Garfield: La pel·lícula

Garfield: La pel·lícula 2024


En Garfield, un gat casolà mandrós i sarcàstic que odia els dilluns i adora la lasanya, es retroba inesperadament amb el seu pare: un gat de carrer del qual feia molt de temps que no sabia res. Aquesta trobada el durà a abandonar la vida regalada a què està acostumat i a viure una aventura salvatge al món exterior acompanyat del gos Odie: el seu amic fidel.


Snake Eyes: l’origen

Snake Eyes: l’origen 2021


Snake Eyes és un solitari i tenaç guerrer que s'uneix a l'antic clan japonès dels Arashikage després de salvar-li la vida a l'hereu del clan. En arribar al Japó, els Arashikage ensenyen a Snake Eyes els camins del guerrer ninja i li donen alguna cosa que sempre va voler tenir: una llar. Però, en revelar-se els secrets sobre el seu passat, posaran a prova l'honor i la lleialtat de Snake Eyes, fins i tot si això vol dir perdre la confiança dels més propers a ell.


Bob Esponja: Un heroi fora de l’aigua

Bob Esponja: Un heroi fora de l’aigua 2015


L'argument gira al voltant d'en Bob Esponja i els seus inseparables amics del mar, com ho són en Patrick Estrella i la Sorreta l'esquirol, i altres personatges de la sèrie en què es basa, com en Balamar i el senyor Krank. En aquesta ocasió en Bob Esponja i la colla s'embarquen en una aventura en què hauran de trobar una recepta robada, cosa que portarà els personatges de Baixos de Bikini fins a la nostra dimensió. La pel·lícula barreja animació i escenes d'acció real.


Els barrufets 2

Els barrufets 2 2013


Seqüela de "Els barrufets", adaptació del còmic homònim realitzat el 2011 per Tall Gosnell. En aquesta seqüela, el cruel i malvat Gargamel torna amb més força que mai per poder robar als Barrufets la més pura essència de la seva màgia i per a això, fabrica dos petits Barrufets falsos anomenats Naughties. Però Gargamel, no trigarà a adonar-se que no servirà de res perquè la màgia que ell anhela, només la hi pot proporcionar un Barrufet veritable, per això decideix segrestar a la Barrufeta i traslladar-la a París, on s'ha guanyat l'admiració de milers de persones com el millor mag del món. Ara tot queda en mans del Gran barrufet i els seus camarades, els qui hauran de tornar al món dels humans per salvar a la Barrufeta.


Jimmy Neutron: El nen inventor

Jimmy Neutron: El nen inventor 2001


Jimmy Neutron intenta posar-se contacte amb una civilització alienígena. Sense ell saber-ho, el satèl·lit que ha llançat (sí, és la torradora, però funciona!) ha estat recollit per uns extraterrestres que arriben a la Terra en unes naus de guerra semblants a pollastres de goma, i abdueixen a tots els adults del poble de Jimmy, Retroville. El xiquet crea una flota de naus espacials amb els cotxes del parc d'atraccions, posant-les en òrbita per a salvar la gent de Retroville abans que els alienígenes no els utilitzin per a fer sacrificis humans.


Aeon Flux

Aeon Flux 2005


Ambientada 400 anys en el futur, una plaga ha fet desaparèixer la majoria de la població, excepte una ciutat protegida per murs, Bregna, governada per un congrés de científics. Aeon Flux (Charlize Theron) és la més important agent de grup rebel 'Monican', liderat per Handler, (Frances McDormand). Quan Aeon rep les ordres d'aniquilar el líder del congrés descobreix un món de secrets, que la porten a qüestionar-se de quin costat és realment.



Popeye 1980


Popeye és una pel·lícula d'acció estrenada el 1980, dirigida per Robert Altman i adaptada de les tires còmiques Thimble Theatre d'EC Segar. El guió de Jules Feiffer està basat en "Thimble Theatre Starring Popeye the Sailor", una reedició de 1971 en tapa dura de les tires de Segar publicades entre 1936 i 1937.



Scooby! 2020


L'Scooby i la colla enfronten el seu misteri més complicat: un complot per alliberar el món! I, en aquesta ocasió, el grup descobreix que Scooby té un destí èpic que ningú mai no va sospitar...


Teen Titans Go!

Teen Titans Go! 2013


Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy and Cyborg return in all-new, comedic adventures. They may be super heroes who save the world every day ... but somebody still has to do the laundry!


Transformers: Rescue Bots

Transformers: Rescue Bots 2012


A team of specialized Autobots not quite ready for prime-time battles against the Decepticons is given a vital mission by Optimus Prime. The goal for the Bots is to learn about mankind and how to help others to find out what it really means to be a hero.


Voltron: Legendary Defender

Voltron: Legendary Defender 2016


Five unlikely teenage heroes and their flying robot lions unite to form the megapowerful Voltron and defend the universe from evil.


Ben 10: Alien Force

Ben 10: Alien Force 2008


Five years later, 15-year-old Ben Tennyson chooses to once again put on the Omnitrix and discovers that it has recalibrated and can now transform him into 10 brand new aliens. Joined by his super-powered cousin Gwen Tennyson and his equally powerful former enemy Kevin Levin, Ben is on a mission to find his missing Grandpa Max. In order to save his Grandpa, Ben must defeat the evil DNAliens, a powerful alien race intent on destroying the galaxy, starting with planet Earth.


