Kill Bill: Volum 2

Kill Bill: Volum 2 2004


Després d'eliminar alguns dels membres de la banda que va intentar assassinar-la el dia del seu casament, "Mamba Negra" prossegueix la venjança i intenta acabar amb la resta de la banda, especialment amb el seu antic cap, Bill, que la va donar per morta deixant-la en coma.


L’últim samurai

L’últim samurai 2003


Any 1870. El capità Nathan Algren, un veterà de la guerra civil americana, va al Japó amb la missió d'ensenyar els japonesos com funcionen les armes que els venen els americans. La prioritat de l'emperador japonès, que vol modernitzar el seu país, és acabar amb els últims samurais. Katsumoto, l'últim líder d'aquest llinatge, captura el capità Algren, que ha resultat ferit. Durant la convalescència, Algren i Katsumoto establiran una relació que durà l'americà a aprendre el codi d'honor i les tradicions dels antics guerrers japonesos.


Conan el destructor

Conan el destructor 1984


Conan viatja amb un grup de buscavides per tal de rescatar la princesa Jehnna de les mans d'un màgic poderós.



Hook 1991


Peter Pan és un prestigiós advocat i té una encantadora família, però ha perdut el contacte amb una cosa meravellosa: la seva infància. No obstant això, quan els seus fills són segrestats pel seu antic enemic, el Capità Garfi, i portats al País de Mai Mai, també ell haurà de viatjar a aquest regne encantat, on, amb l'ajuda de Campaneta, podrà recuperar no només els seus fills , sinó també al nen que un dia va ser.


Els immortals

Els immortals 1986


Són Immortals, destinats a viure eternament. Han de desafiar-se a duels a través dels temps fins que només en quedi un. Només decapitats pel full d'una espasa es poden alliberar de la seva lluita eterna i aconseguir el Premi: un poder inimaginable. Des de les terres altes d'Escòcia del segle XVI fins al Nova York dels nostres dies, els Immortals lluiten per la seva recompensa, mentre que el destí dels mortals se sosté en un fràgil equilibri.


Els cavallers de la taula quadrada i els seus bojos seguidors

Els cavallers de la taula quadrada i els seus bojos seguidors 1975


El rei Artús i els seus cavallers reben un encàrrec diví: partir a la recerca del Sant Grial, per a això hauran de lluitar contra enemics molt diversos: malignes cavallers rivals, bèsties sanguinàries (que només són visibles com a dibuix animat), grollers cavallers francesos fortificant un castell a Anglaterra, bruixes, endevins mefistofèlics, Scotland Yard, i fins i tot un conill assassí i carnívor (que mor destruït per una còmica relíquia portada de les Croades: la "Santa Granada de Mà d'Antioquia").


L’esbojarrada història de les galàxies

L’esbojarrada història de les galàxies 1987


La princesa Vespa (Daphne Zuniga) decideix fugir just abans de les seves noces amb el príncep Valium (JM J. Bullock), per a això es porta al seu robot Dot Matrix (Lorene Yarnell) i una petita nau espacial. Davant això el seu pare, el rei Roland de Druidia (Dick Van Patten) ofereix una recompensa a qui trobi a la seva filla. La recompensa interessa molt a Lone Starr (Bill Pullman) i al seu ajudant Vomito Barf (John Candy) que deuen molts diners a un delinqüent anomenat Pizza el Hutt (Dom DeLuise). En la seva fugida la princesa Vespa és interceptada per la nau del malvat Lord Casc Fosc (Rick Moranis) que treballa per al president del planeta Spaceballs (Mel Brooks), que anhela l'aire pur del planeta Druidia. Lone Starr, amb l'ajuda del mestre Yogurt (Mel Brooks), que li ensenya a usar la sort, ha de rescatar a la princesa i acabar amb els Spaceball


Els tres mosqueters

Els tres mosqueters 2011


Nova adaptació de la novel·la d'aventures d'Alexandre Dumas. Athos, Porthos i Aramis són tres guerrers d'elit que serveixen el rei de França com els seus millors mosqueters. Després de descobrir una malèvola conspiració per enderrocar el rei, els mosqueters s'encreuen amb un jove que aspira a convertir-se en heroi, D'Artagnan, a qui prenen sota la seva tutela. Junts emprenen una perillosa missió per frustrar el complot que amenaça, no només la corona de França, sinó el futur de tot Europa.


