El padrí 2

El padrí 2 1974


Continuació de la saga dels Corleone amb dues històries paral·leles: l'elecció de Michael Corleone com a cap dels negocis familiars i els orígens del patriarca, el ja mort Don Vito, primer a Sicília i després als Estats Units, on, començant des de baix, va arribar a ser un poderosíssim cap de la màfia de Nova York.



Safe 2012


La Mei és una nena xinesa, un prodigi de les matemàtiques que és segrestada per les tríades; el cap de les tríades, en Han Jiao, l'envia als Estats Units, on servirà com a "comptadora" dels seus negocis d'extorsió. La Mei té una ment privilegiada i és capaç de fer operacions i recordar tot tipus de xifres sense necessitat d'ordinadors ni papers. Un any després, en Chang, el nou "pare" adoptiu de la Mei, se l'emporta per continuar amb la seva explotació.


Dolç ocell de joventut

Dolç ocell de joventut 1962


Un aspirant a actor torna a la seva ciutat natal convertit en el gigoló d'una estrella en declivi que promet introduir-lo al món del cinema. Però el que realment voleu és recuperar l'amor de la seva antiga xicota, la filla del cacic del poble.


El temible burleta

El temible burleta 1952


Segle XVIII. Tot un clàssic del cinema de pirates que narra les correries de Burt Lancaster i el seu acrobàtic i inseparable company Cravat, uns temibles corsaris que aterren les tripulacions dels vaixells que naveguen pel Mediterrani.


Lluna nova

Lluna nova 1940


Hildy Johnson, la millor reportera del diari Morning Post, anuncia que deixarà el periodisme per casar-se i dedicar-se a la seva família ia les feines de casa. Però Walter Burns, l'editor del diari i exmarit de Hildy, no pot acceptar-ho, per la qual cosa se serveix de tota mena de estratagemes per retenir-la al diari i, de passada, intentar reconquerir-la.


Under the Dome

Under the Dome 2013


A small town is suddenly and inexplicably sealed off from the rest of the world by an enormous transparent dome. While military forces, the government and the media positioned outside of this surrounding barrier attempt to break it down, a small group of people inside attempt to figure out what the dome is, where it came from, and when (and if) it will go away.


White Ship

White Ship 2006


The story is about funny experiences of a politician named Srećko Šojić, played by Milan Gutović.


House Arrest

House Arrest 2018


The current mayor of the city of Sineozyorsk, Arkadiy Anikeyev, is caught taking a bribe on an especially large scale, after which, by a court decision, he is placed under house arrest and must stay for a long time at his place of residence in a communal apartment. Arkadiy is abandoned by his wife, to whom all the property was recorded. Once in a communal apartment, Anikeyev runs into Ivan Samsonov, with whom they were neighbors in a communal apartment in childhood. Leaving aside disagreements, Anikeyev decides to help Samsonov become the new mayor of Sineozyorsk, so that he will help to remove all charges from him.



Gaslit 2022


A modern take on the 1970s political Watergate scandal centering on untold stories and forgotten characters of the time.


Cross of Fire

Cross of Fire 1989


Cross of Fire is a 1989 American television mini-series based on the horrific rape and murder of Madge Oberholtzer by D.C. Stephenson, a highly successful leader of the Indiana branch of the Ku Klux Klan. It was originally shown in two parts. In syndication, it is shown as a television movie.


The Damnation of Harvey McHugh

The Damnation of Harvey McHugh 1994


The Damnation of Harvey McHugh is a television miniseries made by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. The series consists of 12 episodes and was first broadcast on the ABC in 1994.



Bootleg 2002


Based on the book of the same name by Alex Shearer; a new political party called the "Good for You" (abbreviated as GFY) which comes into power and bans chocolate. Two kids named Smudger Moore and Huntley Hunter want to get their chocolate back. They begin by selling bootleg chocolate, and go on to join an underground resistance organization.