L’exorcista del Papa

L’exorcista del Papa 2023


Pel·lícula sobre Gabriele Amorth, un sacerdot que va exercir com a exorcista principal del Vaticà, realitzant més de cent mil exorcismes al llarg de la seva vida. Amorth va escriure dos llibres de memòries on va detallar les seves experiències lluitant contra Satanàs.


El motorista fantasma

El motorista fantasma 2007


El motorista Johnny Blaze descobreix que el seu pare te un càncer terminal. Arriba a un pacte amb Mefistofels, i li fa entrega de la seva ànima a canvi del guariment del seu pare. Però el diable l'enganya, i el seu pare mor en un accident.


L’al·lucinant viatge de Bill i Ted

L’al·lucinant viatge de Bill i Ted 1991


Una cabina telefònica és l'instrument que utilitzen Billy i Ted per viatjar a gust per l'espai i el temps. Viatjaran a l'Infern, al Cel, es faran amics de la Mort (que acabarà convertint-se en ídol del rock), i coneixeran els marcians, el conill de Pasqua, i Albert Einstein.


L’exorcista 2: L’heretge

L’exorcista 2: L’heretge 1977


El pare Lamont és l'encarregat d'investigar la mort del pare Merrin i la causa de la possessió diabòlica de la jove Regan. Lamont viatjarà a Àfrica per investigar un altre cas de possessió demoníaca. Quan torna a Nova York, Regan està novament posseïda però, en aquesta ocasió, per la màquina hipnòtica del doctor Gene Tuskin.


El motorista fantasma, esperit de venjança

El motorista fantasma, esperit de venjança 2011


Nova adaptació del còmic "El motorista fantasma". Amb la finalitat de controlar els seus desitjos de venjança, Johnny Blaze, que veu els seus poders com una maledicció, viu apartat del món i sense relacionar-se amb ningú, però acaba sent localitzat pel monjo Moreau, que necessita la seva ajuda per buscar a la Nadya i al seu fill Danny abans que els trobi en Roarke, un vell conegut de Blaze.



Cobweb 2023


En Peter, un nen de vuit anys, intenta investigar uns cops misteriosos que provenen de l'interior de les parets de casa seva, i així descobrirà un secret fosc que els seus sinistres pares li havien amagat.



Fallen 1998


El detectiu John Hobbes està convençut que després de l'execució de l'assassí en sèrie Edgar Reese s'han acabat els problemes. Però quan la gent que coneix comença a cantar la mateixa cançó que Reese va cantar durant la seva execució, Hobbes se n'adona que potser després dels crims es trobi l'àngel caigut Azazel, que va ser condemnat a vagar sense cos per la Terra i ha prendre els cossos d'altres persones.


Compte enrere

Compte enrere 2019


La Quinn, una jove infermera d'un hospital, es descarrega una aplicació de mòbil que indica a l'usuari quant de temps li queda de vida. Allò que d'entrada sembla un joc intranscendent resulta ser una esgarrifosa realitat. El compte enrere dels tres dies que li queden de vida, sota el guiatge d'un hacker i d'un sacerdot catòlic, li seran un terrible malson.



Legend 1985


Un conte de fades escrit per William Hjortsberg (Angel Heart) que recrea la lluita eterna entre les tenebres i la llum en un món poblat per personatges màgics com nans, diablons, follets, unicorns, fades i humans.


Poltergeist III

Poltergeist III 1988


Carol Anne ha estat enviada a Chicago a viure amb els seus oncles per protegir-la del malvat reverend Kane, i viu ara en un enorme edifici. Però una sessió d'hipnosi a Carol Anne fa que Kane torni a buscar-la... i prendre possessió de tot el gratacel.