Dragonheart (Cor de drac)

Dragonheart (Cor de drac) 1996


Anglaterra, 984 dC. El jove príncep Einon és ferit greument en una revolta dels pagesos contra el seu cruel pare. Per salvar el fill de la mort, la reina el presenta a en Draco, un poderós drac que lliura una part del seu propi cor al noi i guareix la ferida amb un centelleig de foc. Un cop rei, l'Einon deixa anar els seus instints més malvats i governa com un tirà. El cavaller Bowen, instructor i protector de l'Einon, se sent llavors traït pel drac, a qui considera responsable de la maldat del rei, i jura dedicar la vida a matar tots els dracs del regne.


El temible burleta

El temible burleta 1952


Segle XVIII. Tot un clàssic del cinema de pirates que narra les correries de Burt Lancaster i el seu acrobàtic i inseparable company Cravat, uns temibles corsaris que aterren les tripulacions dels vaixells que naveguen pel Mediterrani.



Ladyfalcó 1985


Navarre, el capità de la guàrdia del poble medieval d'Aquila, està enamorat d'Isabeau, que també desitja el bisbe del lloc. Quan el bisbe descobreix que Navarre i Isabeau estan junts, els envia a l'exili i llança una maledicció sobre la parella: ella serà un falcó durant el dia i ell, llop durant la nit, fet que els condemna a veure's només sota la forma d'animal.


La maledicció de la flor daurada

La maledicció de la flor daurada 2006


Xina, segle X, durant la dinastia Tang. El palau imperial s'omple de flors daurades per celebrar el Festival Chong Yang. El retorn inesperat de l'emperador i del príncep per celebrar la festa en família resulta sospitós, ja que la relació amb l'emperadriu és molt freda a causa d'una relació il·lícita d'ella amb Wan, el seu fillastre.



Bleach 2004


For as long as he can remember, Ichigo Kurosaki has been able to see ghosts. But when he meets Rukia, a Soul Reaper who battles evil spirits known as Hollows, he finds his life is changed forever. Now, with a newfound wealth of spiritual energy, Ichigo discovers his true calling: to protect the living and the dead from evil.


That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 2018


37-year-old corporate worker Mikami Satoru is stabbed by a random killer, and is reborn to an alternate world. But he turns out to be reborn a slime! Thrown into this new world with the name Rimuru Tempest, he begins his quest to create a world that’s welcoming to all races. Broken free from ordinary, stale past life, his fresh adventure in a fantasy world as a slime monster with unique abilities begins.



.hack 2002


.hack follows several young players as they navigate the vast, mysterious MMORPG known as “The World” – a place, it turns out, that is sometimes impossible to leave.


Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 2019


It is the Taisho Period in Japan. Tanjiro, a kindhearted boy who sells charcoal for a living, finds his family slaughtered by a demon. To make matters worse, his younger sister Nezuko, the sole survivor, has been transformed into a demon herself. Though devastated by this grim reality, Tanjiro resolves to become a “demon slayer” so that he can turn his sister back into a human, and kill the demon that massacred his family.



K 2012


Shiro is an easygoing teenager content with just being a student—until his seemingly perfect life is halted when a bloodthirsty clan, glowing red with fire, attempts to kill him in the streets. Unbeknownst to Shiro, he is suspected of murdering a member of their clan and will need a miracle to escape their vengeance. Miraculously, a young man named Kurou Yatogami swings in and aids Shiro in his getaway, only to reveal he's also after Shiro's life. Now a hunted man, Shiro will have to evade the clans of seven powerful kings and desperately try to prove his innocence—before it’s too late!



InuYasha 2000


Kagome Higurashi is a modern day young girl who lives with her family by the old Higure shrine. Unbeknownst to Kagome, she is the reincarnation of priestess Kikyo and posseses the "Jewel of Four Souls" (the Shikon jewel). One ill-fated day, Kagome locates an ancient well near her home and is abruptly transported through the well and into a feudal Japan, inhabited by demons. There, she encounters Inuyasha, son of a powerful demon father and a human mother, who is pinned to a tree by an enchanted arrow.



Air 2005


Yukito Kunisaki is on a journey in search of the Winged Maiden who was bound to the sky centuries ago after hearing the old childhood tale from his mother. As Yukito shows his puppet show to people in an attempt to make some money, he finds himself in a small town in which he did not expect to stay very long. However, when he meets an unusual girl named Misuzu, things take a drastic turn as he is invited to stay with her.



Dororo 2019


A samurai lord has bartered away his newborn son's organs to forty-eight demons in exchange for dominance on the battlefield. Yet, the abandoned infant survives thanks to a medicine man who equips him with primitive prosthetics—lethal ones with which the wronged son will use to hunt down the multitude of demons to reclaim his body one piece at a time, before confronting his father. On his journeys the young hero encounters an orphan who claims to be the greatest thief in Japan.