Ben 10: Ultimate Alien

Ben 10: Ultimate Alien 2010


With his secret identity now revealed to the world, Ben Tennyson continues to fight evil as a superhero with the help of the newly acquired Ultimatrix.


Ben 10

Ben 10 2016


With the fifth offshoot of the "Ben 10" franchise, the animated series returns to its roots and its original name, bringing 10-year-old Benjamin "Ben" Tennyson, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max back to life on a new summer vacation journey. As in the original, the stories in the remake of the series also spin around an alien wristwatch called "the Omnitrix," with the help of Ben can turn into ten different aliens, which come up with different supernatural powers. He fights enemy aliens and experiences with his grandfather and cousin the most exciting vacation imaginable.


Avatar the Last Airbender

Avatar the Last Airbender 2024


A young boy known as the Avatar must master the four elemental powers to save a world at war — and fight a ruthless enemy bent on stopping him.


The God of High School

The God of High School 2020


When an island half-disappears from the face of the earth, a mysterious organization sends out invitations for a tournament to every skilled fighter in the world. "If you win you can have ANYTHING you want," they claim. They're recruiting only the best to fight the best and claim the title of The God of High School. Jin Mori, a Taekwondo specialist and a high school student, soon learns that there is something much greater beneath the stage of the tournament.


Transformers: Robots In Disguise

Transformers: Robots In Disguise 2015


Years after the events of Predacons Rising, Bumblebee is summoned back to Earth to battle several of Cybertron's most wanted Decepticons that escaped from a crashed prison ship and assembles a team of young Autobots that includes Sideswipe (a rebel "bad boy bot"), Strongarm (an Elite Guard cadet), Grimlock (a bombastic Dinobot), and Fixit (a hyperactive Mini-Con with faulty wiring).


Rick and Morty: The Anime

Rick and Morty: The Anime 2024


It's life mostly as usual for the Smith family. Rick is in a pseudo-world, Summer helps Space Beth and Morty's in love. And they're all an anime.


Transformers: Animated

Transformers: Animated 2007


The evil Decepticons have appeared in Detroit. With the all powerful Allspark, Megatron can use it to turn all of Earth's robots into Decepticons. However, Optimus Prime and his Autobots arrive and plan to stop Megatron and his evil plan in Transformers Animated.



Noblesse 2020


Rai wakes up from 820-years long sleep and starts his new life as a student in a high school founded by his loyal servant, Frankenstein. But his peaceful days with other human students are soon interrupted by mysterious attackers known as the "Unions".


Gadget & the Gadgetinis

Gadget & the Gadgetinis 2003


Having been recruited by an elite international peacekeeping group called the World Organization of Mega Powers (WOMP), Inspector Gadget is now Lieutenant Gadget, and fights crime with a pair of mechanical assistants called Gadgetinis, who are small robot versions of the Inspector created by his niece, 12-year-old Penny (due to Brain retiring from active duty).


Powerpuff Girls Z

Powerpuff Girls Z 2006


Professor Utonium and his son Ken are studying the strange Chemical X. When a mochi cake falls into the formula, it changes into Chemical Z. Ken fires a ray of Chemical Z at a glacier in Tokyo Bay, however that causes strange lights to scatter, some of them aim at three normal girls, Momoko, Miyako, and Kaoru. This gives them the power to transform into superheroes, the Powerpuff Girls Z!


Voltron: The Third Dimension

Voltron: The Third Dimension 1998


Voltron: The Third Dimension is an American computer-animated television series, done in the same animation style as Beast Wars: Transformers and Reboot. It departed from the original Lion Voltron's animated look, as well as some character changes, such as the physical appearance of Prince Lotor. It served as a sequel to the Lion Voltron series, set three years after the end of that program, and among the tools used to bridge the gap was an official starmap as designed by writer Shannon Muir, and finalized in partnership with World Events Productions.


The Fairly OddParents: Fairly Odder

The Fairly OddParents: Fairly Odder 2022


When Ty Turner uproots his life to reunite with his high school sweetheart, Rachel Raskin, in the colorful town of Dimmsdale, his cautious 13-year-old daughter Vivian is thrust into a new world, and a new school alongside new step-brother and town star, Roy, a jock with a heart of gold. Lucky for Viv she’s inherited Wanda and Cosmo, two Fairy Godparents she’ll share with Roy, to help them both find their way.


Transformers: Car Robots

Transformers: Car Robots 2000


Fire Convoy fights to protect the Earth from the tyrannical Gigatron and his Destrongers. Aiding him in his quest are the three Car Robo Brothers, Cybertron computer hologram Ai, and human friend Yuki Onishi.


G.I. Joe: Sigma 6

G.I. Joe: Sigma 6 2005


SIGMA 6 is the code name for a group of highly trained covert special mission operatives. Duke, Snake Eyes, Heavy Duty, Scarlett, Long Range and Tunnel Rat - who use high-tech, state-of-the-art gear along with their other hero skills to go up against the forces of evil.


Transformers: Energon

Transformers: Energon 2004


The show takes place ten years after the finale of Armada, opening in an age of peace on Cybertron and Earth which is destined not to last long. Energon pits the Autobots against an array of villains: the reborn Megatron , the barely functional Unicron, and the mysterious Alpha Q and his Terrorcon minions.