat gens desitjat) en els fogons d'un exquisit restaurant francès, la passió de Remy per la cuina posa de cap per avall el món culinari parisenc en una trepidant i emocionant aventura.



Cremat 2015


Un xef amb dues estrelles Michelin, ha perdut tot el prestigi per culpa del seu caràcter i els problemes amb les dones i la droga. Després d'haver passat un temps lluny de l'alta cuina decideix tornar-hi i obrir un restaurant amb uns quants cuiners que coneix per aconseguir la tercera estrella, però el seu caràcter no li posarà les coses fàcils. A més, a París va deixar uns quants assumptes per resoldre, i aquests últims anys el món de la cuina ha canviat molt.



Xef 2014


Carl Casper és un xef entusiasta que treballa en un restaurant francès de Los Angeles. Les seves ganes d'innovar a la cuina xoquen frontalment amb les reticències al canvi del propietari del restaurant, que es nega a modificar el menú el dia de la visita d'un important crític gastronòmic. La desastrosa ressenya que li escriu serà el detonant del canvi de vida del Carl, que decidirà muntar un camió de menjar per cuinar el que vol en companyia del seu fill de deu anys.


El menú

El menú 2022


Una jove parella viatja a una de les destinacions més exclusives del món per sopar en un restaurant que ofereix una experiència culinària única. Tot i això, el xef ha preparat un ingredient secret que tindrà un resultat sorprenent en els dos enamorats.



Pig 2021


Un caçador de tòfones que viu sol a la zona salvatge d'Oregon, torna a Portland per recuperar la seva estimada truja tofonera que ha estat segrestada.


Jo soc l’amor

Jo soc l’amor 2010


L’Emma i el Tancredi, els seus fills Elisabetta, Edoardo i Gianluca, els companys i promesos d'aquests, els avis, el llinatge i les futures generacions, celebren la successió i lliurament del negoci familiar i la consolidació. Una consolidació progressiva dels papers que cada vegada és més temuda doncs són conscients de la classe a la qual pertanyen: la gran burgesia industrial de Llombardia. El jove cuiner Antonio condensa emocions en plats que no haurien d'estar en la tradició culinària de la família. Tant l’Emma com l’Antonio són personatges que no encaixen en l'univers al qual pertanyen, i la passió desemboca en una col·lisió que farà que tots dos trenquin amb tots els lligams i entrin en contacte directe amb la naturalesa.


Una pastisseria a Tòquio

Una pastisseria a Tòquio 2015


Sentaro té una petita pastisseria a Tòquio en la qual serveix dorayakis (pastissets farcits d'una salsa anomenada"an"). Quan una simpàtica dona s'ofereix a ajudar-lo, ell accedeix de mala gana, però ella li demostra que té un do especial per fer"an".


Boiling point

Boiling point 2021


La nit més concorreguda de l'any en un dels restaurants de moda a Londres, un carismàtic cap de cuina intenta fer front a una crisi personal i professional que podria destruir el treball d'una vida. La visita inesperada d'un inspector de sanitat i seguretat alimentària augmenta la pressió sobre el personal mentre no deixen d'arribar més clients. El cap de cuina intenta fer tot el possible per dissipar les tensions i atendre les ridícules demandes dels seus clients.


Pastisser i xef

Pastisser i xef 2023


Des que era un nen, en Yazid ja sentia una gran passió per la rebosteria. El seu somni era treballar amb els millors pastissers i esdevenir el millor xef. El jove s’ha criat a llars d’acollida i això li ha forjat un caràcter indomable. Encara que, per tenir èxit a l’elitista món de la pastisseria, el jove haurà de superar els traumes i canviar d’actitud.


The Magical Chef of Ice and Fire

The Magical Chef of Ice and Fire 2021


Nian Bing is the son of a fire mage and an ice mage. After both of his parents were killed by the Ice Lord, Nian Bing received both of his parents' magic gems. When Nian Bing was trying to escape from the Ice Lord's followers, he managed to cast both fire and ice magic at the same time. An impossible feat for a mage. He fell from the cliff, unconscious, and was saved by an oldman. After he woke up, the oldman gave him a food so delicious he never tasted before. It turned out that the oldman was a genius chef, once called a spirit chef. And he wants Nian Bing to be his disciple no matter what! Is Nian Bing able to seek vengeance while aiming to become the greatest chef?


The Bear

The Bear 2022


Carmy, a young fine-dining chef, comes home to Chicago to run his family sandwich shop. As he fights to transform the shop and himself, he works alongside a rough-around-the-edges crew that ultimately reveal themselves as his chosen family.


Hell's Kitchen

Hell's Kitchen 2005


Aspiring restaurateurs brave Ramsay and his fiery command of the kitchen as he puts the competitors through an intense culinary academy to prove they possess the right combination of ingredients to win a life-changing grand prize.


