El padrí

El padrí 1972


Don Vito Corleone, conegut dins els cercles de l'hampa com 'El Padrí', és el patriarca d'una de les cinc famílies que exerceixen el comandament de la Cosa Nostra a Nova York als anys quaranta. Don Corleone té quatre fills: una noia, Connie, i tres homes; Sonny, Michael i Fredo. Quan el Padrí reclina intervenir en el negoci d'estupefaents, comença una lluita cruenta de violents episodis entre les diferents famílies del crim organitzat.


El padrí 2

El padrí 2 1974


Continuació de la saga dels Corleone amb dues històries paral·leles: l'elecció de Michael Corleone com a cap dels negocis familiars i els orígens del patriarca, el ja mort Don Vito, primer a Sicília i després als Estats Units, on, començant des de baix, va arribar a ser un poderosíssim cap de la màfia de Nova York.



Scarface 1983


Un emigrant cubà fred i sanguinari, Tony Montana, arriba de Cuba per instal·lar-se a Miami, on es proposa aconseguir un nom dins del crim organitzat de Florida. Amb el seu amic, Manny Rivera, inicia una ascendent carrera delictiva.


Un dels nostres

Un dels nostres 1990


Henry Hill és un xicot de Brooklyn, mig irlandès, mig sicilià, a qui els seus veïns mafiosos decideixen "adoptar" de jovenet perquè es criï com un membre més de la "família". La relació de Henry amb Jimmy Conway, un dels dirigents més respectats de la màfia, permet veure la vida interna d'aquesta societat especial: les amistats, els idil·lis, les bromes macabres i com es despatxen els 'negocis'. En el llenguatge dels mafiosos, entre ells s'anomenen "els nostres" i Henry segueix el camí per ser-ne un.



Yakuza 1974


La Yakuza és una màfia japonesa l'origen de la qual es remunta al segle XVII. Utilitza els mateixos mètodes que les màfies occidentals i, com elles, controla els negocis més tèrbols: la prostitució, el blanqueig de diners, el contraban, etc. Després de la Revolució Meijí (1868), que va suposar l'occidentalització del Japó, molts samurais van passar a engrossir les files d'aquesta organització. Harry Kilman, un home que va formar part de les tropes d'ocupació nord-americanes al Japó, torna a aquest país per ajudar un amic la filla del qual ha estat segrestada.


La llista negra

La llista negra 1988


Cinquena i última entrega de la saga policíaca que neix amb 'Harry, el brut', protagonitzada pel controvertit inspector de la policia de Los Angeles, Harry Callahan. Una llista de vuit persones cèlebres circula per San Francisco i s'estan fent macabres apostes, que consisteixen a endevinar qui d'aquelles persones morirà primer. Un dels noms és el del famós inspector Callahan, que investiga el cas.



Casino 1995


Las Vegas, 1973. Sam "Ace" Rothstein, un professional de les apostes, és l'eficaç director d'un important casino que pertany a un grup de mafiosos. La seva missió és controlar el funcionament del negoci i garantir que el corrent de diners que pararà a les mans dels seus caps segueixi fluint. Las Vegas és un lloc ideal per a milionaris i polítics, però és també lloc de pas de tafurs, prestadors, traficants de drogues i matons. Un dia el violent Nicky Santoro, a qui els seus caps han encarregat que tingui cura de Sam, arriba a Las Vegas amb la intenció de quedar-s'hi.


Un treball a Itàlia

Un treball a Itàlia 1969


Charlie Croker, un lladregot dels baixos fons londinencs, ha complit condemna i surt de la presó. Creu que farà fortuna amb un espectacular robatori a Itàlia meticulosament planificat. Malauradament, descobreix que el seu company Beckermann, cervell del pla, ha estat assassinat per la màfia italiana. A més, encara que en Charlie se n’assabenta de tots els detalls per mitjà de la vídua d’en Beckermann, necessita un finançament extraordinari i reclutar una nombrosa banda. Haurà de tornar a la presó per convèncer el totpoderós Bridger, que des de la seva cel·la dirigeix un imperi criminal.



Infiltrats 2006


El Departament de Policia de Massachussets vol acabar amb el regnat del mafiós Frank Costello. Un policia novell anomenat Bill Costigan serà l'encarregat d'infiltrar-se en la banda de Costello. La seva veritable identitat només la saben els seus dos superiors. Per altra banda, Colin Sullivan és un altre policia jove que forma part de la unitat d'Investigacions Especials, un grup d'oficials d'elit que també lluiten contra Costello. Però resulta que Sullivan treballa d'informador per al mafiós i d'aquesta manera el manté sempre un pas per davant de la policia.


