El padrí

El padrí 1972


Don Vito Corleone, conegut dins els cercles de l'hampa com 'El Padrí', és el patriarca d'una de les cinc famílies que exerceixen el comandament de la Cosa Nostra a Nova York als anys quaranta. Don Corleone té quatre fills: una noia, Connie, i tres homes; Sonny, Michael i Fredo. Quan el Padrí reclina intervenir en el negoci d'estupefaents, comença una lluita cruenta de violents episodis entre les diferents famílies del crim organitzat.


El protector

El protector 2013


Phil Broker és un expolicia de narcòtics, un home de família que decideix passar desapercebut al costat de la seva filla, mudant-se a una localitat remota i aparentment tranquil·la per escapar del seu turbulent passat. No obstant això, el món de Broker es converteix en tot menys tranquil quan descobreix que el petit poble amaga un rerefons de violència i drogues. Aviat un capo sociòpata, Gator Bodine, posa en risc a Broker i a la seva filla, obligant-lo a entrar de nou en acció per salvar a la seva família i al poble.


Jutge Dredd

Jutge Dredd 1995


En un futur antiutòpic, uns policies anomenats jutges s'encarreguen de perseguir, jutjar i sentenciar els malfactors en el mateix moment de la captura. El més famós és en Dredd, i ara haurà d'enfrontar-se a una acusació d'assassinat.



Revenja 1990


Un pilot de combat de la marina dels Estats Units (Kevin Costner) es llicencia amb honors després de dotze anys de servei i decideix passar unes vacances a Puerto Vallarta. Allà s'allotja a casa d'un vell amic (Anthony Quinn) que una vegada va salvar la vida i que ara és un poderós cap de la màfia. Durant la seva estada, coneix la bella, enigmàtica i infeliç dona del seu amic (Madeleine Stowe). Tot i l'amistat que l'uneix al seu amfitrió, l'expilot i la dona viuen un apassionat romanç, arriscant-se a una venjança sagnant i brutal.


My Strange Hero

My Strange Hero 2018


When Kang Bok-Soo was a high school student, he was falsely accused of committing violence and kicked out of school. This was caused by his first love Son Soo-Jung and a male student Oh Se-Ho. Kang Bok-Soo is a now an adult, but his life has not gone smoothly. To get revenge on Son Soo-Jung and Oh Se-Ho, he returns to the same high school as a student. The environment at the school has changed and Kang Bok-Soo gets involved in unexpected cases.


Tin Star

Tin Star 2017


The story of Jim Worth, an expat British police officer starting a new life with his family as police chief in Little Big Bear, an idyllic town near the Rocky Mountains. When his small town is overrun by migrant workers from a massive new oil refinery – the wave of drugs, prostitution and organised crime that follows them threatens to sweep away everything in its wake.



Stalk 2020


Lux, an exceptionally-gifted geek, suffers a severe humiliation from the other students as soon as he enters his prestigious engineering school. To take revenge, he will use one of his best skills, “stalking”. He hacks their cell phones and computers; including Alma’s, the object of all his desires. Lux becomes the person he always wanted to be, before being caught in his own trap.



Magpie 2019


After serving 17 years in prison for a murder conviction, Asa Katz receives an early release on the condition that he continues to cooperate with the police as their jailhouse informant. Asa returns to his old neighborhood and to his older brother, David, a successful realtor who made his money in dubious business dealings. Conflicting interests put Asa in precarious situations, and he finds himself torn between his life of crime and his work with the police, all the while skillfully navigating both worlds to his advantage.


Don't Mess With EX-Girlfriend

Don't Mess With EX-Girlfriend 2022


Designer An Duoduo discovers that her fiancé Qin Lang is cheating on her during their wedding preparations. She catches her fiancé with her lover in bed, but doesn't call off the wedding. On her wedding day, she hires a man to be her future husband and marries him. A new romance between dogs and cats is about to begin!‌‌



Payback 2022


Whether it's a cheating ex, a double-crossing co-worker, or the best friend who stabbed you in the back, it's human instinct to want to get even. Though most people don't act on this impulse, there are those who are consumed with getting even. For them, what starts as a nagging bitterness evolves into obsession and results in murder. This true crime documentary series profiles those stories of revenge, told through gripping interviews with the family members, community members, and law enforcement who experienced the events firsthand.