
Longlegs 2024


A la Lee Harker, una nova i talentosa agent de l'FBI, li assignen un cas sense resoldre un assassí en sèrie. A mesura que la investigació es complica i es descobreixen proves ocultistes, la Harker s'adona que hi ha un vincle personal amb l'assassí despietat i ha d'actuar amb rapidesa per evitar un altre assassinat familiar.


Harry Potter i l'orde del Fènix

Harry Potter i l'orde del Fènix 2007


Les avorrides vacances a casa dels seus oncles encara no han acabat i Harry es troba més inquiet que mai. Tot just ha tingut notícies de Ron i Hermione, i pressent que una cosa una mica estranya està succeint en Hogwarts. En efecte, quan per fi comença altre curs en el famós col·legi de màgia i bruixeria els seus temors es tornen realitat. El Ministeri de Màgia nega que Voldemort hagi regressat, iniciant una campanya de desprestigi contra Harry i Dumbledore, per a això ha assignat a l'horrible professora Dolors Umbridge la tasca de vigilar tots els seus moviments. Així doncs, a més de sentir-se sol i incomprès, Harry sospita que Voldemort pugues endevinar els seus pensaments, i intueix que el temible mag tracta d'apoderar-se d'un objecte secret que li permetria recuperar el seu poder destructiu...



Constantine 2005


John Constantine és un detectiu que, literalment, ha estat a l'infern i n'ha tornat. John va néixer amb un do que no desitjava: reconèixer entre la gent els àngels i els dimonis que viuen a la Terra sota un aspecte humà. Aquestes visions el turmentaven i va decidir suïcidar-se, però va ressuscitar en contra de la seva voluntat. Ara, havent vist l'infern, John ha de guanyar-se la salvació enviant els esbirros de Satanàs cap a les profunditats i també haurà d'ajudar una altra policia, Angela Dodson, a resoldre el misteriós suïcidi de la seva germana bessona.


Apartament 7A

Apartament 7A 2024


Terry Gionoffrio, una ambiciosa ballarina que somia amb la fama a la ciutat de Nova York, pateix una terrible lesió que trunca la seva carrera. Poc temps després, rep l’ajut d’una parella d’ancians adinerats que l’acullen en un apartament del luxós edifici Bramford. En un inici tot sembla idíl·lic, però aviat descobrirà que els seus benefactors amaguen un secret molt pertorbador.


Possessió infernal

Possessió infernal 1981


Cinc nois passaran el cap de setmana a una cabana perduda en un bosc espès a les muntanyes de Tennessee. Un cop instal·lats, i quan es troben sopant, la trapa que dóna accés al soterrani s'obre de cop. Estranyats, decideixen baixar a investigar. Allà hi troben un magnetòfon, un estrany ganivet ritual i un llibre antiquíssim.


La llavor del diable

La llavor del diable 1968


Una jove parella, Rosemary i Guy, es trasllada a un infame edifici d'apartaments de Nova York, conegut per aterridores llegendes i misteriosos esdeveniments, amb el propòsit de formar una família.



Sinistre 2012


Ellison és un autor de novel·les policíaques basades en fets reals. Casualment descobreix a casa seva fragments estranys de pel·lícules casolanes, filmades en súper 8, i mirant-los intueix que potser podria descobrir com va morir la família que havia ocupat la casa anys enrere, i fer-ne una novel·la. Les coses, malauradament, es compliquen...



Hellraiser 1987


Frank Cotton té en poder seu un enigmàtic cub dotat de poders extraordinaris. Segons antigues llegendes, és una mena de porta a éssers d'una altra dimensió que poden proporcionar plaers sensuals inimaginables. Cotton convoca aquestes criatures, però només li inflingiran turments i dolor fins a acabar amb ell. 20 anys després, dos nous llogaters s'instal·len a l'antiga casa de Frank: el germà i la dona. L'aparició de la ment de Frank és el principi d'una voràgine d'horror en estat pur.