Smile Again

Smile Again 2010


Raised in America by his mentally handicapped mother Anna, Dong Hae dreams of traveling to Korea to propose to the woman he loves.. After qualifying for a speed skating competition, he smuggles his mother to Korea with him, but his undying devotion to her soon begins causing him problems. Finally reconnecting with his lost love Saewa, Dong Hae finds his affections divided when things don’t work out as he planned in this award-winning daily drama.


Jewel in the Palace

Jewel in the Palace 2003


Orphaned Jang-geum becomes the first female physician in the Joseon Dynasty and her determination is tested when people around her start showing their true faces.


The Rich Son

The Rich Son 2018


Lee Gwang Jae is the son of a rich family who is reckless and immature. His father dies and leaves behind large debts. Gwang Jae promises to pay off his debt for his father's honor, but it's not as easy as he thinks. Kim Young Ha supports Gwang Jae with her positive personality and love, giving encouragement to him whenever he needs it.


Culinary Class Wars

Culinary Class Wars 2024


Eighty "Black Spoon" underdog cooks with a knack for flavor face 20 elite "White Spoon" chefs in a fierce cooking showdown among 100 contenders.


The Backpacker Chef

The Backpacker Chef 2022


Extreme cooking in extreme places! Open the backpacks and it's our kitchen! The location and the guests are strictly confidential?! The only thing you can trust in the chaos is the backpacks. What's the special business trip dish that starts with four different bags? Starting with the irreplaceable "K-food industry's big hand" Baek Jong-won. Oh Dae-hwan, who transformed from Chungmuro scene stealer to 'National Cook Stealer'. Ahn Bo-hyun, the "Visual Main Store" that occupies not only the screen but also the kitchen. "A spoon of fun powder, please~" "Human MSG" DinDin, too!


Pie in the Sky

Pie in the Sky 1994


Pie in the Sky is a British offbeat police comedy drama programme starring Richard Griffiths and Maggie Steed, created by Andrew Payne and first broadcast in five series on BBC1 between 13 March 1994 and 17 August 1997 as well as being syndicated on other channels in other countries, including the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. The series departs slightly from other police dramas in that the protagonist, Henry Crabbe, while still being an on-duty policeman, is also the head chef of the title restaurant set in the fictional town of Middleton and county of Westershire.


Fawlty Towers

Fawlty Towers 1975


Owner Basil Fawlty, his wife Sybil, a chambermaid Polly, and Spanish waiter Manuel attempt to run their hotel amidst farcical situations and an array of demanding guests.


The Master of Revenge

The Master of Revenge 2016


When Moo-Myung was young, he had an once-in-a-lifetime event. He walked into orphanage by himself. To take revenge, he attempts to become a God of Noodles.


Below Deck

Below Deck 2013


The upstairs and downstairs worlds collide when this young and single crew of "yachties" live, love and work together onboard a luxurious mega yacht while tending to the ever-changing needs of their wealthy, demanding charter guests.


Chef & My Fridge

Chef & My Fridge 2014


The best chefs of Korea compete to create impromptu dishes that feature ingredients found inside the guest stars' personal refrigerators.


Cory in the House

Cory in the House 2007


It's a brand new life for Cory Baxter when his dad, Victor, becomes the personal chef to the President of the United States. Cory's entrepreneurial scheming reaches new heights as he mingles amongst high-powered Washington D.C. elite.


Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories

Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories 2016


In an otherwise mundane diner open from midnight to 7 a.m., there is no menu – but the chef cooks anything his customers want. Each episode is about different a different customer, as they find simple yet profound connections with one another based on their shared love of a particular dish.


The Third Charm

The Third Charm 2018


The twelve-year love story of two individuals with completely opposite personalities who unexpectedly met on a group blind date.


Oh My Ghost

Oh My Ghost 2015


Na Bong Sun may be a skilled sous chef, but she lacks the self-esteem to shine professionally and socially. Beyond her cooking talents, however, is an uncanny ability to communicate with ghosts. One day, her mystic senses go out of control when the seductive ghost of Shin Soon Ae possesses her. Imbued with a fiery new "personality," Bong Sun starts turning heads, including that of Kang Sun Woo, the hottest chef in town and Bong Sun's secret crush!


Dinner Time Live with David Chang

Dinner Time Live with David Chang 2024


Chef David Chang hosts an unfiltered dining experience as he cooks for celebrity guests and shares culinary secrets.


Midnight Diner

Midnight Diner 2009


Set in a small restaurant in the corner of a shopping district. The unusual eatery is only open after midnight, and its standard menu consists of just a single choice. However, the customers still come for the amusing chatter and the proprietor's willingness to cook any dish that they request. This drama depicts the lives of the restaurant's patrons, including a yakuza, an unsuccessful actor, a group of office ladies, a newspaper delivery boy, and a stripper.