Indiana Jones i l’última croada

Indiana Jones i l’última croada 1989


El pare d'Indiana Jones, el doctor Henry Jones, desapareix misteriosament mentre estava cercant el Grial. El seu fill seguirà les seves investigacions per tal de trobar-lo, i aturar un cop més els nazis.



Braveheart 1995


William Wallace és un rebel escocès que lidera una revolta contra el cruel rei anglès Edward Longshanks, que desitja heretar la corona d'Escòcia. Quan era un nen, el pare i el germà de William Wallace, juntament amb molts altres, van perdre la vida intentant alliberar Escòcia. Quan ja és un home, i perd la seva núvia, Wallace comença la llarga lluita per fer Escòcia lliure d'una vegada per totes, amb l'ajut de Robert Bruce.


El regne prohibit

El regne prohibit 2008


Un adolescent (Michael Angarano), obsessionat amb el cinema d'Hong Kong i els clàssics de kung-fu, fa un extraordinari descobriment en una petita casa d'empenyoraments del barri xinès. Descobreix per casualitat el llegendari bàcul d'un savi guerrer xinès, més conegut com el Rei Mico (Jet Li). Gràcies a la relíquia, el jove retrocedeix en el temps fins a l'antiga Xina, on s'uneix a un grup de guerrers experts en arts marcials que intentaran alliberar el Rei Mico.


El nom de la rosa

El nom de la rosa 1986


A la tardor del 1327, dos frares franciscans, el savi Guillem de Baskerville i el seu jove deixeble Adso de Melk, s'encaminen a un monestir benedictí. Allí s'ha de celebrar una trobada sobre qüestions teològiques. Guillem i el seu acompanyant són els primers d'arribar i l'abat els explica que un monjo del monestir ha mort en circumstàncies misterioses i demana que l'ajudin a aclarir els fets, però abans que Guillem pugui esbrinar res, s'esdevenen altres morts misterioses. Guillem intueix que la clau del misteri es troba a la torre octogonal on hi ha la biblioteca, que custodia amb zel el cec Jorge de Burgos. Quan arriba el gran inquisidor Bernardo Gui, l'abat prohibeix que continuïn les investigacions, malgrat que hi ha més morts.


Robin Hood

Robin Hood 2010


Anglaterra, segle XIII. Robin Longstride, un magnífic arquer al servei del rei Ricardo Cor de León, torna de les croades a terra santa saquejant poblats mentre lluita contra les tropes franceses. Quan Ricardo mor sota una data francesa, Robin es trasllada a Nottingham amb l'objectiu de complir una promesa que va fer Sir Robert Loxley abans de morir: tornar una espasa al seu pare, Sir Walter Loxley. Allà coneix lady Marion, la seva vídua, una dona amb caràcter. Mentrestant, en un país debilitat per una llarga guerra, regit per Joan, un rei feble i poc eficaç, contra les rebel·lions internes i les amenaces externes maquinades pel pèrfid Godfrey, Robin i els seus homes es deixen portar cap a una aventura més gran: decideixen ajudar a impedir que el país caigui irremeiablement en una sagnant guerra civil, i tornar la glòria a Anglaterra.


Robin Hood

Robin Hood 2018


Quan el jove Robin Hood (Taron Egerton) torna a casa seva, endurit, després de lluitar com a guerrer a Les Creuades, descobreix un regne en què la corrupció és la moneda de canvi de la corona anglesa. En aquell moment, amb el seu company Little John (Jamie Foxx), pren la decisió de formar una banda de bandits i liderar una audaç rebel·lió en què s'enfrontaran al malvat Xèrif de Nottingham (Ben Mendelsohn).


El metge

El metge 2013


Rob J. Col·le un nen orfe de nou anys, és adoptat per un barber que li ensenya l'ofici. Durant anys recorren Anglaterra muntant espectacles per atreure al públic, fins que el seu pare adoptiu també mor. Rob seguirà en solitari i coneixerà a Benjamin Merlin, un metge jueu al que aviat admirarà i qui li descobrirà al seu mentor, el científic persa Ibn Sina. En Rob, determinat a convertir-se en un gran metge, iniciarà un emocionant viatge cap a Pèrsia, on es farà passar per jueu per poder estudiar en una escola que no admet cristians.



Medieval 2022


La història de la icona i senyor de la guerra txec del segle XIV, Jan Zizka, que va derrotar els exèrcits de l'Ordre Teutònica i el Sacre Imperi Romà Germànic.


Les aventures de Robin Hood

Les aventures de Robin Hood 1938


Robin de Locksey torna a Anglaterra després de combatre contra els infidels a les Croades, però Joan sense Terra, el germà del Rei Ricardo I, ha usurpat el tron ​​i governa com un tirà, per la qual cosa el noble saxó decideix refugiar-se al bosc de Sherwood i lluitar contra ell per tornar-li la corona a Ricardo.


Dragonheart (Cor de drac)

Dragonheart (Cor de drac) 1996


Anglaterra, 984 dC. El jove príncep Einon és ferit greument en una revolta dels pagesos contra el seu cruel pare. Per salvar el fill de la mort, la reina el presenta a en Draco, un poderós drac que lliura una part del seu propi cor al noi i guareix la ferida amb un centelleig de foc. Un cop rei, l'Einon deixa anar els seus instints més malvats i governa com un tirà. El cavaller Bowen, instructor i protector de l'Einon, se sent llavors traït pel drac, a qui considera responsable de la maldat del rei, i jura dedicar la vida a matar tots els dracs del regne.


