
Imaginar-te 2024


La Solène, una mare soltera de 40 anys, comença un romanç inesperat amb en Hayes Campbell, de 24 anys, el cantant principal d'August Moon, la banda de nois més popular del planeta.


Millor, impossible

Millor, impossible 1997


Melvin Udall, un escriptor obsessiu i maniàtic, és un dels éssers més desagradables i desagraïts que un pugui tenir com a veí. Però, un bon dia, ha de fer-se càrrec d'un gos al que odia a mort. La presència en la seva vida de l'animal estovarà el seu cor.


Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump 1994


Forrest Gump és un noi amb deficiències mentals no gaire profundes i amb alguna incapacitat motora que, malgrat tot, esdevindrà, entre altres coses, un heroi durant la Guerra del Vietnam. La seva persistència i bondat el portaran a aconseguir una gran fortuna, ser objecte del clam popular i a fer-se amb les més altes esferes socials i polítiques del país. Sempre sense oblidar Jenny, el seu gran amor des que era petit.


Segueix-me el rotllo

Segueix-me el rotllo 2011


Danny Maccabee és un cirurgià plàstic que diu que està casat malgrat que no és veritat, perquè no es vol comprometre amb cap dona. Però un dia coneix la Palmer, una jove que li desperta alguna cosa més. El problema és que ella es pensa que en Danny realment està casat. Aleshores ell ordeix un pla delirant per demostrar-li el seu amor a la noia.


L’expedient Warren: El cas Enfield

L’expedient Warren: El cas Enfield 2016


L'Ed i la Lorraine Warren decideixen, a petició de l'Església, investigar uns estranys esdeveniments que estan tenint lloc a casa de la família Hodgson. Conegut com l'Amytiville d'Anglaterra, aquest va ser un dels casos més ben documentats i que més van colpir els dos coneguts investigadors de fenòmens paranormals. La Janet Hodgson, una nena d'onze anys, comença a canalitzar un esperit demoníac que acaba trasbalsant la vida de tota la seva família. En principi, l'Ed i la Lorraine només han de dictaminar si es tracta d'un cas real o d'un muntatge, però s'hi acaben involucrant fins a un extrem que mai s'haurien imaginat.


Jojo Rabbit

Jojo Rabbit 2019


Jojo Rabbit és un nen vivint en plena 2a Guerra Mundial. La seva única via d'escapament és el seu amic imaginari, una versió de Hitler ètnicament incorrecta que incita els cecs ideals patriòtics del nen. Tot això canvia quan descobreix que la seva mare Rosie està amagant una jove jueva al seu àtic.



Segrestat 2017


Una mare no s'aturarà davant de res per intentar recuperar el seu fill quan aquest és segrestat davant seu en un parc d'atraccions.


Caçafantasmes 2

Caçafantasmes 2 1989


Han passat cinc anys des que els Caçafantasmes van entrar per última vegada en acció. El doctor Peter Venkman, notable parapsicólogo de persuasius encants, ha quedat relegat a mestre de cerimònies d'un programa de televisió on es discuteixen fenòmens psíquics. Ray Stantz i el seu col·lega Winston Zeddemore es guanyen la vida entretenint a nens en festes infantils, i el mag tecnològic Egon Spengler continua les seves recerques sobre els efectes de les emocions humanes en el camp d'energia psicomagnética. La relació de Dana Barrett amb Venkman es va dissoldre; ella es va casar amb un altre home i va tenir un fill, però el matrimoni va fracassar. Ara Dana viu sola a Nova York, criant a Oscar, el seu bebè de vuit mesos, i treballant com restauradora de quadres en el Museu d'art de Manhattan, al costat d'un excèntric expert en pintures del període romàntic, Janosz Poha. Tot sembla normal fins que el cotxet d'Oscar roda per si solament i es fica entre el perillós tràfic de la ciutat.



Píxels 2015


Uns extraterrestres malinterpreten les imatges de les màquines recreatives com una declaració de guerra, i decideixen atacar la Terra, utilitzant aquests jocs com a models per a l'assalt. El president dels EUA, Will Cooper, recorre al seu gran amic de la infància i campió de les maquinetes dels anys 80, Sam Brenner, qui actualment treballa com a instal·lador de sistemes de «home cinema», per encapçalar un equip d’experts jugadors de la seva època. La missió serà derrotar als extraterrestres i salvar el planeta.



Babadook 2014


Una mare soltera, afligida per la mort violenta del seu marit, lluita amb la por del seu fill a un monstre que s'amaga a la casa, però aviat descobreix una presència sinistra al voltant seu.


The Florida Project

The Florida Project 2017


Moonee és una nena que somia amb anar a Disney World. És clar que el més a prop que ha estat de l'emblemàtic país dels somnis és en un motel de les afores d'Orlando (Florida), anomenat Magic Castle Motel.


El sisè sentit

El sisè sentit 1999


El Dr. Malcolm Crowe, un reconegut psicòleg infantil de Filadèlfia, rep un atac d'un antic pacient que el culpa per no haver-lo ajudat durant la seva infantesa. Mesos després de patir aquest assalt, en Malcolm comença a treballar amb un altre pacient, un nen de nou anys que pateix ansietat i trastorns emocionals. Com creu que és un cas similar al del seu agressor, en Malcolm dubta de tenir prou capacitat per guarir-lo. Mentrestant, s'adona que el seu matrimoni se'n va en orris perquè la seva esposa es mostra cada vegada més distant.