La novena porta

La novena porta 1999


La pel·lícula és l'adaptació cinematogràfica de la novel·la "El club Dumas" d'Arturo Pérez-Reverte. Dean Corso és especialista a buscar llibres antics per a col·leccionistes selectes de tot el món. Dean, dotat d'una sòlida cultura i pocs escrúpols, treballa de manera confidencial. Boris Balkan, un apassionat dels textos demoníacs, li encarrega a Dean que trobi els últims exemplars d'un llegendari manual d'invocació satànica anomenat "Les nou portes del regne de les sombres". Corso anirà de Nova York a Toledo i de París a Sintra durant la recerca, però la seva investigació sembla que desencadena una onada de violència i d'assassinats entre tots aquells que, d'una manera o d'una altra, estan relacionats amb "Les nou portes".



Enlluernat 1967


Stanley Moon, un jove cuiner, tímid i amb poca confiança en si mateix, està enamorat sense esperances de la guapa Margaret Spencer, la seva companya de feina. Després d'un fallit intent de suïcidi, Stanley rep la visita de George Spiggott, un cavaller desconegut que li ofereix la solució a tots els seus problemes: l'únic que demana a canvi és que signi un contracte venent-li la seva ànima.


El ritu

El ritu 2011


Per fugir de la vida que l'espera treballant a la funerària familiar, Michael Kovak decideix fer-se seminarista. En una crisi de fe, se'n va a Roma a fer un curs sobre els exorcismes, i allà coneix de primera mà les experiències d'un expert en el tema, el pare Lucas. Al final, és el mateix pare Lucas qui és posseït per un dimoni, i Michael haurà de posar a prova la seva fe per practicar-li ell mateix un exorcisme i salvar-lo.



Lucifer 2016


Bored and unhappy as the Lord of Hell, Lucifer Morningstar abandoned his throne and retired to Los Angeles, where he has teamed up with LAPD detective Chloe Decker to take down criminals. But the longer he's away from the underworld, the greater the threat that the worst of humanity could escape.


Chainsaw Man

Chainsaw Man 2022


Denji has a simple dream—to live a happy and peaceful life, spending time with a girl he likes. This is a far cry from reality, however, as Denji is forced by the yakuza into killing devils in order to pay off his crushing debts. Using his pet devil Pochita as a weapon, he is ready to do anything for a bit of cash.


Exploding Kittens

Exploding Kittens 2024


It's the ultimate fight between good and evil when God and his nemesis, the spawn of Satan, are sent to Earth to live with humans — as talking cats.



Salem 2014


Set in the volatile world of 17th century Massachusetts, 'Salem' explores what really fueled the town's infamous witch trials and dares to uncover the dark, supernatural truth hiding behind the veil of this infamous period in American history. In Salem, witches are real, but they are not who or what they seem.


Friday the 13th: The Series

Friday the 13th: The Series 1987


Micki and Ryan with the help of their friend Jack try to recover cursed antiques so they can store them in safety inside the antique store's vault.



Reaper 2007


21 year-old slacker Sam Oliver learns that his parents sold his soul to the devil before he was born, and now Sam has to repay the debt by becoming the Devil's bounty hunter, retrieving souls that have somehow escaped from Hell.


The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace

The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace 2021


It has been 800 years since the incredibly fast and powerful gods of battle known as the Idaten had sealed away the demons after an intense battle. Now, that battle is just considered a myth or a fairytale. While the current generation of Idaten who have never even had to fight are enjoying their peaceful lives, someone awakened the demons once again! Armed forces, ingenuity, politics, and intrigue. If you've got it, use everything you can! This three-way battle royale with no rules and no limits is about to begin!!


Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful 2014


Some of literature's most terrifying characters, including Dr. Frankenstein, Dorian Gray, and iconic figures from the novel Dracula are lurking in the darkest corners of Victorian London. Penny Dreadful is a frightening psychological thriller that weaves together these classic horror origin stories into a new adult drama.


Cyborg 009 vs. Devilman

Cyborg 009 vs. Devilman 2015


After discovering the existence of demons in Tokyo, the original 00 Cyborg crew led by Dr. Gilmore find themselves in conflict with Devilman, a strong demon believed to be in league with the war-profiteering terrorist organization, Black Ghost. Meanwhile, a bigger threat emerges when Dr. Adams, a Black Ghost scientist unleashes his new line of high-teen 00 Cyborg models against 009 and his friends.


