La habitación de al lado 2024
Narra la història d'una mare molt imperfecta i una filla rancorosa separades per un gran malentès. Entre totes dues, una altra dona, amiga de la mare, és dipositària del dolor i l'amargor de totes dues.
Narra la història d'una mare molt imperfecta i una filla rancorosa separades per un gran malentès. Entre totes dues, una altra dona, amiga de la mare, és dipositària del dolor i l'amargor de totes dues.
Després de la separació dels seus pares, en Connor ha de portar les regnes de la casa i superar les seves pors i fòbies amb l'ajuda d'un monstre.
Jamie era l'última persona de qui s'enamoraria Landon. Massa seriosa i conservadora pel seu gust. Filla d'un pastor de l'església baptista, Jamie no tenia por de manifestar que la fe era el més important a la seva vida, encara que li costés les crítiques dels seus companys. Landon i la seva colla manaven a l'escola, però el seu regnat acabaria així que sortissin de l'institut i haguessin d'afrontar les responsabilitats de la vida.
Adonis Johnson no va arribar a conèixer el seu pare, el campió del món dels pesos pesants Apollo Creed, que va morir abans que ell nasqués. No obstant, ningú pot negar que porta la boxa a la sang, per la qual cosa posa rumb a Filadèlfia, el lloc on es va celebrar el llegendari combat entre el seu pare i Rocky Balboa. Un cop allà, Adonis busca Rocky i li demana que sigui el seu entrenador. Tot i que aquest insisteix que ja ha deixat aquest món per sempre, Rocky veu a Adonis la força i determinació que tenia el seu enverinat rival, i que va acabar per convertir-se en el seu millor amic. Finalment, accepta entrenar-lo malgrat estar lliurant el seu propi combat contra un rival més letal que qualsevol dels que es va enfrontar al quadrilàter.
Hazel i Gus són dos adolescents que comparteixen un enginy mordaç, i un amor que els arrossega en un viatge més enllà del cancer.
"Big Fish" explica la història entre un pare moribund, Edward Bloom (Albert Finney), i el seu fill Will (Ewan McGregor), que intenta aprendre més sobre el seu progenitor, reunint les diferents històries que aquest li ha explicat. Així, Will recrea la seva vida en una sèrie de llegendes i mites inspirats pels pocs fets que coneix. Però a partir del desig de la seva mare Sandy, per reunir el pare amb el seu fill, aquest comença a comprendre la desfeta del seu pare. Als seus relats hi ha viatges arreu del món, i deliris que inclouen gegants, tornados i bruixes.
Susan Morrow és una galerista establerta a Los Angeles que comparteix una vida plena de luxes, encara que buida, amb Hutton Morrow, el seu segon marit. Un dia, Susan rep una novel·la escrita pel seu exmarit Edward Sheffiel, del qual fa anys que no té notícies. En una nota li demana que llegeixi la novel·la inèdita i que s'hi posi en contacte, ja que es quedarà uns dies a la ciutat. És de nit. Susan, sola al llit, comença a llegir, i és la història d'un matrimoni amb una filla que conduint per Texas una nit, són perseguits per un altre vehicle...
Un ric empresari amb un càncer terminal es sotmet a un procediment mèdic radical, que consisteix a transferir la seva consciència a un cos sa i jove. Tot va bé fins que comença a descobrir que el cos que habita pertanyia a una persona, que el va vendre a canvi de diners per a la seva família. Amb aquest descobriment posarà la seva vida en perill, ja que en aquest lucratiu negoci no poden quedar caps per lligar.
Rocky Balboa, després d'haver assolit la fama com a boxejador fa molts anys, es passa les tardes explicant la seva vida als clients del seu restaurant. La dona se li va morir, el fill fa la seva i Rocky s'ha tornat més humil. Però en el fons, encara és un lluitador i la vida li donarà una darrera oportunitat per demostrar-ho.
Mildred Hayes, una dona de 50 anys la filla adolescent de la qual ha estat violada i assassinada, decideix iniciar pel seu compte una guerra contra la policia del seu poble, Ebbing, perquè considera que no fan prou per resoldre el cas i que es faci justícia. El seu primer pas serà contractar unes tanques publicitàries denunciant la situació i assenyalant el cap de policia, William Willoughby, com a responsable principal de la passivitat policial.
