Cors d’acer

Cors d’acer 2014


Abril de 1945. Mentre els aliats inicien la seva ofensiva final en el front europeu, un valent sergent d'artilleria anomenat Wardaddy es troba al comandament d'un tanc Sherman i dels homes que componen la seva dotació, en una missió mortal darrere de les línies enemigues. Superats en nombre i en armament, i amb un soldat novell a les seves files, Wardaddy i els seus homes ho tindran tot en contra en el seu heroic intent de llançar un atac en ple cor de l'Alemanya nazi.



Ben-Hur 1959


Judà Ben-Hur, fill d'una família noble de Jerusalem, i Mesala, tribú romà que comanda els exèrcits d'ocupació, havien estat amics de petits i ara, per qüestions polítiques, són enemics irreconciliables. Ben-Hur és acusat d'haver atemptat contra la vida del nou governador romà i Mesala el fa empresonar juntament amb la seva família. Quan s'emporten Ben-Hur a les galeres, un jove anomenat Jesús de Natzaret s'apiada d'ell i li dóna beure. En una batalla naval, Ben-Hur salva la vida de l'almirall Quinto Arrio, que l'adopta i se l'emporta a Roma. Jesús, que ara arrossega multituds, es creua en el camí de Ben-Hur quan torna a Jerusalem per veure la seva mare i la seva germana, que tenen la lepra. Finalment Ben-Hur s'enfrontarà a Mesala en una mortal carrera de quadrigues i serà un testimoni d'excepció de la passió de Crist.


Star Wars. Episodi III: La venjança dels Sith

Star Wars. Episodi III: La venjança dels Sith 2005


Obi-Wan Kenobi i Anakin Skywalker surten a rescatar el canceller Palpatine de les mans del comte Dooku. Però el que no preveuen és que el canceller te la seva pròpia agenda, on els cavallers Jedi no són precisament ben considerats...


V de Vendetta

V de Vendetta 2006


Ambientada en una Anglaterra dictatorial del futur, la pel·lícula explica la història d'una dona, Evey, que és rescatada en una situació extrema per un desconegut emmascarat, conegut només com a "V". L'emmascarat promou una revolució entre els ciutadans perquè s'oposin a la tirania i a l'opressió. Quan Evey descobreix el misteriós passat de "V", també descobreix coses d'ella mateixa que no sabia i aleshores lluitarà per restaurar la llibertat i la justícia a la societat.



Samaritan 2022


Sam Clearly, de tretze anys (Javon «Wanna» Walton) sospita que el seu misteriós i esquiu veí, el Sr. Smith (Sylvester Stallone) és el llegendari heroi Samaritan que va ser declarat mort fa vint-i-cinc anys. Amb una taxa de criminalitat en augment i la ciutat a la vora del caos, Sam es proposa treure al seu veí del seu amagatall perquè salvi la ciutat de la ruïna.


Star Trek: Més enllà

Star Trek: Més enllà 2016


L'USS Enterprise, la nau insígnia de la Flota Estel·lar, liderada pel capità James T. Kirk, torna a solcar l'univers, per protegir la Terra i la resta de planetes aliats. Però la tranquil·litat durarà poc i el perill aguaita. La primera etapa de la seva missió els portarà a un territori desconegut, i la seva travessia aviat esdevindrà una carrera per la supervivència, quan s'enfrontin a un nou i ferotge enemic, Krall, d'una espècie alienígena avançada. Alhora que intenten trobar la manera de tornar a la Terra, el seu objectiu serà protegir el futur de la raça humana i preservar l'harmonia entre espècies...


Rèquiem per un somni

Rèquiem per un somni 2000


En Harry i la seva mare tenen somnis molt diferents: ella està permanentment a dieta esperant el dia en què podrà participar al seu concurs televisiu preferit; l’ambició d’en Harry i la seva xicota Marion és fer-se rics venent droga i utilitzar els guanys per obrir un negoci propi, però mai tenen prou diners per fer-ho. Tot i així, en Harry i la Marion no es resignen i faran l’inimaginable per aconseguir la vida que anhelen.


