Сватбен сезон

Сватбен сезон 2002


Hoвaтa ĸoлeĸция на мoднaтa дизaйнepĸa Meлaни Kapмaйĸъл се пpeвpъщa в xит нa ceдмицaтa нa мoдaтa в Hю Йopĸ. Cгoдeнa e зa нaй-жeлaния epгeн в гpaдa, cинa нa ĸмeтицaтa. Bcичĸo в живoтa нa Meлaни e пepфeĸтнo, c изĸлючeниe нa eднo – тя вce oщe e oмъжeнa зa любимия cи oт гимнaзиятa, пpoвинциaлнoтo мoмчe Джeйĸ, ĸoйтo yпopитo oтĸaзвa дa ѝ дaдe paзвoд. Tвъpдo peшeнa дa cлoжи ĸpaй нa бpaĸa cи и дa cĸъca зaвинaги вpъзĸитe c минaлoтo, Meлaни се вpъщa в Aлaбaмa. Ho poдният дoм я плeнявa и cпoмeнитe се cъбyждaт. Moжe би тя изoбщo нe иcĸa тoвa, зa ĸoeтo се e бopилa.


Мис Слоун

Мис Слоун 2016


Елизабет Слоун е политически посредник, който се заема с непосилната задача да прокара нов закон за налагане на контрол върху оръжията през силното оръжейно лоби във Вашингтон. Тя си спечелва доста врагове, което се отразява както на професионалния й, така и на личния й живот.


Повелителят на конете

Повелителят на конете 1998


След тежка злополука по време на езда, едно момиче и неговият любим кон са наранени физически и емоционално. Решена да помогне на детето си, отчаяната му майка, изоставя напрегнатия си градски живот и тръгва на запад да търси “Повелителят на конете”. Когато открива този грубоват, земен човек, тя разбира, че неговата изключителна дарба да помага на животните преобръща и живота на хората около него.


Работещо момиче

Работещо момиче 1988


Служебен роман по американски: амбициозна секретарка се опитва да надхитри шефката си като сключи голяма сделка с помощта на мъж, в когото се влюбва... "Работешо момиче" е великолепна преработка на най-модерния мит сред момичетата - историята на Пепеляшка-фирмаджийка с елементи на самоизградил се Пигмалион. Тази превъзходна романтична комедия със своя жив актьорски екип се гледа леко като въртящи се бални рокли и танцуващи крака. Но колко по-трудно е да бъдеш приказна героиня в наши дни!


Втори шанс

Втори шанс 2018


Джей Ло е в ролята на Мая, 40-годишна жена, опитваща се да преодолее разочарованието на несбъднатите си мечти. Но ето, че се случва чудото. Благодарение на фалшива диплома от бизнес университет, подправени снимки с Барак Обама и несъществуващо пътуване до Килиманджаро, пред Мая се откриват много нови възможности. Така тя се сдобива с нова работа и с лъскав офис с убийствена гледка, в комплект с още по-разкошен апартамент.


Тя, дяволът

Тя, дяволът 1989


Непривлекателна съпруга решава да отмъсти на мъжа си, който я зарязва заради бляскава авторка на любовни романи.


Идеалният образ

Идеалният образ 1997


Възхитително красивата, но същевременно и не по-малко амбициозната Кейт е решена да са издигне в служебната йерархия - от чиновническата си работа в рекламна агенция до ръководна длъжност. С не по-малка решимост тя иска да спечели сърцето на Сам - прекалено учтивия и нерешителен Ромео на агенцията, който предпочита потайни връзки с обвързани жени. Кейт постига и двете си цели, като се преструва, че ще се омъжва за Ник - мъжа, който тя среща на една сватба и почти не познава. Но добре съчиненият й измислен живот се сблъсква с реалността, когото шефът й решава, че трябва да я запознае с Ник. Това напълно обърква личния и професионалния живот на Кейт.



Справедливост 2016


Опитният инвестиционен банкер Наоми Бишъп прави всичко възможно, за да се издигне в корпоративната йерархия в престижната фирма на Уол Стрийт, в която работи. Тя се занимава с противоречиво първично публично предлагане на технологична фирма, където много неща са под въпрос, регулациите са стегнати, а напрежение да докараш големите пари е високо. Филмът е за жените на Уол Стрийт, които са готови да се изправят срещу конкуренцията, да подготвят сделки и стратегии и внимателно да организират всеки аспект от живота си – професионален или личен, за да останат в играта.



Бейби-бум 1987


Джей Си Уайът (Даян Кийтън) е успяла нюйоркска бизнес дама и работохолик. Скоро обаче научава, че е наследила малко дете от покоен далечен роднина. Виждайки, че не успява да се справя с кариерата си и с дете вкъщи тя се мести от града в провинцията и започва процъфтяващ бизнес с продажбата на ябълково пюре за бебета. Тя научава, че служебният успех може да се балансира със щастлив и пълноценен личен живот.



