Paranormal activity

Paranormal activity 2007


Després que una parella jove i de classe mitjana s'instal·li a la que sembla una casa típica dels suburbis, es veuen cada cop més pertorbats per una presència que pot ser o no demoníaca, però que sens dubte és la més activa enmig de la nit.


L’últim esglaó

L’últim esglaó 1999


Tom Witzky és un home normal que viu amb la dona i el fill de set anys. Tot i el seu escepticisme respecte als fenòmens paranormals, accedeix a ser hipnotitzat durant una festa a casa d'uns veïns. A partir d'aquell moment, la seva vida es veu pertorbada per estranyes veus i visions inexplicables que semblen fragments d'un trencaclosques que podrien servir per resoldre un crim.


Roig fosc

Roig fosc 1975


Un compositor anglès (Hemmings) presencia a Roma el brutal assassinat d'una mèdium, i immediatament intenta localitzar el sàdic assassí.


Llums vermells

Llums vermells 2012


Dos investigadors de fraus paranormals, la veterana doctora Margaret Matheson i el seu ajudant Tom Buckley, estudien els més variats fenòmens metapsíquics amb la intenció de demostrar el seu origen fraudulent. Simon Silver, un psíquic llegendari, potser el dotat més famós de tots els temps, reapareix després de trenta anys d'enigmàtica absència, i torna a ser el desafiament més gran per la ciència ortodoxa i pels escèptics professionals. Tom comença a desenvolupar una densa obsessió per en Silver, el magnetisme del qual es reforça de forma perillosa amb cada nova manifestació de successos inexplicables



Premonició 2015


Joe Merriweather és un veterà detectiu de l'FBI a què arriba un horrible cas: diverses persones han estat assassinades d'una manera espantosa i hi ha poques pistes que revelin qui pot haver estat l'assassí. Per intentar resoldre'l treballa amb la seva ambiciosa companya, l'agent Katherine Cowles. Però, incapaços d'avançar a buscar-los, tots dos acabaran recorrent al doctor Clancy, un solitari metge especialista ja retirat que es va allunyar del món després de la mort de la seva filla. A més Clancy posseeix un do extraordinari, ja que té visions que podrien ser clau per trobar el rastre del criminal. Tot i això, aviat descobrirà que no és l'únic amb poders i que haurà de bregar amb els que té l'esmunyedís assassí.


Arrossega’m a l’infern

Arrossega’m a l’infern 2009


Christine Brown és l'ambiciosa apoderada d'un banc de Los Angeles. El seu treball consisteix a concedir préstecs hipotecaris. Un dia, una anciana va al banc per demanar-li una moratòria. Christine no li concedeix i la dona perd la casa. Com a venjança, li llança una maledicció que convertirà la vida de Christine en un infern.


La zona morta

La zona morta 1983


Johnny Smith desperta d'un coma de cinc anys després de tenir un accident de circulació. Aviat descobrirà que te l'habilitat de "llegir" la vida passada, present i futura de les persones amb les que hi contacta físicament.


Mothman: L’última profecia

Mothman: L’última profecia 2002


Basada en fets reals, la pel·lícula examina una sèrie d'esdeveniments inexplicables a través dels ulls –i la ment– d'un home. Richard Gere, Laura Linney, Will Patton i Debra Messing interpreten aquest thriller ple de suspens que explica la història d'un home que arriba a l'extrem d'investigar les misterioses circumstàncies que van envoltar la mort de la seva dona i com podrien estar connectades amb els estranys fenòmens que ocorren en un poble situat a quatre-centes milles.


Amenaça a l’ombra

Amenaça a l’ombra 1973


Per intentar superar la pèrdua recent i tràgica de la seva filla, l'arquitecte John Baxter i la seva dona Laura es traslladen a Venècia amb l'encàrrec de restaurar una vella església. Durant la seva estada coneixeran un parell de dones grans que diuen haver entrat en comunicació amb la seva difunta filla i que els adverteixen d'un perill imminent.



Host 2020


Sis amics realitzen una sessió espiritista per Zoom durant la quarantena, cosa que els porta a viure una sèrie d'aterridores experiències. Quan un esperit maligne envaeix casa seva, comencen a preguntar-se què és el que poden fer per sobreviure a la nit.



Mindscape 2013


Un home amb l'habilitat d'entrar a les memòries de les persones s'ocupa del cas d'una adolescent brillant i problemàtica per determinar si ella és una sociòpata o víctima d'un trauma.


En John mor, al final

En John mor, al final 2013


Una droga que promet una experiència més enllà de la realitat. Qui la consumeix viatja a través del temps i les dimensions. No obstant això, els que tornen ja no són humans. De sobte, una invasió silenciosa d'un altre món està en marxa, i la humanitat necessita un heroi.


The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2016


Gifted with a wide assortment of supernatural abilities ranging from telepathy to x-ray vision, Kusuo Saiki finds this so-called blessing to be nothing but a curse. As all the inconveniences his powers cause constantly pile up, all Kusuo aims for is an ordinary, hassle-free life—a life where ignorance is bliss.



Kiznaiver 2016


The anime's setting is a fictional Japanese city named Sugomori City. One day, Noriko Sonosaki tells her classmate Katsuhira Agata, "You have been selected to be a Kiznaiver." The Kizuna System, which allows Katsuhira to share his wounds, connects him to the classmates whose lives and personalities completely differ from his. The Kizuna System is an incomplete system for the implementation of world peace that connects people through wounds. All those who are connected to this system are called Kiznaivers. When one Kiznaiver is wounded, the system divides and transmits the wound among the other Kiznaivers. Sugomori City is built on reclaimed land, but as the years go by, the city's population is decreasing. The story is set in this town where Katsuhira and the others live.


