Əjdaha Döyməsi Olan Qız

Əjdaha Döyməsi Olan Qız 2011


40 il əvvəl Harriet Vanqer heç bir iz qoymadan Vangerin qüdrətli qəbiləsinə aid olan adada yoxa çıxır.Onun cəsədini tapmaq mümkün olmadı.Ancaq əmisi əmin idi ki,o öldürülüb və qatil bu ailənin üzvüdür.O istintaqın aparılması üçün, jurnalist Mixail Blumkvist və haker Lisbet Salanderi tutur.



Nord 2009



It's Okay to Not Be Okay

It's Okay to Not Be Okay 2020


Desperate to escape from his emotional baggage and the heavy responsibility he’s had all his life, a psychiatric ward worker begins to heal with help from the unexpected – a woman who writes fairy tales but doesn’t believe in them.



Stranger 2017


Hwang Shi Mok underwent brain surgery as a child to curb his violent temper, which left him devoid of emotions. Hwang becomes a prosecutor known for his piercing intelligence and logic, but he is ostracized because he lacks empathy and social skills. He is also one of only a handful of upright prosecutors who have refused to take bribes. One day, he encounters a stabbing victim while investigating corruption. He meets Lieutenant Han Yeo Jin at the crime scene. They join forces to root out corruption at the prosecutors’ office and solve a serial murder case.


Flower of Evil

Flower of Evil 2020


Hiding a twisted past, a man maintains his facade as the perfect husband to his detective wife — until she begins investigating a series of murders.