007: Д-р Но

007: Д-р Но 1962


Мисията на Джеймс Бонд го отвежда в Ямайка, където тайнствени енергийни вълни смущават военните опити на американската база. С помощта на елитния агент на ЦРУ Фелик Лейтър и прекрасната Хъни Райдър търси главния щаб на Доктор Но - фанатичен учен, който се опитва да задейства зъл план за завладяването на света. Само Джеймс Бонд, с неговия блестящ ум, обаятелност и умение, може да спаси човешката раса от злата й участ...



21 2008


Промениш ли правилата, променя се играта. Филмът е вдъхновен от действителната история на колежани, които се специализират в броене на карти и така измъкват милиони долари от казината в Лас Вегас. Търсейки начин да събере пари за обучението си, Бен Кембъл попада сред групата на най-надарените математици в колежа, които провеждат извънучебните си занятия във Вегас. Под ръководството на брилянтен професор и екипирани с фалшиви лични карти, интелект и сложна система за броене на карти, Бен и новите му приятели успяват да натрупат големи печалби дори и в най-недостъпните казина.



Остров 2000


Островът е отдалечена рибарска колония, достижима само по скрит път в гората. Обкръжаващото го езеро е осеяно с паянтови плаващи колиби за риболовците, дошли за уикенда. Хе-джин е няма камериерка - жена, която преживява, продавайки храна на рибарите денем и тялото си нощем. Един ден бившото ченге Хюн-шик пристига на острова, криейки ужасна тайна от миналото си. Хе-джин натрапчиво го следи, заинтригувана от откриването на друга изгубена душа. Когато той се опитва да се самоубие, Хе-джин се гмурка под колибата на Хюн-шик и го хваща за крака, отмествайки пистолета от устата му. Този инцидент поставя началото на странната им любовна връзка. Рибарските куки играят важна роля - буквално и преносно - в техните параноични игри и нарастващо чувство на привързаност; както и убийството, и сложно замисленото отмъщение.



Шофьорът 1978


Шофьорът е най-добрият човек зад волана, който може да бъде нает. Неговата специалност е да измъква участниците във въоръжен грабеж от досадната компания на ченгетата. Тарифата му е висока, но той си заработва всичко до последния цент.


Ю-Ги-О!: Тъмната страна на измеренията

Ю-Ги-О!: Тъмната страна на измеренията 2016


Шест месеца след събитията в мангата "Yu-Gi-Oh!" Юги Муто и приятелите му са последна година в гимназията и обсъждат бъдещето си. Междувременно Сето Кайба организира разкопки, за да върне разглобения Хилядолетен пъзел от руините на Хилядолетния храм.


Убиецът на шанса

Убиецът на шанса 2003


Най-нещастният човек в Лас Вегас, прочут с абсолютната си липса на късмет, е принуден от управата на старо гангстерско казино, на което е задлъжнял със сто хиляди долара, да пречи на печелившите играчи. И той го прави успешно - достатъчно е да застане до някой на който му върви и лошият късмет проработва веднага - човекът започва да губи и губи до край. Но всичко това се променя рязко, когато изключителният неудачник се влюбва в една сервитьорка и получава взаимност на чувствата си. Последвалите събития са достойни за перото на най-големите майстори на трилъра. Мафия, пари, заплахи, изобщо трагедия. И изходът съвсем не е ясен на хоризонта в Лас Вегас.


Добродетелен крадец

Добродетелен крадец 2002


Режисьорът Нийл Джордан е ангажирал много силен състав за създаването на този филм. Ник Нолти е Боб, застаряващ крадец-американец, живеещ в Ница. Отдал се на хазарта и наркотиците, той неотклонно върви към своето морално и физическо унищожение. Изведнъж на пътя му се явява Ан, 17 годишна емигрантка, принудена да проституира. В пристъп на благородство той я освобождава от нейния сутеньор и това съвпада с офертата за обир на трезора на известно казино в Монте Карло. Боб замисля хитър двоен обир-измама. За целта продава прецизен фалшификат на картина на Пикасо на един международен трафикант /в ролята Ралф Файнс, "Английският пациент"/ и с неговите пари организира групата си. Всичко, което се случва след това е смесица от хумор, екшън, любов и престъпление.