La caça de l’home

La caça de l’home 1966


Gairebé tots els habitants d'una petita ciutat de Texas pensen que el comissari és una simple marioneta del totpoderós petrolier Val Rogers. Però tot canvia quan el jove Bubber Reeves s'escapa de la presó. I és que mentre l'agent vol entregar viu al fugitiu, Rogers desitja que el mati, ja que tem per la vida del seu fill, que ha tingut una aventura amb la dona del fugitiu.


The Rich Son

The Rich Son 2018


Lee Gwang Jae is the son of a rich family who is reckless and immature. His father dies and leaves behind large debts. Gwang Jae promises to pay off his debt for his father's honor, but it's not as easy as he thinks. Kim Young Ha supports Gwang Jae with her positive personality and love, giving encouragement to him whenever he needs it.


Love is Fate

Love is Fate 2019


The three friends Ma Dong Shan, Han De Chang, and Song Tian Ming set up a hotel together. Thirty years later, Ma Dong Shan has fallen ill, Han De Chang died early and Song Tian Ming lost his son. Therefore, Ma Dong Shan, who is the chairman, wants his daughter Ma Ke Ai to inherit the hotel and calls her back from abroad. In the meanwhile, Ke Ai gets into a car accident and barely escapes death, but gains a new ability after waking up again: she can see into the future. Upon hearing about her father’s illness, she immediately returns back home. After a series of accidents happen, Ke Ai realizes that there must be some big secret behind it. Together with Xia Yu Xing by her side, Ke Ai withstands all upcoming hardships and also finds love along the way.


Crocodile and the Plover Bird

Crocodile and the Plover Bird 2019


A story about young people hoping to pioneer architectural improvements that will benefit the generations to come. A stone-faced genius meets his opposite and they clash from the start. Hate turns to love between these two people who first meet at the animal research society. Li Na Nen is a young woman from a small town who has always been passionate about Chinese culture and traditional architecture. After graduating, she heads to Bordeaux University to pursue her studies in the field. She somehow ends up joining the animal research society where she meets Zhou Er Wen. He is a young man who advocates ecological preservation. Given his interest in modern architecture, he is devoted to finding synergies in both. Li Na Nen and Zhou Er Wen start out at odds with each other and Gao Mu finds himself to be the constant mediator. Their experiences bring them together as they strive to bring to fruition a project referred to as the hanging garden.


Ms Ma, Nemesis

Ms Ma, Nemesis 2018


Ms. Ma is sent to jail after being accused of killing her daughter. She escapes in order to find the real murderer and starts solving other cases.


Wait in Beijing

Wait in Beijing 2020


In New York, this fashionable international metropolitan city, countless people who each have their own dreams meet or miss each other every day. Xu Tian and Sheng Xia are two of them. Xu Tian’s big dream is to become a famous lawyer. He’s rough on the outside, meticulous in his thinking and eloquent and makes use of these talents of his to survive. Sheng Xia has opened a small clothes store in Manhattan after graduating from university. She dreams of opening a store with her own designer clothes and her own brand name on Fifth Avenue one day and works very hard towards this goal. Sheng Xia has a boyfriend of three years who wishes to marry, but she always rejects him using her need to focus on her business as an excuse. In reality, he’s just not the right one for her. When Sheng Xia finally gets the chance to present her clothes in a fashion show, an accident happens and she unintentionally hurts Xu Tian in the process. From then on, the dreams of these two as well as their feelings are intertwined.


Bashar Momin

Bashar Momin 2012


Rudaba is an innocent girl who is engaged to her father's best friend's son Buland Bakhtiar. One day Rudaba's father and future father-in-law are killed due to robbery shooting. Rudaba reluctantly moves in with Adil upon his insistence. Adil workes as a front man for his own brother in-law Bashar Momin, who was a money launderer and was among the richest of the city. Bashar can do anything for his sisters, especially Tayyaba, whose two engagements were failed.


