Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 1913


Dr. Henry Jekyll experiments with scientific means of revealing the hidden, dark side of man and releases a murderer from within himself.


The Toss of a Coin

The Toss of a Coin 1911


A lost film. Dan Gardner, a young man, is down and out. Arrested as a tramp, he is thrown into jail. He is released with but a single coin in his pocket. Arriving at a bridge, he gazes into the water and his thoughts turn to suicide. He reaches in his pocket, extracts the coin and flips it up. Heads he dies and tails he lives. Farmer Barton, drives onto the scene keen to hire a man to assist him in his farm work. Dan is more than anxious to secure employment and accompanies the kind-hearted farmer home. Alice Barton is the farmer's daughter, and while working on the farm Dan begins to fall in love.


In Old Madrid

In Old Madrid 1911


A young Spanish couple want to be together, but are hindered by the girl's parents. They try a ruse to get a chance to be alone, but it is discovered. The young man then decides to resort to more daring methods.


For the Queen's Honor

For the Queen's Honor 1911


A lost film. The king is good-natured and doesn't suspect that the queen is plainly beginning to think too much of one of the courtiers. The queen's sister is aware of the situation and saves the queen by taking her place. This deceives the king, but he requires that the villain and the queen's sister be married which complicates the situation as the sister is in love with another courtier entirely.


The Rose's Story

The Rose's Story 1911


A lost film. Gerald Kinney is a man with plenty of money and wild excesses. one day he leaves his club and motors out into the country. In a pretty wooded dell he meets pretty Myrtle Edgar, a simple country maiden. She is a revelation to him, unlike any woman he has ever seen. Endeavoring to take liberties with her, he is repulsed, kindly but firmly. This is a new experience for him, seeing in her only the pure and holy. Roses grow in profusion in the pretty spot and she plucks one and fastens it on his lapel. The rose acts as a talisman. Whenever he is tempted to do wrong, he regards the flower. His friends rail at him and wish to learn his secret, but he guards it jealously.


The Portrait

The Portrait 1911


While painting the demure little model, Vera, who sat for him day after day, Reginald Spencer was unconscious of the fact that she was falling very deeply in love with him. Success comes Reginald's way and he has a commission to paint the portrait of a handsome society girl. Between the artist and this lady something like affection springs up and poor little Vera finds herself out in the cold and so plots her revenge.


When the Cat's Away

When the Cat's Away 1911


Mr. and Mrs. Parker leave their apartment to the care of their servants, Riley and his wife, while Mrs. Parker pays an extended visit to her mother, and Mr. Parker makes a business trip. Riley assists at the going away and the furniture is covered with care. Riley finds the need of some ready money, and he resolves to turn a penny his way by letting the apartments in the absence of his master and mistress.


Shamus O'Brien

Shamus O'Brien 1912


Based on JS Le Fanu's 1850 poem "Shamus O'Brien." Copies of this short film survive at the Library of Congress and British Film Institute.


Sweet Memories

Sweet Memories 1911


An elderly woman looks back on the special times in her life, thinking especially about her now-departed husband and the things they did together. Though it is sad that these times are now gone, she is comforted by her memories and by the hope of sharing in the lives of her child and grandchildren.


Back to the Soil

Back to the Soil 1911


A lost film. George Dupont, a young farmer, is living with his parents on the farm, while his sweetheart, Sadie Allen, resides on an adjoining farm. George finds rural life irksome and is satisfied that he has talent as an artist. He enters a school of art. Unfortunately, a year passes and his money is exhausted, so the instructor tells him he has no talent, and dismissed him from the school. George tries to write home of his failure, but his nerve fails him. Meanwhile those at home have been waiting in vain for a letter, so Sadie resolves to go to the city and look him up.



Science 1911


A lost film. Dr. Crawford and his wife with their little daughter, Elsie, are at home amusing themselves with the Scotch collie puppy, Imp, when another doctor is announced and he is shown an article in a newspaper which describes the providential rescue from drowning of the doctor's child by Lassie, the mother of Imp. Two more physician's arrive and announce that they have come to try an experiment with a newly discovered anesthetic. Dr. Crawford has a guinea pig, on which the experiment is to be tried, but it is discovered the animal has died, and the men of medicine are in a quandary. It is finally decided to use Imp, the puppy, for the experiment, despite the mild protest of Elsie.


The Fair Dentist

The Fair Dentist 1911


A lost film. Claude Marlow, Eugene Wilson and Fred Strong pose as a trio of mashers whom women cannot resist. However, They soon find have have met their match with the arrival of Edith Morton, the new dentist.


The Temptress

The Temptress 1911


Gilbert Irving and Bertie Erroll have been inseparable companions since boyhood. At a house party Mrs. Allen announces the engagement of her daughter, Lucille, to Gilbert and the pair are congratulated. At the reception Madam Eloise and her companion, a count, are introduced. Gilbert is at once infatuated by her charms, and neglects Lucille.


The Convert

The Convert 1911


A lost film. A young lieutenant is sent to the Philippines and is erroneously reported dead. His devastated fiancée ( Mary Pickford ) enters a convent and takes the vows. Problems transpire when the very much alive lieutenant returns.


For Her Brother's Sake

For Her Brother's Sake 1911


A lost film. Hiram Flint, a young gambler and horseman, loves Madge, the daughter of James Spotwood but she repulses him. He buys a mortgage on the farm of Spotwood. The interest on the mortgage is due to be paid but Owen, Spotwood's son gambles and loses the money at roulette. James Spotwood has given to Owen a thoroughbred and they enter it in a race at the county fair in an effort to get back the money lost. Flint also has a horse entered and drugs the Spotwood rider on the eve of the race.


The Dream

The Dream 1911


A loutish husband neglects his patient, loving wife to enjoy a night on the town. When he comes home drunk and irritable, he mistreats her. Then he falls asleep, and has a dream that causes him to reconsider the way that he treats his wife.



Ivanhoe 1913


Wilfred of Ivanhoe (played by King Baggot), son of Sir Cedric (played by Wallace Bosco), returns to England from the Crusades in the Holy Land. As Ivanhoe, disguised, discovers that his beloved Lady Rowena (played by Evelyn Hope) has remained faithful, two weary travelers, Isaac of York (played by Herbert Brenon) and his pretty daughter Rebecca (played by Leah Baird), are admitted to Sir Cedric's castle, but after the knights learn that Isaac has money they abduct the visitors to the Norman stronghold of Torquilstone Castle.


The Better Way

The Better Way 1911


A lost film. Louis Perry is discharged from the penitentiary, having served his sentence. He immediately resumes relations with his evil companions. One day he happens to meet Lillian Garvey, a Salvation Army worker. One of his companions insults her and Louis resents it and incurs his enmity. Lillian is the only good woman he has known for years and he learns to love her. Her influence tempts him to abandon the life he is leading, and he attends the services and becomes converted. Just at this juncture Madeline Raymond, a woman of the underworld, who was his sweetheart before he was arrested, again comes into his life.


The Call of the Song

The Call of the Song 1911


A lost film. Hugh Norton and Amy Gordon are sweethearts. Hugh receives an offer to enter the office of a business firm in the city. Hugh goes to the city, and mingles with the fast set. Amy visits the post office every day, awaiting news from her sweetheart that never comes.sweetheart. At school she reads the engagement of Hugh to a wealthy city woman. The shock is too much for her; it turns her brain. At a dinner, surrounded by his companions, a street singer appears and sings, "With the Last Rose of Summer, I'll Come Back to You." Hugh listens. In an instant it all comes back to him.