Glitter 2001


Били е потиснато момиче, растящо в гаден нюйоркски квартал, изоставено от своята майка-наркоманка и мечтаещо за слава. Демо-запис на нейната група е чут от Джулиън Дайс - подъл диджей и музикален продуцент, чиято територия е клубната сцена от началото на 80-те години. Тя се влюбва в него, но отношенията помежду им са сложни. Това обаче не пречи нейната кариера да се развива успешно - тя става прочута и преуспяваща певица.


Развален английски

Развален английски 2007


Нора вече е прехвърлила 30, всички около нея или имат връзки, или са женени и с деца, а тя чак сега открива любовта.


Проверка на цената

Проверка на цената 2012


Някога Питър е имал големи мечти да стане рок звезда, но сега е доволен от скучната си работа в счетоводния отдел на застрашително бързо западаща верига супермаркети. Един ден обаче новата му шефка Сюзан разбива на пух и прах неговия спокоен и подреден живот, съобщавайки му новината, че е решила да го повиши. Новата позиция и вървящите в комплект с нея пари са примамлива оферта, но дали младият мъж е готов да направи всичко, което се изисква от него, за да ги вземе? Успехът си има цена и понякога тя се оказва твърде висока.


Designing Women

Designing Women 1986


Julia Sugarbaker, Mary Jo Shively, Charlene Frazier-Stillfield and Suzanne Sugarbaker are associates at their design firm, Sugarbaker and Associates. Julia is the owner and is very outspoken and strong-willed. Mary Jo is a divorced single-parent whom is just as strong-willed as Julia, but isn't as self-confident. Charlene is the naive and trusting farm girl from Poplar Bluff, Missouri. Suzanne is the self-centered ex-beauty queen whom has a number of wealthy ex-husbands.


Yumi's Cells

Yumi's Cells 2021


Yumi is a 30-year old, ordinary woman who struggles with expressing her feelings. Told from the perspective of the many brain cells in her head, she experiences growth in both her love life, her career, and finds happiness in the small joys of everyday life.


Find Yourself

Find Yourself 2020


A love story between an accomplished career woman and a younger man... He Fan Xing's company is at risk of being acquired, while her relationship with Yuan Song faces societal pressures due to their age difference. The consecutive blows in her work and love life push her to an emotional quagmire, and it is during this time that Ye Lu Ming enters her life. Being older in age, he is mature, stable and knowledgeable. He becomes He Fan Xing's life coach and the source of conflict between the couple. For He Fan Xing, it's not merely a matter of choosing the man that she loves, but considering the contradictions of adopting the traditional mindset on marriage.


Lipstick Jungle

Lipstick Jungle 2008


Lipstick Jungle is an American comedy-drama television series created by DeAnn Heline and Eileen Heisler for NBC Universal Television Studio. The hour-long series was based on the best-selling novel of the same name by Candace Bushnell, who also served as executive producer alongside showrunner/head writer Oliver Goldstick. The pilot was directed by Gary Winick.


Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous 1992


Set in the world of fashion and PR, immature fun-loving mother Edina Monsoon and her best friend Patsy drive Eddie's sensible daughter, Saffron, up the wall with their constant drug abuse and outrageous selfishness. Numerous in-jokes and heavy doses of cruel humour have made this series a cult hit in the UK and abroad.


Single Ladies Senior

Single Ladies Senior 2018


Four best friends from college are finding success as modern career women. Wang Mi Na, Yin Ge Li, Weng Mei Yan and Bai Ya Xuan are considered princesses in a tower because of their focus on their work and careers. But as they each face their own challenges of career vs. relationship, must they make a choice or can they have both?


Vanderpump Rules

Vanderpump Rules 2013


Follow the passionate, volatile and hot-and-bothered-staff at Lisa Vanderpump’s West Hollywood mainstay SUR. Lisa balances her motherly instincts and shrewd business sense to keep control over this wild group of employees as they pursue their dreams and each other while working at her “Sexy, Unique Restaurant.”



Dirt 2007


Dirt is an American television serial broadcast on the FX network. It premiered on January 2, 2007 and starred Courteney Cox as Lucy Spiller, the editor-in-chief of the first-of-its-kind "glossy tabloid" magazine DirtNow, which was previously two separate publications: drrt and Now.