Ningú no és perfecte

Ningú no és perfecte 1959


El Joe i el Jerry són dos músics que es veuen obligats a fugir després de ser testimonis d'una carnisseria entre dues bandes rivals. Com que no troben feina i la màfia els persegueix, decideixen vestir-se de dones i tocar en una orquestra femenina. El Joe,per conquistar la Sugar Kane, la cantant de el grup, fingeix ser un magnat impotent; mentrestant, el Jerry és cortejat per un milionari que vol casar-se amb ell.


Una història del Bronx

Una història del Bronx 1993


Al Bronx dels anys 60, un adolescent es debat entre el seu pare de classe treballadora i un cap del crim organitzat, violent, però carismàtic.



L’irlandès 2019


Pennsylvania, 1956. Frank Sheeran, un veterà de guerra d'origen irlandès que treballa com a camioner, coneix accidentalment el mafiós Russell Bufalino. Un cop convertit en el seu home de confiança, Bufalino envia Frank a Chicago amb l'encàrrec d'ajudar Jimmy Hoffa, un poderós líder sindical relacionat amb el crim organitzat, amb qui Frank mantindrà una estreta amistat durant gairebé vint anys.


Camí de perdició

Camí de perdició 2002


Als Estats Units, a l'època de la Llei Seca, Michael Sullivan treballa com a sicari per a un cap mafiós, John Rooney. Sullivan es va quedar orfe de petit, i Rooney el va acollir i estimar com a un fill, fins i tot més que al seu propi fill Connor, poc de fiar. En Mike, el fill gran de Sullivan, és un nen que vol saber com es guanya la vida el seu pare i un dia, aprofitant que aquest acompanya Connor Rooney a fer un encàrrec, s'amaga dins el seu cotxe, sense saber que serà testimoni d'un fet que acabarà tenint greus conseqüències per al seu pare i per a tota la família.


Murder Mindfully

Murder Mindfully 2024


When mafia lawyer Björn attends a mindfulness class to find a better work-life balance, he discovers surprising new coping strategies — including murder.


The Sopranos

The Sopranos 1999


The story of New Jersey-based Italian-American mobster Tony Soprano and the difficulties he faces as he tries to balance the conflicting requirements of his home life and the criminal organization he heads. Those difficulties are often highlighted through his ongoing professional relationship with psychiatrist Jennifer Melfi. The show features Tony's family members and Mafia associates in prominent roles and story arcs, most notably his wife Carmela and his cousin and protégé Christopher Moltisanti.


Like a Dragon: Yakuza

Like a Dragon: Yakuza 2024


Set in the fictional town of Kamurocho, the story unfolds across two intersecting timelines—1995 and 2005. In 1995, four friends eager to escape their restrictive lives in an orphanage dive into the yakuza-controlled underworld of 1995 Kamurocho. Meanwhile, in 2005, their friendship is deteriorated, as tensions between the Tojo Clan and the Omi Alliance are at a boiling point.


Bungo Stray Dogs

Bungo Stray Dogs 2016


Atsushi Nakajima was kicked out of his orphanage, and now he has no place to go and no food. While he is standing by a river, on the brink of starvation, he rescues a man whimsically attempting suicide. That man is Osamu Dazai, and he and his partner Kunikida are members of a very special detective agency. They have supernatural powers and deal with cases that are too dangerous for the police or the military. They're tracking down a tiger that has appeared in the area recently, around the time Atsushi came to the area. The tiger seems to have a connection to Atsushi, and by the time the case is solved, it is clear that Atsushi's future will involve much more of Dazai and the rest of the detectives!



Vincenzo 2021


At the age of eight, Park Joo Hyeong left for Italy after being adopted. Now an adult, he is known as Vincenzo Cassano and employed by a Mafia family as a consigliere. Due to warring Mafia factions, he flies to South Korea where he gets involved with lawyer Hong Cha Young. She is the type of attorney who will do anything to win a case. Now back in his motherland, he gives an unrivalled conglomerate a taste of his own medicine—with a side of his own version of justice.


KinnPorsche: The Series

KinnPorsche: The Series 2022


The second son of a Mafia boss, Kinn Theerapanyakul, is fleeing from an enemy when he meets Porsche, an enterprising young bartender. Porsche agrees to help defend Kinn from his attackers for a price. Porsche's martial arts skills impress, and spurred on by his father, Kinn seeks to hire Porsche as one of his personal bodyguards. Porsche is opposed and rejects Kinn’s offer despite his attempts at intimidation. It isn't until Porsche's family home and his ability to care for his brother are threatened that he acquiesces and moves onto the Theerapanyakul property. It's not a smooth transition into the unorthodox, violent job, and his relationship with Kinn vacillates between strained and playful. When his feelings for Kinn take an unexpected turn, his work becomes even more high-stakes.



