
Midsommar 2019


Una parella americana que no està passant pel seu millor moment acudeix amb uns amics al Midsommar, un festival d'estiu que se celebra cada 90 anys en un remot llogaret de Suècia. El que comencen sent unes vacances de somni en un lloc en el qual el sol no es posa mai, a poc a poc es converteix en un obscur malson quan els misteriosos vilatans els conviden a participar en les seves pertorbadores activitats festives


Arthur (Arthur el rei)

Arthur (Arthur el rei) 2024


Al llarg de deu dies i 435 milles, s'estableix un vincle irrompible entre el corredor d'aventures professional Michael Light i un gos de carrer anomenat Arthur. A mesura que l'equip es veu empès als seus límits exteriors de resistència a la carrera, Arthur redefineix el que realment signifiquen la victòria, la lleialtat i l'amistat.


Deixa’m entrar

Deixa’m entrar 2008


L'Oskar és un noi de 12 anys que pateix contínuament l'assetjament dels seus companys més forts. El seu desig de tenir un amic sembla que es fa realitat quan coneix a l'Eli, una noia de la seva edat que acaba de traslladar-se a la casa del costat. Però l'Eli és una noia misteriosa: és molt seriosa, està molt pàl·lida, només surt a la nit i aparentment no li afecten les temperatures més gèlides. A més, una sèrie de desaparicions i inexplicables assassinats semblen coincidir amb l'arribada de la noia.



Border 2018


La Tina és una agent de duanes sueca reconeguda per la seva eficiència i pel seu extraordinari olfacte, que sembla que li permeti detectar en pocs instants la culpabilitat de les persones. Quan en Vore, un home aparentment sospitós, passa al seu costat per primera vegada, les seves habilitats es posen a prova. La Tina sap que en Vore amaga alguna cosa, però no aconsegueix identificar exactament de què es tracta. Tots dos tenen més coses en comú que no es pensa.


Millennium: El que no et mata et fa més fort

Millennium: El que no et mata et fa més fort 2018


Adapta la novel·la escrita per David Lagercrantz on la jove hacker Lisbeth Salander i el periodista Mikael Blomkvist es veuran atrapats en una xarxa d'espies, ciberdelinqüents i funcionaris del govern corruptes.


La reina Cristina de Suècia

La reina Cristina de Suècia 1933


Suècia, segle XVII. Durant la guerra dels Trenta Anys (1618-1648) mor, a la batalla de Lutzen, el rei Gustau Adolf de Suècia. Hereta el tron ​​la seva filla Cristina, que des de la infància es lliura en cos i ànima als problemes d'estat, cosa que la porta a renunciar al matrimoni amb el príncep Carles Gustau, heroi nacional i el pretendent preferit per tothom. Tot i això, Cristina s'enamora profundament de Don Antonio, Comte de Pimentel i ambaixador del rei d'Espanya a Suècia.


Misericòrdia: Els casos del Departament Q

Misericòrdia: Els casos del Departament Q 2013


Després de cometre un error que va costar la vida d'un dels seus col·legues i va deixar tetraplègic el millor amic, l'inspector Carl Mørck (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) travessa una de les pitjors èpoques de la seva vida. El seu sentiment de culpabilitat augmenta quan el cap i la premsa dubten de la seva actuació. Relegat a un nou departament dedicat a casos no resolts, Carl, juntament amb el seu nou company d'origen sirià Hafez al-Assad (Fares Fares), veu l'oportunitat de demostrar la seva vàlua en descobrir les nombroses irregularitats comeses en el cas de Marete Lyngaard ( Sonja Richter). Quan el 2002, aquesta jove promesa de la política danesa va desaparèixer mentre feia un viatge en ferri, la policia va decidir tancar el cas per falta de proves. Aquest és el naixement del Departament Q i el seu primer cas per resoldre...


The Bridge

The Bridge 2011


When a body is found on the bridge between Denmark and Sweden, right on the border, Danish inspector Martin Rohde and Swedish Saga Norén have to share jurisdiction and work together to find the killer.


Young Royals

Young Royals 2021


Prince Wilhelm adjusts to life at his prestigious new boarding school, Hillerska, but following his heart proves more challenging than anticipated.



Beck 1999


Beck follows Swedish police officer Martin Beck and his team as they investigate various crimes.



Caliphate 2020


National Security agent Fatima receives a tip that a terrorist attack against Sweden is in the planning stage. Meanwhile Sulle, a teenage girl in Stockholm, gets interested in her student assistant who opens doors to a new and fascinating world - the true path. Kalifat is a thriller about the intermingled fates of five young women who get caught up in the seducing and destroying force of religious fundamentalism.