Cardfight!! Vanguard

Cardfight!! Vanguard 2011


Aichi Sendou is a timid third-year middle school student who has always lived his life looking backwards rather than forward. However, he has a card called "Blaster Blade" that was given to him when he was little, which is the sole thing that sustains him. Then Toshiki Kai, a cool-hearted high schooler, introduces Aichi to a card game called "Vanguard". When participants battle they picture they are on a planet called "Clay", and since Vanguard features a never before seen game system it has become popular around the world. Aichi immediately likes Vanguard, so he begins to play it with his friends Misaki Togura and Kamui Katsuragi, and others like his new rival Kai (who is one of the best Vanguard players). Aichi plays every day and he strives with all his soul and heart to play better, so when he battles Kai, Kai will recognize Aichi's worth.



Chihayafuru 2011


Chihaya Ayase has spent most of her life supporting her sister’s model career. When she meets a boy named Arata Wataya, he thinks Chihaya has potential to become a great karuta player. As Chihaya dreams of becoming Japan's best karuta player, she is soon separated from her karuta playing friends. Now in high school, Chihaya still plays karuta in the hope that she will one day meet her friends again.



Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS 2017


Den City is a city with advanced network systems in which a VR space called LINK VRAINS was created by SOL Technologies. The Knights of Hanoi, a group that hacks through dueling, as well as SOL Technologies are seeking a mysterious AI program. Yusaku Fujiki, also known as Playmaker, is a first year high school student who manages to capture this AI program while trying to find out the truth about an incident in the past.


Duel Masters

Duel Masters 2002


A mysterious organization is interested in fledging duelist Shobu Kirifuda's ability to bring Duel Master creatures to life. With the support of his friends, Shobu duels with passion, discipline, and heart as he strives to be like his father and become the next Kaijudo master.


Battle Spirits: Shonen Toppa Bashin

Battle Spirits: Shonen Toppa Bashin 2008


Bashin is a grade 6 student who loves trading card games. The globally popular card game Battle Spirits is all the rage. Through some strange circumstances, Bashin acquires a Pyroxene which gives Bashin the ability to become a Card Battler. He can summon the monster Spirits depicted on the cards so they can fight each other. Bashin learns that the legendary X Rare Card actually exists, and he engages in fierce card battles with other rivals to get the X Rare Card.


Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 2000


Bullies often target someone frail and weak—someone exactly like Yûgi Muto. He treasures his Millennium Puzzle, an ancient Egyptian artifact that was brought into his grandfather's game shop. Believing that solving the puzzle will grant him his wish, he completes the puzzle, unleashing a new personality within him, the soul of the "King of Games." The new personality named Yami Yûgi is the exact opposite of Yûgi. Upon any injustice toward him, Yami Yûgi takes over Yûgi's body and forces the opponent into a "Shadow Game".


Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal

Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal 2011


When aspiring duelist Yuma meets Astral, a mysterious visitor from another universe, it seems like destiny. Yuma needs Astral to teach him how to duel, and Astral needs Yuma to help him regain his memories!


Cardfight!! Vanguard

Cardfight!! Vanguard 2018


The main protagonist Sendou Aichi, is a timid and mundane third-year middle school boy. The thing that supported Aichi's heart, was the "Blaster Blade" card that he received as a child. It's an important rare card from "Vanguard", a card game with the imaginary world of "Planet Cray" as its stage. From the day he reunited with the person who gave him that card "Toshiki Kai", Aichi's everyday life began to change.


Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V 2014


Yuya Sakaki's dream is to follow in his father's footsteps and become the greatest "duel-tainer" in history - and he just might pull it off when he suddenly discovers Pendulum Summoning, a never-before-seen technique that lets him summon many monsters at once!


Yu-Gi-Oh! Go Rush!!

Yu-Gi-Oh! Go Rush!! 2022


The anime is set in the birthplace of the popular card game Rush Duel, Mutsuba-cho. Twins Yūhi and Yuamu run UTS (Uchūjin Trouble Sōdansho or Alien Trouble Consulting), a group that (supposedly) gets rid of troublesome aliens from distant sectors of the galaxy via Rush Duel battles. However, one day, they find an actual spaceship, and inside they find Yudias, an alien from the Belgar Cluster. Yudias has come to Earth to search for Rush Duel to hopefully lead him and his friends (who have been chased out of their star system) into a new future. However, Yudias himself knows nothing about Rush Duel. Yūhi then challenges Yudias to a duel.


Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX 2004


Ten years after the Ceremonial Battle, a teenage boy named Judai Yuuki (Jaden Yuki) heads off in order to join the Duel Academia (Duel Academy) located on a remote island off the coast of Japan. There he meets his fellow students and gains a few friends, along with a few enemies. Judai is put into the lowest rank of Osiris Red (Slifer Red), but he continues to test his skills against the students and faculty to prove his worth as a Duelist and earn the respect of everyone around him.



Shadowverse 2020


The hottest battle is about to begin! While attending Tensei Academy, Hiro Ryugasaki ends up acquiring a mysterious smartphone. It comes installed with the popular card game, Shadowverse! Meeting new rivals, facing major tournaments, forging bonds with friends... Shadowverse leads Hiro to all sorts of new experiences, all that serve to "evolve" him...


Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's 2008


The future of dueling is revving up! And with it begins a new legend! Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's! Welcome to New Domino City! Once the playground to legendary duelist Yugi Muto, this sprawling metropolis has since been transformed into a futuristic society where dueling has kicked into overdrive. With recent technological advancements made by KaibaCorp, dueling has undergone a metamorphosis that has revolutionized the makeup and pace of the game! It’s now a heart-pounding, adrenaline-filled and fuel injected competition where duelists ride supercharged hyper cycles called Duel Runners and battle it out in hi-octane contests called “Turbo Duels.” The winners and losers aren’t just separated by skill and strength… but by SPEED! However, for five special duelists, it's not just about winning or losing anymore - it's about survival, for they are the chosen "Signers" who have been marked by destiny to uncover the secrets of the five dragons!


Battle Spirits: Double Drive

Battle Spirits: Double Drive 2016


Shunta, a boy who loves Battle Spirits, is led by a card and called to the “Spirits World” in another dimension. Eto, the priestess who summoned Shunta, warns of the Spirits World’s demise due to the evil God-King’s resurrection. In order to stop it, she says they must bring back together the twelve God-Kings for their powers. Joined by Yoku Albatrosa, a boy summoned from another dimension, Shunta is led by Eto on a journey to find the twelve God-Kings who are scattered throughout the world.


Future Card Buddyfight

Future Card Buddyfight 2014


It is the year 2030, and the stage is the capital of Japan, Chou-Tokyo. Through "Buddyfight", humans have started cultural interactions with residents from other worlds called "Affinity Dimensions". Buddyfight is a game with selected humans as the "Buddyfighter", and residents from the other world as the partner (known as "Buddy Monster"). These battles have high significance and sometimes it is even used to decide the fate of a nation, and naturally there are those who seek to use the Buddy Monsters for evil purposes.


Dragon Collection

Dragon Collection 2014


Through an unexpected turn of events, an ordinary elementary school student, Hiro Enryu, finds himself in the world of the "Dragon Collection" game. This is a world called Dragon Earth, where gods, humans, and monsters exist side by side. Those who roam this world using a magic book, called a Grimoire, and cards to summon monsters and search for treasures that bear the powers of dragons are called Dracolle Battlers. Despite his bewilderment, Hiro becomes a Dracolle Battler and, together with the friends he meets there, begins his adventure to become a legendary Dragon Master!



Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS 2020


Yuga can't wait to share Rush Dueling with every Duelist out there, but Goha Enterprises - the megacorp that controls the whole city - is having none of it! They're the ones who dictate how Duels are supposed to be played, so they're going to use everything in their arsenal to crush this kid! But if they think that's going to stop Yuga from building his road to freedom - they don't know Yuga!


Billy the Kid

Billy the Kid 2022


An epic romantic adventure series based on the life of famous American outlaw Billy the Kid — from his humble Irish roots, to his early days as a cowboy and gunslinger in the American frontier, to his pivotal role in the Lincoln County War and beyond.


Turning Mecard

Turning Mecard 2015


Grade-schooler Jason meets a Mecanimal, a transforming minicar from the alternate world of Triforce, named Evan. Jason and Evan are both searching for missing family members, and team up to help each other. Together, they meet more Mecanimals as they battle across dimensions and learn important lessons along the way.



Yu-Gi-Oh! 1998


A timid young boy who loves all sorts of games, one day solves an ancient puzzle known as the Millennium Puzzle, causing his body to play host to a mysterious spirit with the personality of a gambler.