Passat de voltes

Passat de voltes 2006


Ricky Bobby s'introdueix per primera vegada en els circuits de carreres com a “jackman” per al descuidat pilot Terry Cheveaux i, accidentalment, aconsegueix la seva gran oportunitat per pilotar quan Cheveaux fa una parada no programada en una cursa per cruspir-se un sandvitx de pollastre. Ricky salta dins del cotxe i... comença la balada de Ricky Bobby.


Canine Intervention

Canine Intervention 2021


Canine Intervention follows renowned Oakland dog trainer, Jas Leverette, as he runs one of the top dog training facilities in California. Cali K9 works with all breeds and are confident in being able to correct any type of behavior issue.


Highway Patrol

Highway Patrol 1962


Inspector Carlos and his loyal companion, the friendly dog Lobo, fight crime while patrolling Brazil's highways in a Simca Chambord or a powerful Harley Davidson motorcycle.


Rescue Dog to Super Dog

Rescue Dog to Super Dog 2016


Abandoned rescue dogs are trained to become assistance dogs for people with a wide range of needs in this heartwarming story of transformation.