The Crown of the Kings

The Crown of the Kings 2018


Piasts' reign is coming to end on Casimir the Great, who have no sons. Polish throne comes to Anjous. Thanks to the marriage of Saint Jadwiga of Poland with Lithuanian Grand Duke Jogaila, an alliance is made and a new dynasty - Jagiellons, who rule Poland for next two hundred years


Vikings: Valhalla

Vikings: Valhalla 2022


In this sequel to "Vikings," a hundred years have passed and a new generation of legendary heroes arises to forge its own destiny — and make history.


Frieren: Beyond Journey's End

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End 2023


After the party of heroes defeated the Demon King, they restored peace to the land and returned to lives of solitude. Generations pass, and the elven mage Frieren comes face to face with humanity’s mortality. She takes on a new apprentice and promises to fulfill old friends’ dying wishes. Can an elven mind make peace with the nature of life and death? Frieren embarks on her quest to find out.


The Great Seljuks

The Great Seljuks 2020


The war of the Great Seljuk Emperor, Meliksah and her loyalist, Sencer against Hasan Sabbah, who is sworn to destroy the Seljuks.


Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-

Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- 2016


Natsuki Subaru, an ordinary high school student, is on his way home from the convenience store when he finds himself transported to another world. As he's lost and confused in a new world where he doesn't even know left from right, the only person to reach out to him was a beautiful girl with silver hair. Determined to repay her somehow for saving him from his own despair, Subaru agrees to help the girl find something she's looking for.



Castlevania 2017


A dark medieval fantasy following the last surviving member of the disgraced Belmont clan, trying to save Eastern Europe from extinction at the hand of Vlad Dracula Tepe himself. Inspired by the classic video game series.


The New Adventures of Robin Hood

The New Adventures of Robin Hood 1997


Sherwood Forest outlaw Robin Hood and his partners -- Marion Fitzwalter, Little John and Friar Tuck -- use magic, sorcery and courage to fight royal soldiers, evil knights and others who try to oppress the impoverished people of 12th-century England.


Ranking of Kings

Ranking of Kings 2021


Unable to hear, speak, or wield a sword, Prince Bojji doesn’t seem like a typical heir to the throne—and his kingdom agrees. But his fateful encounter with Kage, a shadow on the ground, gives him his first true friend. The two set off on a grand adventure and, together, form a bond that can overcome any obstacle...even being king.



Disenchantment 2018


Set in a ruined medieval city called Dreamland, Disenchantment follows the grubby adventures of a hard-drinking princess, her feisty elf companion and her personal demon.


The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe

The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe 2022


The series follows the adventures of Ivandoe , the young prince of the forest whose father, The Mighty Stag, sends him on a quest for the magical Golden Feather of the fearsome Eagle King. Ivandoe and his dedicated squire, a small bird named Bert, discover new and mysterious areas of the forest and an array of peculiar creatures along the way.


Marco Polo

Marco Polo 2014


An epic adventure that follows the early years of the famous explorer as he travels the exotic Silk Road to the great Kublai Khan’s court. But Marco soon finds that navigating the Khan’s world of greed, betrayal, sexual intrigue and rivalry will be his greatest challenge yet, even as he becomes a trusted companion to the Khan in his violent quest to become the Emperor of the World.


Cathedral of the Sea

Cathedral of the Sea 2018


In the 14th century, Barcelona is experiencing one of its most prosperous moments. The city has grown to La Ribera, a fishing district in which the largest Marian temple ever known is built: Santa María del Mar. But the construction runs parallel to Arnau Estanyol, a serf of the land who, fleeing the abuses of The feudal lords of the countryside take refuge in Barcelona.





“I want to be an ordinary person! Someone who's normal! I've already told you I don't have my power anymore!” Blade is a carefree transfer student whose only goal is to make friends with his classmates at Rosewood Academy, a school for heroes-in-training. On the surface, Blade seems like an ordinary boy, but he is hiding a miserable secret with seeds that start long ago, with the defeat of the Demon King at the hands of the Great Hero. Join this new class of friends as they unravel the mystery surrounding Blade, and journey toward becoming full-fledged Heroes!



Camelot 2011


Camelot is a historical-fantasy-drama television series based on the Arthurian legend, was produced by Graham King, Morgan O'Sullivan and Michael Hirst.


Dwight in Shining Armor

Dwight in Shining Armor 2019


Dwight, a 21st century teen, falls into an ancient, underground chamber and lands lip-to-lip with Gretta, a gothic princess who has been magically sleeping for a thousand years.



Norsemen 2016


Norsemen is an epic and humorous drama series set in the Viking Age. The residents of an 8th-century Viking village experience political rivalry, social change and innovations that upend their culture and way of life.


Garo: The Animation

Garo: The Animation 2014


Mendosa, the chief adviser of the king of Valiante, begins a campaign to hunt down "witches," resulting in the deaths of many magical knights and their sorcerer assistants. Anna, a sorceress married to the knight Herman Lewis, gives birth to a son before her execution. Herman takes their child, Leon, and flees, raising him to be the heir of the legendary Golden Armor. By the time Leon grows up, Valiante is completely in the control of Mendosa, who drives out Prince Alfonso and his mother. Alphonso decides to seek out the man who inherited the Golden Armor to reclaim the throne and save his people.


The Pillars of the Earth

The Pillars of the Earth 2010


A sweeping epic of good and evil, treachery and intrigue, violence and beauty, a sensuous, spirited story set against a backdrop of war, religious strife and power struggles in 12th Century England.