
Longlegs 2024


A la Lee Harker, una nova i talentosa agent de l'FBI, li assignen un cas sense resoldre un assassí en sèrie. A mesura que la investigació es complica i es descobreixen proves ocultistes, la Harker s'adona que hi ha un vincle personal amb l'assassí despietat i ha d'actuar amb rapidesa per evitar un altre assassinat familiar.


Els caçafantasmes

Els caçafantasmes 1984


Els Drs. Venkman, Stantz i Epengler, són tres doctors en parapsicologia que es queden sense ocupació després de quedar exclosos d'una beca universitària de recerca. Llavors decideixen formar l'empresa "Els Cazafantasmas", dedicada a netejar Nova York d'ectoplasmes. L'augment sobtat d'aparicions espectrals en la Gran Poma serà el presagi de l'arribada d'un perillós i poderós dimoni.


Paranormal activity

Paranormal activity 2007


Després que una parella jove i de classe mitjana s'instal·li a la que sembla una casa típica dels suburbis, es veuen cada cop més pertorbats per una presència que pot ser o no demoníaca, però que sens dubte és la més activa enmig de la nit.


Pràcticament màgia

Pràcticament màgia 1998


Dues germanes òrfenes són criades per les tietes d'una forma atípica: sense regles ni obligacions i amb molts llibres d'encanteris al seu voltant. Totes dues saben que tenen poders extraordinaris però això té un preu: tots els homes que se n'enamorin estan destinats a morir prematurament.



1922 2017



The Haunting (La casa infernal)

The Haunting (La casa infernal) 1999


Des que fos construïda fa 130 anys, la Casa de la Colina, un edifici tan gòtic com tenebrós, s'aixeca solitària i envoltada de múltiples llegendes i rumors que parlen sobre morts tràgiques. Intrigat pel passat de la mansió el Dr. David Marlow forma un equip amb tres persones més: Theo, una exuberant bisexual, Nell, dona sensible que acaba d'escapar del control familiar, i Luke Sannerson, el cínic del grup, per anar a la deshabitada casa i fer un estudi sobre la naturalesa de la por. I la casa s'encarregarà de despertar la por dels llogaters.


Celebrity Ghost Stories

Celebrity Ghost Stories 2009


Compelling, surprising and downright spooky — celebrities share their real-life personal encounters with the paranormal in each one-hour special. From encounters with ghosts and angry spirits to haunted homes, unexplainable spells and magic, these descriptive, first person narratives from our favorite stars delivers a brand new way of experiencing the thrills and chills of the addictive world of the paranormal.


The Fall of the House of Usher

The Fall of the House of Usher 2023


Ruthless siblings Roderick and Madeline Usher have built Fortunato Pharmaceuticals into an empire of wealth, privilege and power. But past secrets come to light when the heirs to the Usher dynasty start dying at the hands of a mysterious woman from their youth.



Marianne 2019


When a novelist realizes her terrifying stories are coming true, she returns to her hometown to face the demons from her past that inspire her writing.


The Haunting of Bly Manor

The Haunting of Bly Manor 2020


After an au pair’s tragic death, Henry Wingrave hires a young American nanny to care for his orphaned niece and nephew who reside at Bly Manor with the estate’s chef Owen, groundskeeper Jamie and housekeeper, Mrs. Grose. But all is not as it seems at the manor, and centuries of dark secrets of love and loss are waiting to be unearthed in this chilling tale.


Joko Anwar's Nightmares and Daydreams

Joko Anwar's Nightmares and Daydreams 2024


Tales of supernatural sci-fi phenomena unfold in this collection of seven mind-bending, interconnected stories imagined by writer-director Joko Anwar.


Spooks: Code 9

Spooks: Code 9 2008


The series was commissioned by BBC Fiction's controller Jane Tranter as a spin-off of their long-running drama Spooks, offering a "more maverick, younger perspective" that would attract a 16-24-year-old audience. The series follows a group of six new young MI5 recruits who "follow a different rule book". The decision to relate the new project to the original Spooks was controversial, with actor Georgia Moffett saying “it’s slightly misleading in terms of the word Spooks.” and producer Chris Fry saying "this is a completely new show. There are no crossover characters or storylines and, most importantly, it is set in a completely new world." After the relatively unsuccessful first series, executive producer Karen Wilson claimed that many of the existing cast members were "contracted for another year" and outlined themes "we'd like to explore if we get a second series."


The Shining

The Shining 1997


A new caretaker moves with his family into the mysterious Overlook Hotel for the winter.



Requiem 2018


In 1994, a toddler disappeared from a small Welsh village, never to be seen again. 23 years later, in London, the mother of rising cello star Matilda Gray commits suicide, without apparent reason. Among her possessions, Matilda discovers tantalising evidence, linking her mother to the Welsh girl's disappearance all those years ago.



Detention 2020


During the period of martial law in 1960s Taiwan, some teachers and students from Cui Hua High School were arrested for possessing banned books. A female student fell to her death and rumors spread of a ghost haunting the campus. Thirty years later, the draconian culture of the school remains unchanged as a new transfer student uncovers the dark secrets behind the school’s haunting.



Ghostbusters 1970


A new Ghostbusters animated series is coming to splash more paranormal laughs!


The Watch House

The Watch House 1988


Anne, miserable and rebellious at her parents' recent separation, finds herself drawn to the Watch House, the home of the Garmouth Life Brigade. Something, or someone, is trying to reach her. But what do they want?



Scared! 2002


Scared!, formerly titled as Scared on Staten Island!, is an American paranormal public-access television cable TV series that premiered on September 12, 2002 on Staten Island Community Television. Produced by Core Films and Thousand Hats Productions, the program follows and stars a Staten Island-based team of urban explorers who venture into abandoned and condemned buildings in search of paranormal activity. In each episode, three main members, who are collectively known as "The SCARED! Crew" and vary throughout the series, represent three points of view or beliefs: the psychic, scientist, and skeptic.


He She It

He She It 2019


A tragedy of complicated relationships between teenage friends. Difficult decisions to follow the heart or follow the rules.