Femmes femmes

Femmes femmes 1974


The fantasies and dreams of two over-the-hill actresses are intertwined with their realities, as the two roommates struggle to survive their day-to-day lives in the expensive and difficult world of Paris.


Lovely Swine

Lovely Swine 1973


Pierre used to be a top level football player but he quit. Now he is both a prestidigitator and a stool pigeon, benefiting from the protection of the chief inspector. In his dreams he is haunted by the horrors he saw (he took part in ?) during the Algerian War. Pierre lives with Marie, a young singer who performs at the same cabaret as him. Lately Marie has decided to start a career in the showbiz and Pierre is worried. Nothing alarming happens though, until a diabolical inspector, jealous of his superior, decides to manipulate Pierre. He also puts pressure on Poussin, Marie's pianist, and on Joseph, the night club's master of ceremony. What he wants is to compromise his superior and take his place. Will Pierre escape this ruthless trap?