Joe Merriweather és un veterà detectiu de l'FBI a què arriba un horrible cas: diverses persones han estat assassinades d'una manera espantosa i hi ha poques pistes que revelin qui pot haver estat l'assassí. Per intentar resoldre'l treballa amb la seva ambiciosa companya, l'agent Katherine Cowles. Però, incapaços d'avançar a buscar-los, tots dos acabaran recorrent al doctor Clancy, un solitari metge especialista ja retirat que es va allunyar del món després de la mort de la seva filla. A més Clancy posseeix un do extraordinari, ja que té visions que podrien ser clau per trobar el rastre del criminal. Tot i això, aviat descobrirà que no és l'únic amb poders i que haurà de bregar amb els que té l'esmunyedís assassí.
La vida de la Sara i el Brian Fitzgerald canvia radicalment quan la seva filla Kate, que només té dos anys, és diagnosticada de leucèmia. Immediatament, Sara deixa la seva carrera d'advocada per dedicar-se completament a la nena. L'única esperança de salvar-la és tenir un altre fill perquè sigui donant de medul·la. D'aquesta manera neix l'Anne i entre ella i Sara s'establirà una relació molt més profunda que la normal entre germans. Jesse, l'altre germà, queda sempre en un segon terme. Quan l'Anne fa onze anys, decideix emancipar-se mèdicament i per això contracta un advocat molt famós, que inicia un procés legal que dividirà la família.
La Julie ha fet trenta anys i la seva vida és un desastre existencial. Ja ha desaprofitat part del seu talent i el seu xicot, l'Aksel, un reeixit novel·lista gràfic més gran que ella, la pressiona perquè contingui la seva energia creativa i posi seny. Una nit en una festa coneix un jove encantador, l'Eivind. Trigarà poc a trencar amb l'Aksel i embarcar-se en una nova relació amb l'esperança que la seva vida adquireixi una perspectiva nova. Tot i això, haurà d'adonar-se que ja és massa tard per a certes opcions vitals.
Dos malalts terminals, de personalitats i mons completament oposats, fan amistat en compartir la mateixa malaltia, el càncer. L'Edward Cole és un milionari arrogant i en Carter Chambers és un mecànic de classe modesta. Malgrat tot, decideixen fer junts l'últim tros del camí.
Història d’amor de dos universitaris de Harvard que pertanyen a classes socials molt diferents. L’Oliver Barrett IV és fill d’un poderós banquer, mentre que el pare de la Jenny és un humil emigrant italià. Tot i això, s’enamoren, però una malaltia els enfrontarà a una cosa molt més greu que les diferències socials.
L'astronauta Neil Armstrong s'enfronta a la missió espacial que el convertiria en el primer home a trepitjar la Lluna. La NASA va dur a terme entre 1961 i 1969 un programa espacial encaminat a aconseguir que l'Apol·lo 11 aconseguís arribar al satèl·lit.
Walter White, a New Mexico chemistry teacher, is diagnosed with Stage III cancer and given a prognosis of only two years left to live. He becomes filled with a sense of fearlessness and an unrelenting desire to secure his family's financial future at any cost as he enters the dangerous world of drugs and crime.
Every summer, Belly and her family head to the Fishers’ beach house in Cousins. Every summer is the same ... until Belly turns sixteen. Relationships will be tested, painful truths will be revealed, and Belly will be forever changed. It’s a summer of first love, first heartbreak and growing up — it's the summer she turns pretty.
A divorcee with cancer and a penniless single father meet and heal their wounds with the help of each other. Do Yeon-Hee (Choi Jung-Yoon) is the only daughter-in-law of a family, who runs the Rara Group. She has a perfect life, but her husband cheats on her. Due to the other woman, Do Yeon-Hee’s life changes completely. Han Jae-Kyeong (Ahn Jae-Mo) used to be a professional golfer. To let his wife achieve her dream and support her while she studies abroad, he quit playing golf and became a golfing instructor at a practice facility. He raises his son by himself, while his wife is away. When his wife returns to South Korea, she asks him for a divorce.
Lin Zhixiao's entire world is turned upside down just before graduation. Her father is hospitalized after being diagnosed with cancer which leaves her no choice but to give up an important job opportunity. She and her boyfriend also break up. In an instant, all of her hopes and dreams for the future are gone. At this time, Gu Wei, her father's attending physician, walks into Lin Zhixiao's life. Love has the tendency to creep up on you when you're not looking. Two people who have been hurt before gradually get to know each other and fall in love. They go through doubts and hit road bumps, they experience misunderstandings and trying times, but in the process of falling in love, they realize that they are made for each other.
