Paraula clau Englishwoman
To Walk Invisible 2016
Bonic i fantàstic 2016
La Bella Brown és una noia estranya i misteriosa. Des de ben petita ha tingut certa obsessió per l'ordre, i a casa seva tot està molt endreçat. Però, en canvi, té el jardí de darrere completament abandonat. Aquest fet exaspera el veí del costat, un vell ric i malcarat, que s'entossudeix a fer el que calgui perquè la Bella arregli el tros de terra que els separa. Però a mesura que ell i la noia es van coneixent, el jardí i la relació entre tots dos va canviant.
Home to Danger 1951
Potter 1979
The time has come for Redvers Potter to relinquish his role as head of the family confectionary firm, Pottermints - his company has been taken over and he is now going into enforced retirement. His wife, Aileen, is not too happy about having her husband under her feet either, but Potter is determined to make the most of his retirement. He decides he will give people the benefit of his managerial experience - even if they don't want it.