I Don't Love You Yet

I Don't Love You Yet 2019


Mitari Yo is a career woman who works for a shoe company. She finds her work rewarding and has successfully advanced in her career. Her love life, on the other hand, isn't doing as well. Ishida Ren works for a real estate developer and is Yo’s best friend. An ex-classmate from both high school and university days, he understands her best and is the only person she pours her heart out to. On Yo’s 29th birthday, the two friends place a wager to give 300,000 yen as a congratulatory gift to the one who is the first to get married by the last day they are 30. Although they declare that it is impossible for them to fall in love with each other, this wager, as well as advances by Ren’s junior in the company and Yo’s reunion with her ex-boyfriend, lead to gradual changes in the relationship of the two best friends.


Veronica's Closet

Veronica's Closet 1997


Veronica 'Ronnie' Chase is the 'Queen of Romance.' Founder of a successful lingerie empire, and best-selling author of self-help romance books, Ronnie has it all ... money, success, sex appeal and a philandering husband. How she will find true happiness without jeopardizing her business will be her biggest challenge yet.


Cedar Cove

Cedar Cove 2013


Judge Olivia Lockhart is considered the community's guiding light in the picturesque, coastal town of Cedar Cove, Washington. But like everyone else, Olivia fights the uphill battle of balancing career with family and finding love, all the while doing her best to care for the township she calls home. Based on best-selling author Debbie Macomber’s beloved book series.


Cold Blooded Intern

Cold Blooded Intern 2023


A woman in her 40s returns to work as an intern after seven years of being disconnected from work, and starts to endure and survive in a jungle-like society again.


Modern City

Modern City 2021


Song Si Ning, the HR director of Changcheng Insurance Company, and Li Jun Long, the GM of a startup company, are a married couple, working together in the metropolis. They always have disputes over the education of their daughter Dora. Li Jun Long also wanted to have another child but Si Ning was in the peak of her career. Song Si Ning found herself at the crossroads of life, career- to advance or to retreat? Marriage-to hold on or to let go? In this family game, the couple carefully tasted the bitter and sweet that life throws at them.


Almost Perfect

Almost Perfect 1995


Almost Perfect is an American situation comedy that aired on the CBS television network from September 17, 1995 until October 30, 1996. The series focused on the professional life of the female executive producer of a television cop show, her witty, zany staff which doubled as her family, and initially, how she balanced her high-powered role with that of her newfound romance with a busy assistant D.A. The series was created by Ken Levine, David Isaacs and Robin Schiff, and produced by Levine & Isaacs Productions and Robin Schiff Productions, in association with Paramount Television. Levine and Isaacs were previously known for their work as writers and producers on the long-running Paramount-produced Cheers, as well as on its Paramount stablemate Wings. Like the latter shows, Almost Perfect featured a tight-knit ensemble aspect between the cast, which in this case was formed by the production staff of the fictional cop show. CBS canceled the series just four episodes into its second season. Six leftover episodes aired on Lifetime in December 1997, followed by reruns of the entire series surfacing on USA Network's weekday morning lineup between 1998 and 2001.


Search: WWW

Search: WWW 2019


The stories of ambitious career women working at the top of the best portal sites in the IT industry. Paved with wins and losses, their road to success takes a new turn when love comes along the way.


The Defence

The Defence 2018


Three-year-old Nikola Szlezyngier disappears in unexplained circumstances and her parents Angelika and Dawid are the main suspects. Angelika contacts an old friend Joanna Chylka, a brilliant, cynical and successful lawyer to help. With her new apprentice Kordian, Joanna will try to bring the case to a happy close.


Style & Substance

Style & Substance 1998


Style & Substance was a television situation comedy that premiered on CBS July 22, 1998. The show starred Jean Smart as Chelsea Stevens, a Martha Stewart-like star of a how-to home show, and Nancy McKeon as her producer, Jane Sokol, a small-town girl new to New York City. Chelsea Stevens was an expert cook, decorator, and party planner who knew much more about thread-count than she did relationships. She was well-meaning at times, but her narcissism usually got in the way of actually understanding anyone else's problems.


Baby Boom

Baby Boom 1988


Baby Boom is an American sitcom series starring Kate Jackson. The series is based on the 1987 film Baby Boom. The pilot premiered September 10, 1988 on NBC, and the series began on November 2, 1988.


Love Yourself

Love Yourself 2020


Television reporter Sun Yihe, corporate manager Ren Ran, the optimistic Dingding and single mother Xue Kairui are all on the cusp of turning thirty and have reached career bottlenecks. Their love lives don’t go too smoothly either, as all sorts of conflicts and problems start to surface when they begin dating.


A Woman of Substance

A Woman of Substance 1985


The life of Emma Harte, from kitchen maid at the beginning of the twentieth century, to respected business woman and grandmother in the 1980s. From humble beginnings, Emma Harte starts her business with a small shop, but over the next twenty years, she expands her stores and invests in the growing textile industry in Leeds.