Wallander 2008


This drama follows Inspector Kurt Wallander – a middle-aged everyman – as he struggles against a rising tide of violence in the apparently sleepy backwaters in and around Ystad in Skane, southern Sweden. Based on the international best-selling books by Henning Mankell.


The Lawyer

The Lawyer 2018


Frank Nordling is a young and exceptionally promising defense lawyer. When Frank learns the truth behind his parents' death, his whole world unravels. As children, Frank and his sister Sara witnessed their parents die in an explosion caused by a car bomb. As Frank finds out, they were murdered by one of the leaders in Copenhagen's criminal underworld, Thomas Waldman. In order to avenge his parents Frank must infiltrate Waldman's organization and become his personal lawyer and trusted confidant. To avoid putting those close to him in danger, Frank has to keep up appearances and play the game. But can he handle it? Is it worth the price? And who's really tricking whom?


Arne Dahl

Arne Dahl 2011


An elite, seven-member team is tasked with solving the most complex crimes in Sweden, from murder and drug trafficking to espionage.


The Thin Blue Line

The Thin Blue Line 2021


Swedish drama series about police officers in Malmö, their tiring work and the difficulties of keeping their personal and professional life separate.



Honour 2019


Four partners at a law firm called "Heder" gain notoriety by helping victims of sex crimes and speaking out against patriarchy.


Welcome to Sweden

Welcome to Sweden 2014


The fish-out-of-water story of New York accountant Bruce, who falls in love with a Swedish girl named Emma and follows her to Sweden.


Fanny and Alexander

Fanny and Alexander 1984


Through the eyes of ten-year-old Alexander, we witness the delights and conflicts of the Ekdahl family, a sprawling bourgeois clan in turn-of-the-twentieth-century Sweden.


The Machinery

The Machinery 2020


Olle Hulten wakes up drunk on the ferry between Sandefjord and Strömstad. In his car is a gun and a lot of money. Simultaneously the police is chasing a robber whom have hijacked a car and is holding the security guard at gunpoint.


Young Wallander

Young Wallander 2020


An incendiary hate crime stirs civil unrest, fast-tracking rookie cop Kurt Wallander to detective in this origin story for the popular character.


Midnight Sun

Midnight Sun 2016


Kahina Zadi, 32, a French police officer travels to Kiruna in Sweden to investigate the bestial murder of a French citizen. Together with Anders, a Swedish prosecutor of Sami origin, she begins an investigation. Soon new killings start to happen and the first victim turns out to be the tip of a very dark iceberg. The victims seemingly have nothing in common more than that they are all being killed in a well-planned and vicious manner. In their hunt for the truth, both Kahina and Anders are forced to deal with their own past that they have repressed. A personal journey through a painful past becomes the key to succeed in preventing the violent killings that affects the small mining community of Kiruna.



Eagles 2019


Eagles is a Swedish TV show that revolves around a few teenagers living in the Swedish ice hockey town Oskarshamn while experiencing friendship, love, and rivalry on the ice.



Sanctuary 2019


Hel receives an invitation to visit her estranged twin Siri at an exclusive residential sanatorium set against the idyllic setting of the Italian Alps. Tension soon rises when Hel refuses Siri’s plea for help in taking care of some business by swapping places with her for a few days. Much to her horror, Hel wakes up the next day to find Siri gone. She soon realizes that Siri isn’t coming back, and that the clinic is far from a place of recovery.


Någonstans i Sverige

Någonstans i Sverige 1973


In the end of 1939, the Soviet Union attacks Finland. In Sweden, 100.000 men are quickly drafted to guard the northeastern border. Men, who have almost no military training, are suddenly expected to behave as full-fledged soldiers. In one of the units we find 107 Andersson, 111 Loffe and a bunch of men with nicknames as Morsgrisen and Stora Norrland. After some months, the war in Finland is over, but World War II continues and the unit moves to the western border of Sweden, where the men have to stay for many years to come. Sweden is not at war, but some of the men are frightened that the Nazis will one day attack this country.


Detective Inspector Irene Huss

Detective Inspector Irene Huss 2007


Police investigator Irene Huss lives in Gothenburg, Sweden, and tries to balance between murder investigations and family life.


White Wall

White Wall 2020


Three workers die in a mysterious explosion accident deep down in a mine shaft. The incident is obscured, but rumors begin to spread about a find that no one can explain.



Historieätarna 2012


The program follows the two presenters as they "live" in a certain time period. They dress up in period accurate clothes, and live life as you would in that certain time period with a large emphasis on the food. Each program features a guest chef who prepares period accurate food.