Ladri di biciclette

Ladri di biciclette 1948


أنطونيو ، وهو رجل عاطل عن العمل في اقتصاد ما بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية المكتئب في إيطاليا ، يجد أخيرًا وظيفة جيدة يعلق الملصقات ، والشرط الوحيد هو أن يكون لديه دراجته الخاصة. عندما تُسرق دراجة أنطونيو ، يضطر هو وابنه للسير في شوارع روما بحثًا عنها ، وإلا سيواجهون الدمار.


Perfetti sconosciuti

Perfetti sconosciuti 2016


أثناء عشاء ، قررت مجموعة من الأصدقاء مشاركة أي رسالة نصية أو مكالمة هاتفية يتلقونها خلال المساء - وينهار كل شيء.



Prisma 2022


An exploration of the relationships and identities of Marco and Andrea, 2 twins who look identical but approach life in a very different way. The twins begin a journey of discovery and transition from what they should be to what they want to be, which will also involve their group of friends, all united by the search for their place in the world.



Report 1997


A weekly current affairs Italian show


Il silenzio dell'acqua

Il silenzio dell'acqua 2019


The disappearance of a teenager is the starting point of an investigation that will bring to light the dark side of a small village by the sea. False tracks, hidden truths and secret relationships - nothing is quite what it seems.


Il maresciallo Rocca

Il maresciallo Rocca 1996


The adventures of the marshal of the carabinieri Giovanni Rocca, played by the great Gigi Proietti. Definitely one of the most successful Rai fictions ever, the series, after the first eight episodes broadcast in 1996, went on for six seasons, ending only in 2008. For over a decade the investigations and the private life of the marshal of Viterbo , born from an idea by Laura Toscano, have fascinated the television audience, making them become attached to characters such as the beautiful pharmacist Margherita (Stefania Sandrelli) or the brigadier Cacciapuoti (Sergio Fiorentini).