Stranger Things

Stranger Things 2016


When a young boy vanishes, a small town uncovers a mystery involving secret experiments, terrifying supernatural forces, and one strange little girl.


High Potential

High Potential 2024


Morgan is a single mom with an exceptional mind, whose unconventional knack for solving crimes leads to an unusual and unstoppable partnership with a by-the-book seasoned detective.


Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls 2000


Set in the charming town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut, the series follows the captivating lives of Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, a mother/daughter pair who have a relationship most people only dream of.


HIP - High Intellectual Potential

HIP - High Intellectual Potential 2021


Morgane is 38-years old, has three children, two exes and an IQ of 160; her destiny as a cleaner is turned upside-down when her extraordinary abilities are spotted by the police who offer her a job as a consultant.


Judging Amy

Judging Amy 1999


Judging Amy is an American television drama that was telecast from September 19, 1999, through May 3, 2005, on CBS-TV. This TV series starred Amy Brenneman and Tyne Daly. Its main character is a judge who serves in a family court, and in addition to the family-related cases that she adjudicates, many episodes of the show focus on her own experiences as a divorced mother, and on the experiences of her mother, a social worker who works in the field of child welfare. This series was based on the life experiences of Brenneman's mother.



Weeds 2005


After the unexpected death of her husband, a suburban mom resorts to selling weed to support her family.


The Lucy Show

The Lucy Show 1962


The Lucy Show is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from 1962–68. It was Lucille Ball's follow-up to I Love Lucy. A significant change in cast and premise for the 1965–66 season divides the program into two distinct eras; aside from Ball, only Gale Gordon, who joined the program for its second season, remained. For the first three seasons, Vivian Vance was the co-star. The earliest scripts were entitled The Lucille Ball Show, but when this title was declined, producers thought of calling the show This Is Lucy or The New Adventures of Lucy, before deciding on the title The Lucy Show. Ball won consecutive Emmy Awards as Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series for the series' final two seasons, 1966–67 and 1967–68.


The Equalizer

The Equalizer 2021


Robyn McCall, an enigmatic former CIA operative with a mysterious background, uses her extensive skills to help those with nowhere else to turn.


Bates Motel

Bates Motel 2013


A "contemporary prequel" to the 1960 film Psycho, depicting the life of Norman Bates and his mother Norma prior to the events portrayed in Hitchcock's film, albeit in a different fictional town and in a modern setting. The series begins after the death of Norma's husband, when she purchases a motel located in a coastal Oregon town so she and Norman can start a new life.


Bob Hearts Abishola

Bob Hearts Abishola 2019


A love story about a middle-aged compression sock businessman from Detroit who unexpectedly falls for his cardiac nurse, a Nigerian immigrant, while recovering from a heart attack and sets his sights on winning her over.


Be My Dream Family

Be My Dream Family 2021


The story of the series revolves around two families Geumgane and Hangane from different cultural backgrounds. They meet when their parents remarry in the twilight of life, and they become one family. The series follows the conflict, understanding and harmony of the extended family, showing meaning of a true family.



Alice 1976


Alice is an American sitcom television series that ran from August 31, 1976 to March 19, 1985 on CBS. The series is based on the 1974 film Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore. The show stars Linda Lavin in the title role, a widow who moves with her young son to start her life over again, and finds a job working at a roadside diner on the outskirts of Phoenix, Arizona. Most of the episodes revolve around events at Mel's Diner.



Younger 2015


Liza Miller, a suddenly single stay-at-home mother, tries to get back into the working world, only to find it’s nearly impossible to start at the bottom at 40-year old. When a chance encounter convinces her she looks younger than she is, Liza tries to pass herself off as 26 and lands a job as an assistant at Empirical Press. Now she just has to make sure no one finds out the secret only she and her best friend Maggie share.


Raven's Home

Raven's Home 2017


Best friends Raven and Chelsea, now both divorced mothers, are raising their children in a house together. Their house is turned upside down when they realize one of Raven's children inherited the same psychic abilities as their mother.



Reba 2001


After her dentist husband of 20 years leaves her for his dental hygienist, Reba Hart's seemingly perfect world is turned upside down.​


When the Camellia Blooms

When the Camellia Blooms 2019


Dong-baek is a single mother. When a potential new love enters her life, she finds ways to defy the social stigmas surrounding her.


Candice Renoir

Candice Renoir 2013


Candice Renoir had put her career on standby for 10 years. When she returns from Singapore to resume service in a port town in the south of France, she feels a bit “rusty”. Despite the obvious defiance of her unit and a cynical superior who doesn’t make her job any easier, she is determined to turn her so-called weaknesses into strengths, solving the most complex cases with her common sense, her acute observation and her practical nature seasoned by a busy daily routine. Only Candice can catch a killer because she knows the chemical composition of a window-cleaning product or determine the hour of a murder from the cooking-time of kebabs… Candice is only naive on the outside, and nobody can resist her!


Body of Proof

Body of Proof 2011


Dr. Megan Hunt was in a class of her own, a brilliant neurosurgeon at the top of her game. But her world is turned upside down when a devastating car accident puts an end to her time in the operating room. Megan resumes her career as a medical examiner, determined to solve the puzzle of who or what killed the victims.


The New Adventures of Old Christine

The New Adventures of Old Christine 2006


Single working mom Christine Campbell has just learned that her ex is dating a much younger woman with the same first name. To avoid any confusion, the new girlfriend is dubbed New Christine, which leaves her with the unfortunate nickname Old Christine.