Hellboy 2004


Durant la Segona Guerra Mundial, Rasputin va enviar des de l'infern a la Terra un dimoni anomenat Hellboy per acabar amb la humanitat. Els aliats van aconseguir reconduir els seus poders extraordinaris cap al bé i convertir-lo en un heroi que lluita contra les forces del mal.


La casa fosca

La casa fosca 2021


Mentre intenta superar la inesperada mort del seu marit, Beth (Rebecca Hall) es queda tot sol en una casa a prop d'un llac especialment dissenyada per a ella. Tot i que fa tot el possible per no perdre el seny, els somnis no triguen a aparèixer. Les visions pertorbadores d'una presència que truca per ella a la casa comencen a ser cada vegada més freqüents. Tot i que a la llum del dia tot sembla normal, Beth comença lentament a desesperar-se, de manera que decideix ignorar el consell dels seus amics i investiga en les seves pertinences tractant de trobar alguna resposta. Allí topa no només amb secrets tan estranys com terribles, sinó també amb un misteri que està disposada a resoldre.


Dan Da Dan

Dan Da Dan 2024


In a bet to prove whether ghosts or aliens exist, two high schoolers face terrifying paranormal threats, gain superpowers and maybe even fall in love?!


Mob Psycho 100

Mob Psycho 100 2016


Shigeo Kageyama, a.k.a. "Mob," is a boy who has trouble expressing himself, but who happens to be a powerful esper. Mob is determined to live a normal life and keeps his ESP suppressed, but when his emotions surge to a level of 100%, something terrible happens to him! As he's surrounded by false espers, evil spirits, and mysterious organizations, what will Mob think? What choices will he make?



Gosick 2011


Set in a fictional European country in 1924, a Japanese exchange student meets a mysterious, brilliant girl who only leaves the library to sleep. Her brother, a detective, relies on her exceptional mind to solve difficult mysteries.


Seikimatsu Occult Academy

Seikimatsu Occult Academy 2010


Occult Academy is a Japanese anime television series produced by A-1 Pictures and Aniplex and directed by Tomohiko Itō. The 13-episode anime premiered in Japan on the TV Tokyo television network on July 6, 2010. Occult Academy is the third project of Anime no Chikara. It was shown by Crunchyroll an hour after the Japanese broadcast. A manga adaptation of the anime is currently serialized in Media Factory's Monthly Comic Alive. A series of DVD/Blu-ray releases are made over six volumes. Volumes one through five each contain two episodes from the series and comes with extras, such as bonus songs sung by various voice actors for the characters. The final volume covers the last three episodes There are also four spinoff episodes, the first of which is included with the second volume. The series has been picked up in North America by NIS America, who released the series on Blu-ray on May 8, 2012.


Hell Teacher Nube

Hell Teacher Nube 1996


Nueno Mesuke, better known as Nube, is a school teacher who does more than just teach. You see, Nube's left hand is a huge, nasty-looking demon's claw. He uses it to get rid of malicious demons, ghosts, spirits and other supernatural beings that are giving his students a hard time. Nube's left hand was normal, until one fateful day when he exorcised an extremely powerful demon from a child. He was outmatched and lost his left hand. The only way to fight it was to let it enter his body. As a result, Nube has a demonic left hand where his own hand used to be. To educate and protect — that is what Jigoku Sensei Nube does.


Vatican Miracle Examiner

Vatican Miracle Examiner 2017


Vatican City—Holy Land of the Catholics. Amidst the land, there is an organization that conducts rigorous investigations on "claims of miracles" from all over the world to ascertain their credibility. The organization is referred to as "Seito no Za" (Assembly of Saints) and the priests that belong there are called miracle investigators. Robert Nicholas, an ancient archive and cryptanalysis expert is partnered and good friends with Hiraga Josef Kou, a genius scientist. Together, the brilliant duo investigates the "miracles" and uncovers the incidents and conspiracies hidden behind them.


Midnight Occult Civil Servants

Midnight Occult Civil Servants 2019


Miyako Arata is newly assigned to the Shinjuku Ward Office's Nighttime Regional Relations Department. Each of Tokyo's 23 wards has one such department, established to mitigate paranormal and occult-related events. Arata's special skill is the understanding of non-human speech, and the story begins with him encountering a youkai at Shinjuku Gyoen park who refers to him as the legendary Heian-era exorcist, Abe no Seimei.


