Lionel Belmore Франкенщайн The Ghost of Frankenstein Son of Frankenstein Little Lord Fauntleroy Never the Twain Shall Meet Le Spectre vert Hell's Island Кулата на Лондон The Prince and the Pauper The Sunset Derby The Demi-Bride Парад на любовта The Blackbird Театралният идол Stark Mad Stingaree Приключенията на Робин Худ Monte Carlo Bardelys the Magnificent The Galloping Kid Ot fronta na voynata na fronta v zhivota Jane Eyre Wanted, A Mother Malay Nights The Kentucky Derby Master Will Shakespeare The Dice Woman Love Comes Along Alexander Hamilton Service de Luxe The Great Junction Hotel The Constant Woman Sweet Kitty Bellairs Playing Around The Warrior's Husband Hitch Hike Lady The Personal History, Adventures, Experience, & Observation of David Copperfield the Younger River's End The Circus Kid Leap to Fame The Rogue Song I Am Suzanne! One Heavenly Night The Wasp The Student Prince in Old Heidelberg Jes' Call Me Jim The Great Lover Guile of Women Head Over Heels Captain of the Guard Red Morning Oliver Twist The Sea Hawk Run, Girl, Run Kindred of the Dust The Affairs of Cellini Iron to Gold The Return of Peter Grimm Cardinal Richelieu It's Love I'm After Red Lights The White Angel Range Riders Caravan The Sun Never Sets The Vampire Bat Знакът на кръста Design for Living The Hunchback of Notre Dame The Man Called Back Winners Of The Wilderness Oliver Twist Cavalcade Daybreak Within the Law Bonnie Scotland Maid of Salem Shipwrecked Mutiny on the Bounty Devil-May-Care Rule 'Em and Weep Police Court The Return of Grey Wolf Ten Nights in a Bar-room Madame Behave Vanessa: Her Love Story The Three Musketeers My Son, My Son! The Son of Monte Cristo Tom Brown's School Days Enter Madame The Man Who Fights Alone Meet the Baron Topper The Play Girl The Silent Watcher A Boy of Flanders Life in Hollywood No. 7 The Redeeming Sin Vanity Fair Три епохи Heart Trouble Godless Men Evidence The Man Who Had Everything Peg o' My Heart Kiss Me Again Cleopatra Without Mercy From Headquarters Jazzmania The Boudoir Diplomat A Lady of Quality The World's Champion Diamond Frontier The Last of the Mohicans The Romance Of Robert Burns Цар на царете The Declaration of Independence Ужасната нощ Moonlight Follies Lucky Fool If I Were King The Big Parade of Comedy Rulers of the Sea Толкова голям! Safe in Hell Eve's Secret Milestones One Rainy Afternoon Rose-Marie The Checkered Flag The Toast of New York Berkeley Square Pie a la Maid The Doll Shop A Shocking Night The Strange Boarder Clive of India Hollywood Halfbacks West Wind His Royal Highness The Beautiful Mrs. Reynolds Shame Forced Landing The Supreme Sacrifice The Ruling Power The Wasp In the Latin Quarter Britton of the Seventh West Wind From the Dregs His Bunkie