Perseguit per la mort

Perseguit per la mort 1959


A causa d'un malentès, Roger O. Thornhill, un executiu del món de la publicitat, uns espies el confonen amb un agent del govern anomenat George Kaplan. Segrestat per tres individus i portat a una mansió on és interrogat, aconsegueix fugir abans que el matin. Quan l'endemà torna a casa acompanyat de la policia, no hi ha rastre de les persones que havia descrit.


Què esperar quan s'està esperant

Què esperar quan s'està esperant 2012


Adaptació del llibre més popular sobre embaràs. Quatre parelles estan a punt de conèixer les emocions, els temors i els maldecaps que suposa ser pares.


Passat de voltes

Passat de voltes 2006


Ricky Bobby s'introdueix per primera vegada en els circuits de carreres com a “jackman” per al descuidat pilot Terry Cheveaux i, accidentalment, aconsegueix la seva gran oportunitat per pilotar quan Cheveaux fa una parada no programada en una cursa per cruspir-se un sandvitx de pollastre. Ricky salta dins del cotxe i... comença la balada de Ricky Bobby.


Pijama per a dos

Pijama per a dos 1961


Jerry Webster i Carol Templeton es dediquen a la publicitat, encara que treballen per a diferents agències. Molesta pels mètodes emprats per Jerry (alcohol i dones) per aconseguir els contractes, Carol intenta fer-lo fora de la professió. Per evitar-ho, Jerry ensarrona la noia que testificaria contra ell, convertint-la en l'estrella d'un anunci per a televisió, d'una marca important, que acaba d'aconseguir.


La substància

La substància 1985


Una estranya massa que emana de la terra és descoberta per un parell de miners. Ho proven i decideixen comercialitzar-lo en comprovar-ne el bon sabor. La seva fama es va estenent, i nombrosa gent el consumeix, però aquesta massa controla els cervells dels que la mengen... tornant-los zombis.


Comprar, llençar, comprar

Comprar, llençar, comprar 2010


Documental sobre el cicle de vida dels béns i serveis, coproduïda per Espanya i França. Basant-se en una acurada recerca de més de tres anys, i utilitzant imatges d'arxiu molt poc conegudes, Comprar, llençar, comprar relata la història de l'obsolescència programada des dels seus orígens cap a 1920 (quan es va formar un càrtel per limitar la vida útil de les bombetes elèctriques), bateries que s'esgoten al cap de 18 mesos de ser estrenades, impressores que es bloquegen en arribar a un nombre determinat d'impressions, entre altres. El documental mostra que, malgrat els avenços tecnològics, els productes de consum duren cada vegada menys.


Two and a Half Men

Two and a Half Men 2003


A hedonistic jingle writer's free-wheeling life comes to an abrupt halt when his brother and 10-year-old nephew move into his beach-front house.


Mad Men

Mad Men 2007


Set in 1960-1970 New York, this sexy, stylized and provocative drama follows the lives of the ruthlessly competitive men and women of Madison Avenue advertising.


The Crazy Ones

The Crazy Ones 2013


The Crazy Ones is an American situation comedy series created by David E. Kelley that stars Robin Williams and Sarah Michelle Gellar. The single-camera project premiered on CBS on September 26, 2013, as part of the 2013–14 American television season as a Thursday night 9 pm entry. Bill D'Elia, Dean Lorey, Jason Winer, John Montgomery and Mark Teitelbaum serve as executive producers for 20th Century Fox Television.



Gruen 2015


Join host Wil Anderson, stalwarts Todd Sampson and Russel Howcroft and other advertising industry experts to unpick the ways we're all bought and sold.


Gruen Planet

Gruen Planet 2011


The show that lifts the lid on advertising, spin and marketing. Join host Wil Anderson, stalwarts Todd Sampson and Russel Howcroft and other advertising industry experts as they unpick the ways we're all bought and sold.


The Gruen Transfer

The Gruen Transfer 2008


Advertising: how it works, and how it works on us. Decode and defuse the commercial messages that swirl through our lives, with the help of a panel of ad industry experts.



Suppli 2006


Minami is a 27-year-old female office worker in an advertisement agency. Though she has a boyfriend, she spends the majority of her time working and appears to feel ambivalent about the relationship at best. When the boyfriend finally breaks up with her, it's the push she needs to start a social life with her co-workers. In-office romances soon follow. Much of the story is told through Minami's thoughts, which are full of self-doubt.


Free Agents

Free Agents 2011


The trials and tribulations of finding love and companionship — the second time around. Newly divorced Alex, who is missing his kids and trying to keep himself together. Alex's co-worker Helen thinks she has it together, but she drinks too much in order to cope with her fiance's untimely death. It's no surprise then when these two overworked public relations executives share an ill-fated night of passion and are forced to cope with the awkward aftermath.


The 1970s Office

The 1970s Office 2004


Two teams of advertising executives compete to win the Raleigh of Nottingham's 'Raleigh Chopper' Christmas ad campaign. One team live and work the 1970s - without computers, mobile phones, internet or even motorcycle couriers - and has two weeks to put together a pitch. The other has team access to all modern technology, but only has a day to do the job.


The Closer

The Closer 1998


The Closer was an American television situation comedy that aired on CBS for 10 episodes in 1998. The show starred Tom Selleck as a successful advertising agency executive.


Summer Days

Summer Days 2008


This is about how three people crossing fates come together on a summer day.


The Real Mad Men of Advertising

The Real Mad Men of Advertising 2017


Follow the evolution of advertising from the 1950s through the 1980s, via interviews with the industry's top ad executives, and through classic ads and commercials.


The Bad Girl's Guide

The Bad Girl's Guide 2005


The Bad Girl's Guide is an American television program starring Jenny McCarthy, Marcelle Larice, Christina Moore, Stephanie Childers and Johnathan McClain. The series aired on UPN from May 24, 2005 to July 5, 2005. The TV show was based on the best-selling Bad Girls Guides by Cameron Tuttle, who was the show's co-creator and co-executive producer.


This Is Living

This Is Living 2014


Woo Bin and Ji Hyo play best friends who move to Vietnam into a home filled with the coolest Samsung appliances. There is also a bit of drama in store for the friends when feelings and other people get involved.


Good Company

Good Company 1996


Good Company is an American television sitcom that aired on CBS on Monday nights from March 3, 1996, to April 15, 1996. The series is set at the offices of Blanton, Booker & Hayden Agency, a Manhattan ad agency.


Wish Me Luck

Wish Me Luck 1970


21 year old student Rak holds the opportunity to enter the advertisement industry. He is led by Khun Shine, chief executive of a large company, and the next leader. Apart from having to help Khun Shine come up with commercials for different products, Rak also has to help his side look for a mole of their rivals that lurk inside the heart of the company. Feelings between the boss and his temporary employee also slowly start growing deeper. However, mandatory duties come before the matters of the heart.


The Hard Sell

The Hard Sell 2013


Advertising: the rattling of a stick in a swill-bucket? Welcome to the show where the stick rattles back: The Hard Sell. Adverts from history, treated with the respect they deserve.