Apocalipsi Z: el principi de la fi

Apocalipsi Z: el principi de la fi 2024


Quan una espècie de ràbia que transforma a la gent en criatures agressives s'estén pel planeta, Manel s'aïlla a casa amb el seu gat, recorrent al seu enginy per a sobreviure; però aviat hauran de sortir a buscar menjar, per terra i per mar, eludint molts perills.



Invasion 1997


Small rocks fall from the sky which, when touched, trigger a latent virus that has always existed in humans and begins mutating them into an alien species. Taking advantage of its hive mentality, the aliens are absolutely dedicated to transforming every human on Earth and do so with alarming swiftness. Only a small group of humans remain who have the medical knowledge to devise antibodies to reverse the effects of the virus.