Higurashi: When They Cry

Higurashi: When They Cry 2006


After moving into the quiet town of Hinamizawa, Maebara Keiichi spends his days blissfully in school often playing games with his local friends. However, appearances can be deceiving. One fateful day, Keiichi stumbles upon news of a murder that had occurred in Hinamizawa. From this point on, horrific events unfold in front of Keiichi, as he soon learns his close friends may not be all that they seem.


Darker than Black

Darker than Black 2007


Ten years ago, a mysterious spatial anomaly now known as "Heaven's Gate" appeared in South America, shortly followed by the opening of "Hell's Gate" in Tokyo altering the sky and wreaking havoc on the landscape. The real stars disappeared, replaced by false stars. During this time, people possessing various special abilities — called "Contractors" — emerged, each capable of different supernatural feats. Following the disastrous Heaven's War, the United States lost its dominant position as a superpower to a mysterious organization named the Syndicate. The story revolves around a Chinese contractor codenamed "Hei" as he undertakes various espionage and assassination missions in Tokyo.


The Guest

The Guest 2018


The story of a psychic, a priest, and a detective who fight unusual crimes committed by strange powers.


Behind Your Touch

Behind Your Touch 2023


A psychic vet and a detective join forces to crack small-town cases — but their skills are tested when they unravel a chilling serial killer mystery



Maggie 2022


As a psychic, Maggie regularly sees the future of her friends, parents, clients and random strangers on the street, but when she suddenly sees a glimpse of her own future, she is forced to start living in her own present.



Texhnolyze 2003


Denizens of Lux have come to call it "The City" and treat it as a sentient force. Three factions vie for control of the city: the Organo, a strictly professional conglomerate with ties to the criminal underworld in the prosthetics business; the Union, a fanatical populist group interfering with Organo's affairs; and Racan, a marauding group of Texhnolyzed youths.


Shut Eye

Shut Eye 2016


A darkly comedic look at the world of Los Angeles storefront psychics and the organized crime syndicate that runs them. Former magician Charlie Haverford oversees a number of fortune telling parlors on behalf of his violent and domineering Romani kingpin boss, until a blow to the head jars him into a new mindset, making him question everything he has ever believed.


Ghost Hunt

Ghost Hunt 2006


Telling ghost stories is a favorite past time of Mai Taniyama and her friends—that is, until she meets 17-year-old Kazuya Shibuya, the man sent by Shibuya Psychic Research Center to investigate paranormal activity at a supposedly haunted school. When Mai gets caught in a dangerous situation, she is rescued by Kazuya's assistant. Saving her lands the assistant incapacitated, and Kazuya demands that Mai become his assistant, instead...



Afterlife 2005


University lecturer Robert Bridge becomes involved in a series of supernatural events surrounding medium Alison Mundy.


The Cursed

The Cursed 2020


Im Jin Hee is a gung ho reporter, out to do the ring thing. She covers a violent case involving Forest, the biggest IT company in South Korea. The chairman of Forest is Jin Jong Hyun. He relies heavily on shamanism. During her investigation, Im Jin Hee learns of a spiritual consulting company that is affiliated with Forest. The head of that affiliate company is Jin Kyung. While trying to reveal the secret behind Forest, Im Jin Hee meets So Jin. She is possessed by a spirit and she has a special ability.


Tell Me What You Saw

Tell Me What You Saw 2020


The eccentric Oh Hyun Jae was a peerless criminal profiler until a bomb planted by a serial killer took the life of his young fiancée, causing him to become a recluse. When a serial killer long thought dead returns to terrorize the city, rising star of the police, Hwang Hwa Young, resolves to outwit the killer. To do so, she teams up with both Oh and the remarkable rookie cop Cha Soo Young, whose photographic memory may prove to be a powerful crime-fighting weapon.


The Heike Story

The Heike Story 2022


A young orphan named Biwa is taken in by the powerful Taira Clan—also known as the Heike—after their leader witnesses her extraordinary psychic abilities. Unfortunately, what she predicts is a future of bloodshed, violence, and civil war. Inspired by the 12th-century epic tale Heike Monogatari.


The Teenage Psychic

The Teenage Psychic 2017


Xiao Zhen is a 16-year-old girl born with the ability to see spirits. As she uses her power to help the living deal with their loved ones on the other side, she must juggle the pressures of teenage life with the demands of the spirit world.


The Others

The Others 2000


The Others is an American TV series created by John Brancato and Michael Ferris, and produced by Delusional Films, NBC and DreamWorks Television. It ran for 13 40-minute episodes from February 5, 2000 to June 10, 2000, airing on NBC in the US, Five in the UK and on Nine in Australia. It concerned a group of people with various psychic talents as they encountered different, and often evil, paranormal forces, Essentially an ensemble show.


The Game: Towards Zero

The Game: Towards Zero 2020


Tae Pyeong is a prophet. When he looks into someone's eye, he can see the moment right before they die. Tae Pyeong is smart, rich and handsome. Despite his special ability, he is a bright person. A mysterious serial murder case draws Tae Pyeong's attention. He partners with Detective Joon Young to solve the string of murders.


Travel for Ghosts

Travel for Ghosts 2024


Travel for Ghosts is a paranormal investigation series where paranormal investigator Vega and guests explore some of the most haunted spots in the world, seeking for the truth.