Paraula clau Enchantress
Blancaneu 2012
Nova versió en clau de comèdia del conte de la Blancaneu narrat des del punt de vista de la malvada madrastra. Set valerosos i rebels nans ajudaran a Blancaneu a reclamar els seus drets al tron que li pertany per naixement, i a conquistar al Príncep amb el qual pretén casar-se la temible Reina.
KADDY: The Fabulous Chaos Enchantress 2023
Kaddy is a young girl from an ancient necromancer lineage who is expected to become the next Supreme Leader of the Necromancer Kingdom. When her apparent hopelessness for the dark arts brands her a disappointment, she decides to prove her worth by setting out on a conquering spree in the Highlands together with her faithful sidekick Fido, a street-performing werewolf.