Балада за Джоузи 1968
Джоузи Миник е вдовица, която е принудена да се грижи сама за себе си. Тъй като живее в говедовъдна област, тя влиза в кавги и разпри с скотовъдите от града, когато решава да гледа овце, за да се издържа.
Джоузи Миник е вдовица, която е принудена да се грижи сама за себе си. Тъй като живее в говедовъдна област, тя влиза в кавги и разпри с скотовъдите от града, когато решава да гледа овце, за да се издържа.
Лява интелектуалка става католичка и основава кухни за бедните.
It's 1910 and we're in Banbury church hall at the Banbury Intricate Craft Circle. Margaret has been to London and discovered the Women's Suffrage movement so she decides they need to set up their own movement and The Banbury Intricate Craft Circle becomes the hilariously ineffectual Banbury Intricate Craft Circle politely request women's Suffrage. Gwen is the only member who actually enjoys the craft element of the meetings, while Helen thinks that craft is a little unnecessary, but she's not interested in women's rights: "What on earth do women need a vote for? My husband votes for who I tell him to vote for. What could be a better system than that?"
The little-known story of one of the most compelling political movements and friendships in American history.
One hundred years after the passage of the 19th Amendment, The Vote tells the dramatic culmination story of the hard-fought campaign waged by American women for the right to vote — a transformative cultural and political movement that resulted in the largest expansion of voting rights in U.S. history.
One hundred years after Australia elected its very first female parliamentarian, Annabel Crabb presents Ms Represented, a raw and honest account of politics from the female perspective.