Nathalie Lapointe is in her early forties, a single mother of three with a successful career as columnist at a major newspaper. Just as she’s starting to think she might be able to pay more attention to her own needs, she gets terrible news: the cancer from which she recovered two years previously is back. How can she break the news to her kids? How can the family plan for the future with this sword of Damocles hanging over them? Despite the shock, life goes on. Nathalie must cope with evolving circumstances at the paper as well as at home. She wonders if she can allow herself to fall in love with her daughters’ school principal. As for her children, they must deal with their own teenage life challenges, all the while knowing that their mother may soon be gone. Nathalie’s best friend and neighbor is particularly hard-hit by the news: she’s already suffering from her husband’s infidelity and from the absence of her son, who is overseas. Nathalie’s misfortune also has a powerful effect on her three siblings. They must re-think their priorities at a time when all three are facing crucial choices in their emotional and professional lives. For Nathalie’s parents Janine and Gérard, her illness makes no sense. How do you face the very real possibility that your child will die before you?
Set in contemporary Montreal, “This Life” is a family saga focusing on Natalie Lawson, an accomplished columnist and single mother in her early forties whose terminal cancer diagnosis sends her on a quest to prepare her teenage children for life without her. Her tight-knit family – sister, two brothers and parents – do the best they can to help her, while coping with their own responses to this revelation.
Life is ever-delightful — and ever-challenging — for a group of friends in their twilight years as they rediscover themselves through love and family.
When Amina gets diagnosed with cancer close to her wedding, she gets abandoned by her fiancé under his family's pressure. This all serves as a wake-up call which makes her reflect on her relationships with the people in her life. Her elevated sense of maturity makes her value what and who truly matter in her life.
Polseres vermelles and Pulseras Rojas in Spanish, is a Catalan television show. The first season aired on TV3 in 2011, with a second season planned for 2013. The show was created by Albert Espinosa and draws on his childhood experiences as a hospital patient. Espinosa and director-producer Pau Freixas had previously worked together on the film Herois. The show tells the story of a group of Catalan children and teenagers who meet as patients in the children's wing of a hospital. Themes include friendship, the will to live, and the desire to overcome adversity. The show was originally planned for four seasons, with the second one premiering on January 2013. In October 2011, it was announced that Steven Spielberg's DreamWorks and Marta Kauffman had reached an agreement with TV3 for an American remake of Polseres Vermelles. The Spanish channel Antena 3 aired the first season, dubbed into Spanish as Pulseras rojas, in summer 2012. On 11 December 2012, TV3 announced 14 January 2013 as the premiere date for its second season. Antena 3 will premiere it dubbed later in 2013.
A group of friends from Boston who feel stuck in life experience an unexpected wake-up call after one of their friends dies unexpectedly.
The memory of their painful breakup still fresh in their minds, two former lovers reunite years later as a top actor and a documentary producer.
A suburban mother faces her cancer diagnosis while trying to find humor and happiness as well.
A journey into the heart of a 13-year-old girl diagnosed with leukemia. Far from being overwhelmed, she discovers rather an impressive force of character that helps her fight her illness.
Raúl's world is unraveling. Marta's unexpectedly pregnant. After a funeral meet-cute brings them together, they stumble through the chaos of life and love.
Lifelong best friends Alexa and Katie are eagerly anticipating the start of their freshman year of high school. The pals confront a crisis that leaves them feeling like outsiders at a time when what seems to matter most is fitting in.
A story of hope and despair surrounding the lives of a mother and son from a small town in Subei. The 18-year-old Ding Xiao Jun who lives with his mother Ding Bi Yun has been admitted to a university in Beijing. However, as soon as he entered university, he is ridiculed by his classmates. Ding Xiao Jun starts to rebel until he gets a warning that he will no longer graduate. Luckily, his mother gets through to him in time for him to pull himself together and earn enough credits to graduate.
April, an aspiring journalist, is balancing her ambitious career with her family and a new office romance. In an unexpected twist of fate, April learns that she has leukemia.
The Cazalets is a 2001 five-episode television drama series about the life of a large privileged family in the years 1937 to 1947. Most of the action takes place in London, and at the family's large estate in Sussex. The drama was based on the novels of Elizabeth Jane Howard, and adapted by the screenwriter Douglas Livingstone. The series was originally produced by Cinema Verity for BBC One and is available on DVD.
Midori is a married woman with a happy home life, a child, and a job as a speech therapist. One day, Midori is diagnosed with liver cancer and finds herself face to face with her first love; a man whose betrayal had left her deeply scarred. They are forced to put their past aside and work together to save her life.