Els àngels de Charlie

Els àngels de Charlie 2000


La pel·lícula, basada en la popular sèrie de televisió dels anys 70, explica la història de Natalie, Dylan i Alex, tres investigadores privades d'elit que treballen per un home misteriós a qui anomenen Charlie. Els tres àngels de Charlie busquen un home que han segrestat. Es tracta de Knox, un geni de la informàtica.


9 Bullets

9 Bullets 2022


Una ballarina de burlesque ha de fugir per salvar un veí la vida del qual està amenaçada per la seva ex amant.


La reina del vodevil

La reina del vodevil 1962


Una mare ambiciosa i absorbent intenta que les seves filles arribin a la fama a Broadway. Al final, l'èxit arriba de la manera més insospitada.


Balla, noia, balla

Balla, noia, balla 1940


Judy O'Brien forma part d'un grup de ball i aspira a dedicar-se al ballet clàssic. Bubbles, companya seva, deixa el grup per centrar-se en la comèdia. Quan el grup es desfà, Bubbles ofereix a la Judy un ingrat treball: ser la telonera del seu espectacle.


Les coristes

Les coristes 1948


May Martin, una exvedette còmica, i la seva filla Peggy ballen totes dues en una revista de music-hall. Un quid pro quo obliga la ballarina vedette a marxar i Peggy la reemplaça. S'enamora llavors d'un home ric de bona família, Randy. May no és segura de poder aprovar aquesta relació, ella mateixa ha passat per un matrimoni desgraciat amb un home afortunat. En una vesprada organitzada en honor de la jove parella, una imprudència revela a la mare de Randy la professió de Peggy. May salvarà la situació. Tot acaba bé quan hom s'assabenta que la jove parella ho podrà resoldre i la mare es casarà amb el còmic del grup.


Time Bandits

Time Bandits 2024


Eleven-year-old Kevin's passion for history is put to the test when he joins a ragtag group of time-traveling thieves on a high-stakes and hilarious adventure.


The Girls Next Door

The Girls Next Door 2005


The Girls Next Door, also known as The Girls of the Playboy Mansion, is a reality television series which originally aired on E! from August 7, 2005 until August 8, 2010. The series was created by executive producer Kevin Burns and Hugh Hefner, founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine. The show was followed by two spin-offs, Kendra and Holly's World.



Casanova 2005


Castle Dux, Bohemia, 1798. Casanova, now a penniless librarian in his seventies, tells Edith, a young kitchen maid in the castle, his remarkable life story, and about falling in love with Henriette.


Vote for Juan

Vote for Juan 2019


Set in the world of Spanish politics, Vota Juan revolves around the character of Juan Carrasco (Javier Cámara), an uninspiring Minister of Agriculture who, after finding his political ambitions awoken by a series of chance political events, decides to take part in his party's primary elections thereby giving himself a chance to eventually run for the position of President of the Government. Party intrigues, jealousy, crises... as he undertakes this none too easy task he will count on the invaluable help of his press chief, his secretary and his personal advisor. His campaign team, much like him, try to make up for their lack of experience and political expertise through a mixture of guile and a whole host of other shenanigans. Will Juan Carrasco manage to make it all the way to the top?