Hello Dear Ancestors

Hello Dear Ancestors 2018


During the Han Dynasty, Zhen Jun is driven off a cliff in a struggle for leadership of his family. Saved from plummeting to his death by a being from outer space, Zhen Jun is placed in a healing, deep sleep. In the year 2020, Zhen Jun wakes to find his prolonged sleep has granted him super human abilities. A time travel adventure now begins.


Mountains and Ocean

Mountains and Ocean 2019


Xia Ruining, a strong-willed student at Xiling University's Cultural Institute, meets brothers Ye Lin and Ye Miao, whose family has preserved ancient scrolls for generations. She also forms a complex bond with Shen Zhen, the nanny's daughter. Together, they work on restoring ancient paintings while navigating the evolving dynamics of love and friendship.


Blossom in Heart

Blossom in Heart 2019


Romance between a girl who wants to seek revenge for her father, and the second son of the Yue family who owns a rogue manufacturing factory.


Love a Lifetime

Love a Lifetime 2020


A story that follows Nalan Yue, a man with two identities. He falls for the bold Rong Hua, a young maiden with a good heart yet their ties are deeper and more complicated due to the generation before them. To support her father Rong Jingfeng in his efforts to help others, Rong Hua travels far and wide in search of the missing healing tool known as Chi Hua Zhu. However, the journey is treacherous. She falls into danger many times and gets rescued by Nalan Yue. Unbeknownst to them, their families are caught in an intricate web of revenge and hate. Falling for each other at first sight, they decide to use their sincerity to convince the older generation to let go of the hatred in their hearts but a plan to once again hurt the Nalan clan is set in motion. At the same time, Nalan Yue is forced to become the successor of a demonic martial arts technique. Believing that Nalan Yue can overcome his inner demons, Rong Hua continues to stay by his side.


Battle for Happiness

Battle for Happiness 2023


A suspense drama depicting mothers engaged in a fierce social media battle to destroy each others' happiness for their own, to free themselves from oppression, hurt, and secrets, and regain their true selves.


As Long as You Love Me

As Long as You Love Me 2020


It tells the story of two childhood friends who grew up together and have loved each other for many years. They are separated and reunited but a series of misunderstandings occur due to someone's plotting.



Flipped 2018


The cold CEO of a construction company Qi Xun (Gao Han Yu) can teleport as long as he sees a picture of his destination. But his superpower comes with a side effect: Every time he uses it, he gets an unbearable headache. He then approaches painter Feng Shuang Shuang (Charlene Chen) who is supposedly the only person who can cure him, and ends up falling in love with her.


Beautiful Reborn Flower

Beautiful Reborn Flower 2020


Lin Heping is a famous curator who runs into Qiao Man and is surprised to find that she looks exactly like a woman that he loved for years.


The Cause with the Jews

The Cause with the Jews 2021


In recent years, resentments and hatred towards Jews have become increasingly aggressive, louder and more brutal. What is at the roots of this development? Statistics show an extreme rise in anti-Semitic incidents in Germany but also worldwide. Berlin, for example, has become the city with the highest number of such attacks in Europe. Whether it’s from the left or the right, among Muslims or simply in normal everyday life - Jews and Jewish institutions are increasingly being threatened and violently assaulted in this country. In this series by Richard C. Schneider, experts and scientists, as well as those affected, attempt to explain the intentional or unintentional mechanisms of anti-Jewish hostility on the basis of historical, social and ideological developments.


Glass Mask

Glass Mask 2012


The series follows Kang Yi Kyung, a woman whose father is a murderer. She must deal with tough times and also plot her revenge. To fulfill her revenge, she assumes another woman identity and comeback as Seo Jung Ha.