The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window

The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window 2021


Shy bookstore clerk Kosuke Mikado has the ability to see ghosts and spirits, an ability he wishes he didn't have, since what he sees usually terrifies him. Rihito Hiyakawa, an exorcist whose supernatural powers are as strong as his social graces are weak, doesn't seem to fear anything, mortal or otherwise. When this odd couple gets together to solve the bizarre cases that come their way, their work methods may not be entirely safe for work!


Ghost Hunt

Ghost Hunt 2006


Telling ghost stories is a favorite past time of Mai Taniyama and her friends—that is, until she meets 17-year-old Kazuya Shibuya, the man sent by Shibuya Psychic Research Center to investigate paranormal activity at a supposedly haunted school. When Mai gets caught in a dangerous situation, she is rescued by Kazuya's assistant. Saving her lands the assistant incapacitated, and Kazuya demands that Mai become his assistant, instead...


Poltergeist: The Legacy

Poltergeist: The Legacy 1996


The adventures of the members of a secret society known as the Legacy and their efforts to protect humankind from occult dangers.



Occultic;Nine 2016


The "paranormal science" story follows nine idiosyncratic individuals, linked by the "Choujou Kagaku Kirikiri Basara" occult summary blog run by 17-year-old second-year high school student Yuuta Gamon. Little incongruities that occur around these nine eventually lead to a larger, unimaginable event that may alter what is considered common sense in this world.


One Missed Call

One Missed Call 2005


Yumi, a writer of a science magazine, witnesses a mysterious death of a high school girl who received a "one missed call" from her own cell phone, two weeks in the future. The disturbing message on the cell phone turns out to be the screams of the victim.


Okamikakushi: Masque of the Wolf

Okamikakushi: Masque of the Wolf 2010


Kuzumi Hiroshi moves with his crippled sister and his father to the remote city of Jouga, which is famous for its hassaku citrus and the rumors that a species of enormous wolves once lived in the area. While some of the residents are more than friendly, when people begin to vanish suddenly, it becomes apparent that something sinister is afoot...


The Complex: Prologue

The Complex: Prologue 2013


"The Complex-Prologue" is a spin-off of horror movie "The Complex". A young boy named Minoru becomes involved in a mysterious phenomenon and horror experience.


The Occult History of the Third Reich

The Occult History of the Third Reich 1990


Documents both the influences of alternative belief systems on the Nazi ideology and Hitler's personal philosophy, and the history and development of the ideas and symbols that would be used along with eugenicist racial politics to perpetrate the murder and oppression of millions during World War II.


The Secret Rulers of the World

The Secret Rulers of the World 2001


The Secret Rulers of the World was first shown on Channel 4 in April 2001. The five-part documentary series accompanied creator Jon Ronson's book 'Them: Adventures with Extremists', which covered similar topics and described many of the same episodes. Both the series and book detail Ronson's encounters following theorists and activists residing outside political, religious, and sociological norms.


Welcome to the Occult Forest

Welcome to the Occult Forest 2022


A washed up horror film director named Kôji Kuroishi (played by Kôji Shiraishi) and his assistant director named Miho Ichikawa visit a house deep in wooded mountains to film a movie. Once arrived, they meet a mentally deranged woman named Maria Miyoshi who proclaims she's a fan of Kuroishi's works. The woman pleads that she's experienced the same things as documented in Kuroishi's works. Unexplainable phenomena quickly begin to happen, so Kuroishi sets out to document these experiences and turn them into a film, together with the help of a 'super volunteer' named Shôhei Uno and a handsome psychic medium named Nanashi.



Seizure 2019


Oslo detectives Max Sørensen and Sander Holm are called in to investigate after four young immigrant boys are found dead in an empty swimming pool. Bizarre twists in the case brings the detectives face to face with both their own demons and a dark sequence of increasingly inexplicable events.