Freud's Last Session 2023
Priča o Freudu koji poziva legendarnog pisca C.S. Lewisa da raspravljaju o postojanju Boga. Prikazuje i njegov jedinstven odnos sa njegovom kćerkom, i Lewisov nekonvencionalan odnos sa majkom njegovog najboljeg prijatelja…
Priča o Freudu koji poziva legendarnog pisca C.S. Lewisa da raspravljaju o postojanju Boga. Prikazuje i njegov jedinstven odnos sa njegovom kćerkom, i Lewisov nekonvencionalan odnos sa majkom njegovog najboljeg prijatelja…
The legacy of famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud informs the lives of people throughout the world even to this day, though it's a phenomenon to which most are unaware. The film is an exhaustive examination of his theories on human desire, and how they're applied to platforms such as advertising, consumerism and politics.
A journey that tells the thought of the greatest protagonists of Western philosophy, from its origins to the great thinkers of the twentieth century, through the story of great contemporary philosophers.