
Origen 2010


Dom Cobb és un expert en apropiar-se dels secrets del subconscient dels altres mentre dormen. La seva estranya habilitat l'ha convertit en un home molt cotitzat en el món de l'espionatge, però també l'ha condemnat a ser un fugitiu. Dom no pot dur una vida normal i això l'angoixa. La seva única oportunitat de revertir la seva situació seria fer exactament el contrari: la incepció, és a dir, implantar una idea en el subconscient en lloc de sostreure-la. Tanmateix, el seu pla es complica a causa de la intervenció d'un personatge misteriós.


La casa del llac

La casa del llac 2006


Acostumada a la tranquil·litat d'Illinois on té la seva residència, la Dra. Kate Forester es trasllada a un atrafegat hospital de Chicago. El que més la dol és desprendre's de la seva preciosa casa de fusta amb unes finestres enormes que donen al llac. Però se la lloga a un desconegut, a qui deixa una nota demanant-li que reenviï el correu a la nova adreça. Alex Wyler, el nou llogater, és un frustrat arquitecte amb molt de talent que té una connexió especial amb la casa.



Winchester 2018


A finals del segle XIX, després de la tràgica mort del seu marit i el seu fill, Sarah construeix una casa-fortalesa (la Mansió Winchester, coneguda com la mansió més misteriosa del món) amb un objectiu: mantenir a ratlla els esperits de les persones mortes per un rifle Winchester, que, segons diu, la visiten massa sovint. Eric Price (Jason Clarke) hi arriba amb l'objectiu de psicoanalitzar la senyora Winchester, descobrint que els fantasmes que la turmenten poden no ser producte de la seva bogeria…


Hannah i les seves germanes

Hannah i les seves germanes 1986


La Hannah, filla d'uns comediants, és una actriu famosa i una dona enamorada del seu marit, Elliot. La seva germana Lee és la companya d'en Frederick, un pintor més gran que ella, amb qui trenca les relacions per viure un idil·li clandestí amb l'Elliot. La Holly, la tercera germana, és una actriu fracassada a qui Hannah fa costat en cada nova temptativa de reciclatge professional. Dos anys més tard, el dia d'Acció de Gràcies, es retroben a casa de Hannah tots els membres d'aquesta família novaiorquesa.


Amenaça a l’ombra

Amenaça a l’ombra 1973


Per intentar superar la pèrdua recent i tràgica de la seva filla, l'arquitecte John Baxter i la seva dona Laura es traslladen a Venècia amb l'encàrrec de restaurar una vella església. Durant la seva estada coneixeran un parell de dones grans que diuen haver entrat en comunicació amb la seva difunta filla i que els adverteixen d'un perill imminent.


Un home de família

Un home de família 2016


Dane Jensen és un caça-talents de Chicago amb molt d'èxit a la seva feina i poc temps per a la seva família. Amb la jubilació del seu cap, creu que finalment ha arribat el moment d'estar al càrrec de l'empresa on treballa però, amb el diagnòstic de leucèmia del seu fill de deu anys, la seva vida i les seves prioritats canvien radicalment.


Cosmètica de l’enemic

Cosmètica de l’enemic 2021


Un arquitecte polonès d'èxit es disposa a viatjar en avió i perd el vol per culpa d'una misteriosa jove que l'aborda sobtadament. Mentre es veu obligat a esperar en la terminal, no pot desembarassar-se de la molesta estranya. Encara que la trobada sembla fortuïta, la conversa anirà enrarint-se fins a convertir-se en una cosa sinistra i criminal.


Fin de siglo

Fin de siglo 2019


Dos homes es troben a Barcelona i, després de passar un dia junts, es donen compte de que ja es van conèixer fa vint anys.


Love Is in the Air

Love Is in the Air 2020


Eda, who ties all her hopes to her education, confronts Serkan Bolat, who cuts off her international education scholarship and leaves her with high school diploma. Serkan Bolat offers Eda to give her scholarship back if she pretends to be his fiance for two months. Although Eda rejects the offer of this man as she hates him, she has to accept it when the conditions change. While pretending to be engaged, Serkan and Eda begin to experience a passionate, challenging relationship that will make them forget all they know right. Because love is difficult. And that's why it's amazing.


Grand Designs

Grand Designs 1999


British television series which features unusual and often elaborate architectural homebuilding projects.


Mysteries of the Abandoned

Mysteries of the Abandoned 2017


Documentary series investigating why some of the world's most advanced architectural achievements were abandoned.


