Глэн Кэмпбэл

Глэн Кэмпбэл 2014


Гісторыя пра легенду кантры-музыкі Глен Кэмпбэл. Пра тое, як ён, змагаючыся з хваробай Альцгеймера, адправіўся ў развітальнае турнэ па ЗША, Аўстраліі і Еўропе.



Bagpuss 1974


Bagpuss is a UK children's television series, made by Peter Firmin and Oliver Postgate from 12 February 1974 to 7 May 1974 through their company Smallfilms. The title character was, "An old, saggy, cloth cat, baggy, and a bit loose at the seams." Although only 13 episodes of the show were made, it remains fondly remembered, and was regularly repeated in the UK for thirteen years. In 1999 Bagpuss topped a BBC poll for the UK's favourite children's TV programme.