Aigües fosques

Aigües fosques 2019


Inspirada en una impactant història real, un advocat tenaç descobreix el fosc secret que connecta un nombre creixent de morts inexplicables amb una de les corporacions més grans del món. En el procés, tot arrisca: el futur, la família i la vida, per treure a la llum la veritat.



Z 1969


En un país regit per una corrupta democràcia, on el govern utilitza la Policia i l'Exèrcit per eradicar qualsevol amenaça esquerrana, un diputat de l'oposició és assassinat al mig del carrer quan acabava de presidir un míting de caràcter pacifista. De la investigació del cas se n'encarrega un jove magistrat conscient que es tracta d'un crim polític comès per dos sicaris a sou. Alhora, un ambiciós periodista se servirà de mètodes poc ortodoxos per acumular proves que inculpin diversos militants d'un partit d'extrema dreta, els quals, alhora, atribueixen la responsabilitat de l'atemptat a alts càrrecs de la policia i de l'exèrcit.


The K2

The K2 2016


A patriotic bodyguard who was abandoned by his country and colleagues, a hidden daughter of leading Presidential candidate who regards love as a tool for revenge, and the First Lady contender who hides her ambition and charisma behind a kind and friendly personality.


The Knockout

The Knockout 2023


20 years of perseverance, hot-blooded teenagers finally become the people's hero.


Janet King

Janet King 2014


Senior Prosecutor Janet King returns from maternity leave to confront a high-profile murder, and a conspiracy which will have shocking ramifications throughout the judicial system.


Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich

Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich 2020


Stories from survivors fuel this docuseries examining how convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein used his wealth and power to carry out his abuses.



1992 2015


As a major criminal investigation tries to stem the flow of corruption, Italy is poised on the brink of collapse.


Wild District

Wild District 2018


After surrendering to Bogotá police, an ex-guerrilla avoids prison by working undercover to investigate a ruthless enforcer of government corruption.


The Journalist

The Journalist 2022


A journalist known as the maverick of news media defiantly chases the truth in this series adaptation of the hit movie of the same name.


Mafias and Banks

Mafias and Banks 2023


How, from the 1920s to the present day, financial power has gradually strengthened a hidden alliance with criminal organizations around the world.


Midnight Man

Midnight Man 2008


Disgraced journalist Max Raban is reduced to raking though bins for celebrity stories, a thankless task that suits him because of his phobia of daylight. His condition has already driven his wife and daughter away and he's desperate for a real story. When he uncovers the murder of two Iranian cousins, Max starts to suspect that there is a death squad at work, targeting pro-Islamists and backed by an organisation bent on waging perpetual war. Is Max an investigative journalist at last?


ICAC Investigators 2007

ICAC Investigators 2007 2007


ICAC Investigators 2007 is a 2007 police procedural series about investigators of Hong Kong's ICAC. A member of the ICAC Investigators family of miniseries it was first broadcast in 1 September, 2007. The shown was rerun on Friday 27 February 2009 to 5 March 2009 from Monday to Friday at 12:05 am on TVB Jade in Hong Kong.