Yippee, Yappee and Yahooey

Yippee, Yappee and Yahooey 1964


Yippee, Yappee and Yahooey is a Hanna-Barbera animated television series that premiered September 16, 1964. It was presented as a segment of The Peter Potamus Show, along with Breezly and Sneezly and Peter Potamus.


Garo: The Animation

Garo: The Animation 2014


Mendosa, the chief adviser of the king of Valiante, begins a campaign to hunt down "witches," resulting in the deaths of many magical knights and their sorcerer assistants. Anna, a sorceress married to the knight Herman Lewis, gives birth to a son before her execution. Herman takes their child, Leon, and flees, raising him to be the heir of the legendary Golden Armor. By the time Leon grows up, Valiante is completely in the control of Mendosa, who drives out Prince Alfonso and his mother. Alphonso decides to seek out the man who inherited the Golden Armor to reclaim the throne and save his people.



Blood+ 2005


Unable to remember the past, high school senior Saya Otonashi must rediscover her destiny in order to defeat the chiropteran vampires that threaten her loved ones' existence.


Demon King Daimao

Demon King Daimao 2010


Demon King Daimao follows Akuto Sai as the lead character, who on the day he enters Constant Magic Academy, receives a very unexpected future occupation aptitude test result: “Demon King.”


Akame ga Kill!

Akame ga Kill! 2014


Young Tatsumi travels to the capital of the Empire in order to earn money for his starving people and encounters a world of unimaginable depravity, dominated by the ruthless Prime Minister who controls the child Emperor. Tatsumi is recruited by Night Raid, a group of assassins dedicated to eliminating corruption by mercilessly killing officials and privileged nobles.


Vinland Saga

Vinland Saga 2019


For a thousand years, the Vikings have made quite a name and reputation for themselves as the strongest families with a thirst for violence. Thorfinn, the son of one of the Vikings' greatest warriors, spends his boyhood in a battlefield enhancing his skills in his adventure to redeem his most-desired revenge after his father was murdered.


Revolutionary Girl Utena

Revolutionary Girl Utena 1997


Utena is a tomboyish school girl who attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. Her strong sense of chivalry pulls her into a series of duels with other members of the Student Council for the possession of the Rose Bride.


Peak of True Martial Arts

Peak of True Martial Arts 2021


Nie Feng confronting the eight major sects alone, and was forced into a desperate situation by the martial masters of the eight major sects, and jumped off the cliff of absolute heaven. Unexpectedly, Nie Feng did not die because of this. Instead, he was reborn as a boy when he was seventeen. In this life, although he was born in an ordinary, he has a masterful martial arts and rises rapidly in the martial arts.


High School of the Dead

High School of the Dead 2010


One morning, the high school student Takashi Komuro enjoys the silence at school when he's suddenly interrupted by strange noises and a shaky-legged person who tries to enter the school grounds. Subsequently, several teachers come to the school gate to shoo the person away. All of a sudden, a teacher is bitten by the person and within seconds the school campus becomes a place of violence, blood, death and undead zombies. Takashi, shocked by the scenery, runs for his life to save his schoolmates and childhood love, Rei Miyamoto. The struggle for survival has just begun…



Baccano! 2007


During the early 1930s in Chicago, the transcontinental train, Flying Pussyfoot, is starting its legendary journey that will leave a trail of blood all over the country. At the same time in New York, the ambitious scientist Szilard and his unwilling aide Ennis are looking for missing bottles of the immortality elixir. In addition, a war between the mafia groups is getting worse. On board the Advena Avis, in 1711, alchemists are about to learn the price of immortality. Takes place in the same universe as Durarara (2010).


The Legend of Zorro

The Legend of Zorro 1996


Diego Vega returns from his study trip to discover his homeland is under the army's dictatorship. Diego, refusing to watch idly, disguises himself as Zorro to protect the weak and oppressed. Diego is not a coward but he is unable to win the affections of his sweetheart, Lolita, who is attracted to other more noble men. Diego serenades Lolita as Zorro and fights the evils of his homeland, hoping to capture her heart.


Jade Dynasty

Jade Dynasty 2022


Zhang Xiaofan, who turned into an orphan overnight, becomes a disciple of the Qingyun Sect. After five years of training, he performs well in the Seven Peak Martial Arts Competition. He's sent to the Kongsang Mountain to defeat the evil. During the journey, he and his senior, Lu Xueqi, met with an accident, and got to know and save the lady of the cult, Bi Yao. At the same time, new danger is ahead of him.