
Sicario 2015


Idealističnu FBI-evu agenticu Kate Macer regrutiraju u elitnu vladinu postrojbu specijalaca koji pomažu Meksikancima u borbi protiv narkokartela, a koju vodi enigmatični konzultant sumnjive prošlosti Alejandro. Ona nije svjesna da se zatekla u svijetu u kojem je čovjek čovjeku vuk, gdje praktički nema razlike između dobra i zla, pogotovo kad treba raščistiti račune iz prošlosti u kojoj je ženi našeg junaka bila odrubljena glava.



Fury 2014


Radnja ove ratne priče smje­štena je u travanj 1945. Dok Saveznici vode završne bitke na europskom tlu narednik Wardaddy (Brad Pitt) upravlja tenkom Sherman i peteročlanim timom neiskusnih vojnika pokušavajući se probiti preko neprijateljskih linija do srca nacističke Njemačke. Ova neobična šačica ljudi bez izgleda učinit će sve kako bi došli do cilja i izvršili zadatak…


DAHMER - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story

DAHMER - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story 2022


This series examines the gruesome and horrific true crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer and the systemic failures that enabled one of America’s most notorious serial killers to continue his murderous spree in plain sight for over a decade.


The Crow: Stairway to Heaven

The Crow: Stairway to Heaven 1998


The Crow: Stairway to Heaven was a 1998 Canadian television series created by Bryce Zabel spun off from the The Crow film series starring Mark Dacascos in the lead role as Eric Draven, reprising the role originally played by Brandon Lee in the 1994 film The Crow.



HAPPY! 2017


Corrupt ex-cop turned hitman Nick Sax's life is changed forever by a relentlessly positive, imaginary blue winged horse named Happy.


The Chestnut Man

The Chestnut Man 2021


At a grisly murder scene sits a figurine made of chestnuts. From this creepy clue, two detectives hunt a killer linked to a politician's missing child.