God, the Devil and Bob

God, the Devil and Bob 2000


God strikes a wager with the Devil: if just one person can convince him that the world is worth saving, he'll spare humanity from destruction, if not, God will scrap all of creation and start over. The Devil is allowed to choose the candidate, and true to form, he picks the least likely person to determine the fate of the world--self-centered, slow-witted Detroit autoworker Bob Alman, an icon of mediocrity. Reluctantly, Bob accepts God's challenge, and has to live a decent life with no hints from God and constant temptation from the Devil. Caught between the forces of divinity and deviance, with the weight of the world on his shoulders, there's nothing left to do but laugh.


You're Being Summoned, Azazel-san

You're Being Summoned, Azazel-san 2011


Have a stalker you just can't shake? Fear your spouse is being unfaithful? You might consider hiring Akutabe, a detective who summons demons to do his dirty work. While his methods might seem unorthodox, he always gets results. However, as powerful as Akutabe is, manipulating demons is a delicate art. His new part-time employee Sakuma, a young college girl, doesn't get to spend too much time exploring the finer points of controlling demons before Akutabe forces her into a demonic contract with Azazel. Azazel is lazy, lustful, and depraved... Everything you'd expect a demon to be. Sakuma needs to keep Azazel on a tight leash, but to do that, she may have to dabble in a little depravity herself.


The Master and Margarita

The Master and Margarita 2005


The Master and Margarita is a Russian television production of Telekanal Rossiya, based on the novel The Master and Margarita, written by Soviet writer Mikhail Bulgakov between 1928 and 1940. Vladimir Bortko directed this adaptation and was also its screenwriter.


The Collector

The Collector 2004


The Collector is a Canadian supernatural drama television series about a man attempting to help save people who have bargained their souls with the Devil. After over 600 years of "collecting" the souls of people at the end of their 10-year deals, Morgan Pym negotiates with the Devil for the ability to aid the damned in redeeming themselves rather than sending them to Hell. Under the Devil's mocking gaze, Morgan assists his "clients" in undoing the damage their deals have done because of the devil shifting good luck towards the client and away from others. The series is set in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, where it was also filmed. CHUM cancelled the program after three seasons.


A Year at the Top

A Year at the Top 1977


A Year at the Top is an American sitcom which aired for five episodes on CBS in 1977. Produced by T.A.T. Communications Company, the series was created by Heywood Kling and co-executive produced by Don Kirshner and Norman Lear.


Angel 'N' Devil

Angel 'N' Devil 2014


A group of high school girls is Copper Dimension's last defense against the dark forces. They signed a contract with Xiong Ya, a guardian of light, to protect the innocent with their lives in exchange for having one wish come true. When one of their own is killed in school, their hunt for the devils in human skin brings them face to face with their own inner demon. They soon discover they are not above the influence of evil.



Damien 2016


After discovering his origins, Damien Thorn must cope with life as the Anti-Christ.


Revice Legacy: Kamen Rider Vail

Revice Legacy: Kamen Rider Vail 2022


Before the birth of the Igarashi children... A dying and seriously injured man was brought to the scientific research organization Noah. The man, Junpei Shiranami was transplanted with Giff's cells into the heart by Masumi Karizaki and survived. He was forced to become the strongest Devil hunter and given the Vail Driver. Junpei, whose parents were killed by the red Devil, becomes Kamen Rider Vail with revenge on his mind, continuing to fight the Devil...



Brimstone 1998


Brimstone is a short-lived Fox television series, featuring a dead police detective whose mission is to return to Hell 113 spirits who have escaped to Earth. The series ran for only one partial season. Since cancellation, Brimstone reruns have aired on Syfy in the United States from the summer of 1999 onward. The reruns have no set schedule, but are usually aired in marathons during the channel's seasonal events like "Creatureland", "Inhumanland" and "the 31 Days of Halloween". Chiller also began airing reruns, on July 28, 2007. It currently airs in sporadic weekday marathons, like Syfy, and has no set airing schedule.