Paraula clau Guardian
Jane Eyre 2011
Jane Eyre una noia educada en un orfenat i de difícil infància, és contractada per Edward Rochester per treballar com institutriu d'una nena en Thornfield House. L'aïllada i ombrívola mansió, així com la inicial fredor de l'amo de la casa posen a prova la fortalesa de la jove. No obstant, poc a poc comença a enamorar-se d'ell.
I Care a Lot 2021
Marla Grayson (Rosamund Pike) no té escrúpols a l'hora de beneficiar-se dels altres. Després d'haver-se aprofitat de dotzenes de jubilats com a tutora legal, ella i la seva companya Fran (Eiza González) veuen Jennifer Peterson (Dianne Wiest) com la nova víctima: una gallina dels ous d'or que poden plomar fàcilment. Però mentre intenten dur a terme el seu pla, la Marla i el Fran descobreixen que la senyora Peterson no és el que creien, i que els seus actes han entorpit la tasca d'un important criminal (Peter Dinklage).
小门神 2015
La tia Mame 1958
Patrick Dennis és un nen de 10 anys que s'acaba de quedar orfe. La seva tia, "Tia Mame", una dama que viu per sobre de les seves possibilitats, li ensenyarà a Patrick a sortir de forma extravagant dels paranys de la vida. La millor amiga de Tia Mama és Vera Charles (Coral Browne), una cridanera actriu de Pittsburg, mentre que el testaferro es diu Patrick (Fred Clark), i no comparteix gens la forma de vida de la tia del petit.
モスラ 1961
The Birch 2016
An Unexpected Family 1996
The Mighty McGurk 1947
冬の華 1978
Untamed 1929
Adam i ella 1949
El pare d'Evelyn, una nena internada en un orfenat, ha estat escrivint a la seva filla, que no ho recorda, cartes fantasioses sobre el seu èxit als negocis. En realitat, s'ha fet passar per un amic, l'Adam, un bon jugador. Quan el pare mor, l'Adam es porta a la noia de l'orfenat i li diuen la veritat. Però la nena s'ha convertit en una dona de bellesa extraordinària i sorgeixen complicacions, incloent-hi les que crea Roddy, germà d'Adam, una autèntica ovella negra.
Child's Play 1980
Song o' My Heart 1930
The Fighting Ranger 1948
王牌御史猎妖教室 2016
Stickin' Together 1978
Charge Over You 2010
Prairie Moon 1938
Bucky - The Incredible Kid 1999
Spaak, a very powerful and respected G.C. (Great Child) offers his position to a young boy named Bucky who has the dream to become the ruler of the world. In order to become a true G.C. to protect his land from animals that have gone haywire, he must cross the twelve countries and defeat each G.C. guardian who are ordered by the G.C. leader Hail to stop him. Kai and Pinky who are also G.C. follow Bucky on his journey to make his dream come true.
Heroes: Legend of Battle Disks 2015
The story is set in the galaxy located near the center of the universe. There are Planet Aernia (a planet for Heroes) and Planet Orbs (a planet for robots), governed by Orbiton, in this same galaxy. Various countries are present in Planet Aernia; they are, Volculm (volcanic country of fire), Zylan (oceanic country of water), Elvan (green-rich country of forest), and Aleum (celestial country of clouds). Antania, is a nucleus of all the present countries. It has an academy that fosters Heroes. Under the reign of the Governor General, Antania upholds a national policy to train Heroes to prevent Planet Aernia to be infringed by the Dark Desire. Heroes are not only the reliable source of battle who have special abilities to freely use the battle discs, but also a symbol of unfailing justice.
Teogonia 1970
In the harsh region known as the borderlands, humans must fight an endless battle against demi-human creatures that come at them relentlessly, intent on taking their land and their gods. A young boy named Kai, fighting to defend his village, sustains a life-threatening injury that causes him to regain memories from a past life. If you’re not a guardian bearer, it’s like you’re playing life on hard mode... Kai’s newfound knowledge gives him a new sense of the unfair “rule set” that governs the world around him. One thing is clear: For those without a god to serve as their guardian, life is a constant struggle for survival. Thus begins the epic tale of a young boy’s ascent into a vast world filled with magic, bloodshed, and mystery.