Gomorrah 2014


Based on Robert Saviano's bestselling book, this gritty Italian crime drama paints a portrait of the brutal Neapolitan crime organisation the Camorra, as seen through the eyes of Ciro Di Marzo, the obedient and self- confident right-hand man of the clan's godfather, Pietro Savastano.



REBORN! 2006


"No Good" Tsunayoshi Sawada is next in line to become boss of the powerful Vongola mafia family. The Vongolas' most powerful hitman, a cursed gun-toting infant named Reborn, is sent to teach Tsuna how to be a boss.


Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger 2024


When the Cosmic Invading Grand Racing Crew, Hashiriyan intends to expand their territory with Earth being their next target to take over, five genius mechanics join forces with an alien machine named Bundorio Bunderas to create their own supercars and special equipment to defend the planet as the Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger!


Black Lagoon

Black Lagoon 2006


The story follows a team of pirate mercenaries known as the Lagoon Company, that smuggles goods in and around the seas of Southeast Asia in the early to mid 1990s. Their base of operations is located in the fictional harbor city of Roanapur in southeast Thailand near the border of Cambodia.


Moriarty the Patriot

Moriarty the Patriot 2020


In the late 19th century, the British Empire nobility reigns while its working class suffers at their hands. Sympathetic to their plight, William James Moriarty wants to topple it all. Frustrated by the systemic inequity, Moriarty strategizes to fix the entire nation. Not even consulting detective Sherlock Holmes can stand in his way. It’s time for crime to revolutionize the world!



Underbelly 2008


Underbelly is an Australian television true crime-drama series, each series is a stand alone story based on real-life events.


Great Pretender

Great Pretender 2020


Supposedly Japan's greatest swindler, Makoto Edamura gets more than he bargained for when he tries to con Laurent Thierry, a real world-class crook.


Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 2015


When Mikazuki Augus, a young member of a private security company known as the CGS, accepts a mission to protect a young woman seeking to liberate the Martian city of Chryse from Earth’s rule, he sets off a chain of events that threatens to send the galaxy back to war.


Banana Fish

Banana Fish 2018


Nature made Ash Lynx beautiful; nurture made him a cold ruthless killer. A runaway brought up as the adopted heir and sex toy of "Papa" Dino Golzine, Ash, now at the rebellious age of seventeen, forsakes the kingdom held out by the devil who raised him. But the hideous secret that drove Ash's older brother mad in Iraq has suddenly fallen into Papa's insatiably ambitious hands—and it's exactly the wrong time for Eiji Okamura, a pure-hearted young photographer from Japan, to make Ash Lynx's acquaintance.



Nisekoi 2014


Nisekoi follows high school students Raku Ichijo, the son of a leader in the yakuza faction Shuei-Gumi, and Chitoge Kirisaki, the daughter of a boss in a rival gang known as Beehive. They unexpectedly meet when Chitoge hops a wall and knees Raku in the face. After she runs off, Raku realizes he has lost his locket which was given to him by his childhood sweetheart with whom he made a secret promise. After discovering Chitoge is a new transfer student in his class, he forces her to help him look for the locket. During the search, they begin to dislike each other.[8] Upon returning home, Raku learns that the Shuei-Gumi and Beehive gangs have agreed to settle their feud by pairing their leaders' children. Raku learns that his girlfriend-to-be is none other than Chitoge. For the next three years, they must pretend to be in a relationship to maintain peace between the gangs. This turns out to be quite a challenging task, not only because of their hatred for one another, but also because Raku has a crush on another schoolmate, Kosaki Onodera, whom he secretly wishes was the girl who bears the key to his locket. Various developments complicate the situation, including Chitoge's over-protective bodyguard, a female hitman, a girl who claims to be Raku's fiancée, and the existence of multiple keys.


Get Shorty

Get Shorty 2017


Miles Daly works as muscle for a murderous crime ring in Nevada and attempts to change professions and become a movie producer, laundering money through a Hollywood film with the help of washed-up filmmaker Rick Moreweather. Based on Elmore Leonard’s 1990 New York Times bestselling novel.



Baccano! 2007


During the early 1930s in Chicago, the transcontinental train, Flying Pussyfoot, is starting its legendary journey that will leave a trail of blood all over the country. At the same time in New York, the ambitious scientist Szilard and his unwilling aide Ennis are looking for missing bottles of the immortality elixir. In addition, a war between the mafia groups is getting worse. On board the Advena Avis, in 1711, alchemists are about to learn the price of immortality. Takes place in the same universe as Durarara (2010).


White Nights

White Nights 2016


A coldhearted heiress, a man from her past and an ambitious new hire in her company all become entangled on a battleground for money and power.