Personal Taste

Personal Taste 2010


Jin-ho Jeon is a very stylish young man with the perfect looks. Jin-ho has also some faults which include being self-centered and obsession with cleanliness. Jin-ho Jeon then comes across Gae-in Park, a woman hurt by love and is now looking for a gay roommate/friend. Jin-ho wanting to live with the woman, then pretends to be a gay male.


Hold Me Tight

Hold Me Tight 2018


Hyun Joo had a hard life after losing her mother to a brain tumor at a young age. It was her husband Kim Do Yeong, who saved her. However, she finds out that she will also die soon like her late mother. The fear of leaving her family in the same pain and agony she went through as a child is bigger than the fear of dying. This leads her to tell her husband, “I’ve fallen in love with someone else”, as she hides her pain. During the last moments of her life, she goes off to find true love in.


Grand Designs Australia

Grand Designs Australia 2010


Follows intrepid individuals as they try to design and construct the home of their dreams.


Scotland's Home of the Year

Scotland's Home of the Year 2019


Take a peek inside some of the country's most stunning properties, as three judges travel the length and breadth of the nation in search of Scotland's Home of the Year. Architect Michael Angus, interior designer Anna Campbell-Jones, and lifestyle blogger Kate Spiers will visit some truly unique homes over the course of the series, looking for stand-out design and impressive interiors. From Arran to Aberdeen and Boat of Garten to Coupar Angus, there's a vast array of property styles to consider, from renovated period farmhouses to innovative contemporary builds. The regional heats take place over seven 30-minute episodes, building to the one-hour final in which Scotland's Home of the Year is decided.


The World's Most Extraordinary Homes

The World's Most Extraordinary Homes 2017


Award-winning architect Piers Taylor and actress and property enthusiast Caroline Quentin explore extraordinary homes built in mountain, forest, coast and underground locations around the world.


How the Victorians Built Britain

How the Victorians Built Britain 2018


This series travels the length and breadth of Britain to find out how the Victorians built Britain. It uncovers the incredible and surprising stories behind iconic landmarks; discovers the hidden heroes behind the epic constructions; and finds out how the incredible advances made by the Victorians forged the world we live in today.



Architectures 1996


An ongoing series of films devoted to the most remarkable achievements in modern architecture, from the works that heralded the birth of the modern style at the end of the 19th century to the latest designs from today's top architects. By examining each building in detail, the series brings to light the role each has played in the history and evolution of architecture.


Husdrömmar Sicilien

Husdrömmar Sicilien 2020


Follow along as former Husdömmar couple Bill and Marie from Höganäs set out on their latest house dream journey on Sicily. The pink, run-down house ”Palazzo Cirillo” is going to become the family's new summer home.


Slumbering Concrete

Slumbering Concrete 2016


Documentary series "Slumbering Concrete" erects its narrative around modern architecture in Croatia and regions of the former Yugoslavia - an area distinguished by large number of vacated and ruinous buildings from 20th century that are of immense architectural significance. The series is composed of 4 thematic chapters, of which the first is dedicated to architecture of tourism purposes, second to monuments and commemorative buildings, third to post-industrial and post-military landscapes and fourth to great ambitions of unfinished modernizations.


Room to Improve

Room to Improve 2007


Irish architectural renovation TV series in which architect Dermot Bannon helps clients renovating their homes.


Mysteries of the Abandoned: Hidden America

Mysteries of the Abandoned: Hidden America 2022


Scattered across the United States are abandoned structures, forgotten ruins of the past and monuments to a bygone era. Each one shines a light on the story of this land and its people, revealing the secrets of a hidden America.


Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright 1998


Frank Lloyd Wright tells the story of the greatest of all American architects. Wright was an authentic American genius, a man who believed he was destined to redesign the world, creating everything anew. Over the course of his long career, he designed over eight hundred buildings, including such revolutionary structures as the Guggenheim Museum, the Johnson Wax Building, Fallingwater, Unity Temple and Taliesin. His buildings and his ideas changed the way we live, work and see the world around us. Frank Lloyd Wright’s architectural achievements were often overshadowed by the turbulence of his melodramatic life. In ninety-two tempestuous years, he fathered seven children, married three times, and was almost constantly embroiled in scandal. Some hated him, some loved him, and in the end, few could deny that he was the one of the most important architects in the world.


The Art of Architecture

The Art of Architecture 2019


An exploration of some of the world's most famous structures and the inspirations of the architects behind them.